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,UNIT 6,Topic 3 Cycling is fun. Section B The second Period,BY SHIE LI YUGUANG MIDDLE SCHOOL April 17,2006,I. Analysis of the teaching material. 教材分析 II. Analysis of the teaching targets 教学目标分析 III. Analysis of the main teaching methods 教学方法分析 IV. Analysis of the learning methods 学习方法分析 V. Analysis of teaching process 教学流程分析 VI. Blackboard design 板书设计,Thank you!,I. Analysis of the teaching material. 教材分析,The position and the effect of the teaching material教材的地位与作用 2.The contents and key features of the teaching material教材的内容和特点 3.The focus and difficult points 重、难点 4. The settlement of the teaching material 教材的处理,According to the course standard and the position of this unit in the teaching material.,The focus: 1) If Clause. 2) Build students the consciousness of traffic safety ,educate them to Obey the rules and treasure their lives. The difficult points: If Clause.,Through a step-by-step progression, Project English is to build students confidence, lead them to open-ended activities and make language learning motivating and successful ,whats more, students can actively relate learning to their personal lives.,On the basic of Unit 6 Students Book B for Grade Seven, students will learn more about traffic signs、 rules and warn-ings and also come across If Clause in this Unit(Unit6). Section B, seen as an essential component of this Unit, continuous with several step-by-step practice activities. Each activity focuses on the target language in an easily understand- able way. It gets ready for the further study.,1.the knowledge-learning target 语言目标 2.the abilities-cultivating target 能力目标 3.the moral-penetrating target 情感目标 4.The basis of the teaching target 目标依据,II.Analysis of the teaching targets 教学目标分析,Some new words: rush, path, fine, cross, zebra crossing, crossroads, signal , pedestrian, One grammar point. If Clause.,Learn more about traffic rules and the advanta-ges of riding bikes as well as If Clause. Show some traffic rules in other countries. Also, talk about traffic rules and how to ride safely in English. Cultivate students communicative and cooperative abilities and spirit. (交流与合作能力),Establish their consciousness of traffic safety to keep away from danger and treasure their lives(树立安全意识,珍爱生命). Cultivate students social ethics and culture cons-ciousness(社会公德与文化意识), train them to become moral teenagers.,According to the New Course Standard, also consider its feasibility(可行性)and factuality(真实性)in this Section.,. Analysis of the teaching methods 教学方法分析,1.Task-based teaching method: 任务型教学方法 2. Learning by doing (做中学,学中做 ) 3. Contest teaching method: 竞赛教学法 4. Teach English in English: 用英语教学 5. Using multi-computer: 借助多媒体等辅助教学,The new course standard points out, the teacher should design the teaching activity regarding students as the centre, pay close attention to each student, each students mood life and emotion experience, ethical life and personality building. (关注每一位学生,关注学生的情绪生活和情感体验,关注学生的道德生活和人格养成.) The course standard also points out: In English class, we advocate students positive participa-tion (积极参与) , improve their language ability through perc-eiving, experience, participation and cooperative learn-ing(感知,体验,参与实践,合作探究).So I apply the different kinds of teaching methods:,In order to train students to learn by themselves. I design 4 tasks . The teacher instructs students to acquire the knowledge, the overall abilities and the skills constantly during proceeding different kinds of individual or cooperative activities.,New course idea of “learning by doing” is very welcomed by students. So I design tasks and an English song in order to make students relax while studying.,Both Task 1 and 3 are competitions between groups. Students should cooperate in their own group at the same time they compete with the other groups. This can help students foster a sense of cooperation and competition.(合作意识与竞争意识),Try to teach in English, create the good atmosphere for students to perceive fully, experience actively, practice bravely(充分感知,积极体验,大胆实践).Use tasks, drills, liste-ning practice, pair work and group work to stress the key points(突出重点)and break through the difficult points(突破难点).,Draw supports from the courseware and vivid pictures .Other aids such as gesture, body language.,.Analysis of the learning methods 学习方法分析,Make every student learn by doing. Autonomous learning and cooperative investigation (自主学习,合作探索) Task-based learning teaching ask the students to learn by doing. Reflecting and practice(反思与实践),In teaching Step1 and 2 , I designed 2 tasks to let Students learn to collect information, analyze and solve problems. In class, students work in pairs or groups in order to cultivate the ability of autonomous learning(自主学习)and cooperative investigation(合作探索).,In activity 1b I ask students to learn the traffic rules by role play. They can have fun learning and doing in the process , they also can enjoy playing with English and getting the sense of success.,Task 4 relat
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