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Unit 9 Health care Unit 10 American literature 记 忆 重 现,考 点 梳 理,重点单词 考纲单词 income, sink, baggage, flash 新课标单词 abuse, pressure, devotion, outcome, consult, rare, approve, furnished 重点词组 lay off, make ends meet, (to) make matters worse, attend to, take pride in ( = be proud of), do up, let down 重点句型 1. To make matters worse. 2. low-income. as was the case. 3. Tomorrow would be. 4. as 引导定语从句 5. Despite their lack of interest, Fleming kept trying to develop the chemical so that it would be safe and effective,考 点 识 记,一、根据所给汉语及词性,写出英语单词 1. _ n. 收入 2. _ n. 洗涤池;污水池;洗脸池 3. _ n. 行李 4. _ n. & vt. 滥用;虐待;辱骂 5. _ n. 压力 6. _ n. 爆发;突然发生 7. _ vt. & vi. 向咨询;查阅 8. _ n. 结果;效果 9. _ vt. 用家具布置 10. _ adj. 稀有的;罕见的,二、 选用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空,使句意完整正确 lay off, make matters worse, attend to, take pride in, do up, let down, fix sth. on / upon sb. / sth., at length, at the cost of, as well 11. Weve been _ so many times by the importers, who always seem to be late delivering the goods. 12. We had discussed the subject _ at the previous meeting. 13. Why not _ the mirror _ that wall? 14. Miss Zhang _ her responsibility as a teacher in new China. 15. He saved the lives of two children _ his own. 16. She _ herself _ for the party. 17. The singer writes his own songs and plays the guitar _ . 18. Our company _ 200 workers last month because of financial crisis.,19. I am not free now. I have some business to _ . 20. She just lost her job. _ , her wallet was stolen. 三、根据所给汉语意思,完成下列句子 21. I missed the bus. _ (更糟糕的是开始下雪了). 22. _ (正如老人们通常会这样), my grandpa is fond of talking about old days. 23. Peter _ (刮胡子) every morning. 24. When the father got up, the mother _ (正在为孩子梳头). 25. I told him that if I came to London, my sister _ (也会来).,Key: 1. income 2. sink 3. baggage 4. abuse 5. pressure 6. outbreak 7. consult 8. outcome 9. furnish 10. rare 11. let down 12. at length 13. fix. on / upon 14. takes pride in 15. at the cost of 16. did. up 17. as well 18. laid off 19. attend to 20. To make matters worse 21. To make matters worse, it started to snow 22. As is often the case with old people 23. shaves his beard off 24. was combing the childs hair 25. would come as well,点 睛 讲 练,考点 1. abuse vt. 滥用;虐待;辱骂; n. C, U 滥用;虐待;辱骂,【典型例句】 1. The whites, on the other hand, shouted abuse at us. 另一方面,白人高喊着,辱骂我们。 2. Williams abused his position as Mayor to give jobs to his friends. 威廉斯滥用自己的市长权力,任用了不少朋友。 3. He is really a person who abuses his friends trust. 他的确是个背信弃义的家伙。 4. People who were abused as children often turn into child-abusers themselves. 孩提时代遭受虐待的人往往会变成虐待儿童者。 【用法提示】 1. abuse sb. 虐待某人,辱骂某人 2. abuse sth. 滥用 3. abuse ones position / power to do sth. 滥用职权去做某事,【比较辨析】 scold, abuse scold 作动词意为“to angrily criticize sb. esp. a child, about sth. he has done 责骂,斥责(某人,尤指小孩)”;作名词意为“a woman who often complains or criticizes爱责骂的女人”; abuse 在“辱骂、对恶言相向”。 【及时训练】 用abuse, scold和insult的正确形式填空。 1. He often _ his power to help his friends and relatives. 2. Please dont feel _ if I turn down your invitation. 3. My teacher often _ me for having wasted the time I should have used to study. Key: 1. abuses 2. insulted 3. scolded,考点 2. consult vt. 请教,咨询;翻阅,参考(书籍, 地图等);商议,商量,【典型例句】 1. They cannot afford to consult doctors or purchase medicines from a chemist when they get sick, nor can they make sure that their children keep a healthy diet. 他们生病的时候既看不起病,也买不起药,而且他们也无法保证给孩子提供健康的食品。 2. The president consulted with European leaders before a king further action. 在采取进一步行动之前, 总统曾同欧洲领导人商议过。 3. When I stepped into her room, she was consulting the dictionary. 我进入她的房间的时候,她正在翻阅词典。 【用法提示】 1. consult sb. on / about sth. 就向某人 请教(询问),2. consult with sb. 与某人磋商 3. consult for在机构、团体里当顾问 4. 拓展词语: consultation n. 商量, 协议, 咨询, 参考; consultant 顾问,提供咨询的专家 【及时训练】 用 consult for, consult with, consult about 的适当形式完成下面的句子。 1. A large number of clients _ are _ them social security changes. 2. Facer is _ a large building firm. 3. Before we can accept the firms offer we must _ the workers. Key: 1. consulting. about 2. consulting for 3. consult with,考点 3. furnish vt. 陈设, 布置; 提供,【典型例句】 1. They lived in a furnished flat, at $8 per week. 他们住在一个提供家具的出租屋里, 每周的租金是 8美元。 2. We propose to furnish our own house according to our own taste. 我们建议按自己的爱好布置房子。 3. No one in the class can furnish the right answer to the question. 班上没有一个人能给出正确的答案。 【用法提示】 1. furnish + sth. 布置 2. furnish + sb. with sth. 或 furnish sth. to sb. 向提供 3. furnish sth. with sth. 用布置, 提供,【及时训练】 根据所给提示,完成下列句子。 1. 卧室全是现代化的装饰。 (furnish) The bedrooms _ . 2. 他们给房间装上了新窗帘。 ( furnish. with) They _ new curtains. 3. 我们有责任给他们提供一个答案。 (furnish sb. sth.) Its our duty _ . Key: 1. were furnished in modern style 2. furnished their windows with 3. to furnish them an answer,考点 4. appr
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