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关于手机的英语演讲稿篇一:手机的发展历史 大学英文演讲 手机发展史With the modern technology developing,the mobile phone bexxes more and more popular in our life.Sometimes we find out that we could hardly do anything without it.The idea for cell phones has been around for a lot longer than the technology to make them. As soon as the first landlines came into use, people had the idea of improving the convenience of this new xxmunication medium, and of bringing it to new areas such as cars. In 1995 mobile phones used to look like this, huge in size and with a pretty long antenna. It is similar to todays cordless phone. It must seem real odd to us now, but back then this cell phone were the craze of the day.1995年,那时移动电话类似于这个样子,体型巨大并携带一根长长的天线。它类似于今天的无线电话。现在看这款手机肯定感觉非常奇怪,但当时这款手机是非常时尚的。In 1999, mobile phones were given a more xxpact look. The above image shows a Nokia phone, features cool colours, internal antenna and better graphics in a much smaller package than previous phones.1999年,手机的外观更加紧凑。图片上显示的是诺基亚,酷酷的颜色,内置天线。体积比之前的手机小了,成像效果也更好了。In 20XX, Sony unveiled the worlds first Walkman phone, and W800i was truly an awesome phone definitive of the series. The Sony W800i shown here was built for delivering great music and with dedicated buttons for music playback, Memory Stick support, which made it a great gadget for enjoying music anytime on the go. And it still serves all the main purpose of a cell phone.20XX年,索尼公司推出了世界上第一款随身听手机W800i,这确实是这系列手机中的王牌。图片上显示的这款索尼W800为携带音乐而设计,配置了精美的音乐播放键。支持记忆功能,这使得它成为随时享受音乐的人神器。它同样提供手机所有必要的功能。 苹果开创了触屏时代In 20XX, Apple Inc unveiled the Apple iPhone, which was the worlds first advanced touchscreen smartphone. Its the first phone to have an operating system, the iOS, and by enabling apps to run on the phone, it had allowed cellphones to bexxe the primary mobile device of use. Having an iPhone became a source of pride.20XX年,苹果公司推出iPhone,它是世界上最先进的触屏智能手机。也是世界上第一款携带操作系统iOS的手机,通过在手机上运行应用程序上,使得它成了主要的移动设备。拥有一台iphone成为了一种骄傲的资本。Its no doubt that phones make our life more convenient and effective,but it makes us lazier at the same time.More and more people xxplain that people today are not so close as we used to be.So you see,everything has two sides-positive side and negative side.We cant blame the phone.We just need to find a balance. 现在的手机样子Now, mobile phones were transformed into something like this. Have you ever imagined that you could see this kind of cell phone evolving from the typical brick type heavy phones in the past? the return of the touchscreen which dominated the mobile gadget scene with its powerful hardware and sleek looks. No one could have imagined that in a mere 17 years, mobile phones could have made the leap from just being the alternative to landlines to bexxing a xxputer,GPS, radio and our lifeline to the Internet, and still be able to fit in your pocket. 对未来的展望Mobile phones have evolved a lot in terms of their form, performance and features, and will continue to evolve more and more in the future. I cant wait to see whats in store for us on the next evolutionary stage of mobile phones.篇二:不做低头族英语演讲稿as to this issue,different people has different ideas .some take the view thatit is no use connecting but may cause the big events .such as the accident orfight.there is no doubt that phubbing is a false behavior .while others think theopposite,they agree that there is no way but have to do it .because the time is limited.as far as i am concerned ,every coin has two sides .while most people prefer it,thephubbing is a bad habit .as a matter of fact ,a few person mostly do a good deed.篇三:不做低头族背景随着科技的发展,手机是人手一部,以前是人掌握着手机,现在我们却变成了手机的奴隶,于是出现了低头族大军,那么你是其中的一个吗? 手机族,是指如今在地铁、公交车里那些个个都作“低头看屏幕”状,看手机或是掏出平板电脑聊天、购物、玩游戏、看视频,想通过盯住屏幕的方式,把零碎的时间填满的人。低头族危害极大,不仅给我们的身体带来伤害,比如伤肌,伤眼,辐射大,还影响我们的精神及人际交往,既荒废了自己的学业,也影响他人的正常学习。 活动目的 “即使你每天都在网上给他点赞、留言,你们在网上聊天,这样的关系保持半年一年,也比不上某个空闲的周末,你们坐在校园或宿舍里晒着太阳说说闲话。”为了让大家清楚明白的认识到上课玩手机的危害,珍惜美好的大学时光,树立远大志向,公共事业管理班班委会即将开展以“放下手机,拥抱生活”为主题的活动。 活动时间20XX年12月(具体时间待定)活动主题拒做低头族,抬头向前看主办单位政法与公共管理学院20XX级公共事业管理班xx小组参与对象20XX级公共事业管理班全体学生活动流程1. 全班同学以小组为单位,进行问卷调查,分析学生迷恋手机的原因2. 宣传委员制作“拒做低头族,抬头向前看”海报,并举行签名活动3. 由班委组织上课前在教室门口准备一个收纳盒,呼吁同学们在课前将手机放入收纳盒,上课认真听讲4. 开展以“放下手机,拥抱生活”为主题的班会,对问卷调查的结果进行分析,并以事例讲述低头族的危害,比如对身体的危害,伤眼睛,毁脊椎,辐射大,甚至因为玩手机而导致重大的事故,以及对同学们交流产生的危害,让同学们意识到低头族的危害,并就怎么保护眼睛以及在玩手机时应注意的事项进行讲解5. 利用周末的时间,由班委在操场上组织一些课外活动,全班同学参加,以此丰富同学们的生活,转移注意力,减少玩手机的时间。具体活动内容如下:一、 团体活动项目:1. 手舞足蹈:(五人一组)活动规则简介:五人相背站立一列,由比赛队员抽取所猜题目,第一人表演,不能发出声音,只能用肢体语言表现词语或物品,第二人转身观看,第二人观看时后面队员不能观看,依次传递,由最后一人说出所猜物品或词语,每人表演时间不得多于30秒,活动结束。猜测正确队伍获胜,按时间排名次,裁判员宣布比赛结果。2. 抢板凳:活动规则简介:五人一组,每次每组出一人参与活动,于活动场地设置五个板凳,由裁判员发布口令,队员绕板凳双脚跳,未抢到板凳的队员被淘汰,并递减一个板凳,继续循环,直到剩下一人为止,每抢到板凳一次为组加一分,活动结束获得积分最多的队伍获胜。3. 喝水唱歌:(五人一组)活动规则简介:五人相对站立,由第一人抽取所唱歌曲,然后喝下一杯水,唱给第二个人,依次喝水传递,每人唱两次,吐出水即不能再唱,由最后一人猜出歌名,猜测成功的队伍按时间排出名次。4.连体婴儿:(六人一组)活动规则简介:三组一轮,每组六人分成3对,两人背对,中间夹一个气球,由裁判发布口
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