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Lesson21:,At the Market,Free talk,1.Have you ever bought things at the market? 你曾经在市场买过东西吗? 2.Have you ever been to the morning market with your parents? 你曾经和父母去过早市吗? 3.What do the markets sell? 早市上卖什么?,carrot,pear,cabbage,grape,watermelon,sweet,market,1.市场 2.葡萄 3.胡萝卜 4.洋白菜 5.西瓜 6.甜的 7.梨,1.market 2.grape 3.corrat 4.cabbage 5.watermelon 6.sweet 7.pear,check,Do It 3,Listen and finish Lets Do it 1,Answers: 1.market 2.vegetables 3.sweet,Lets DO It2,1.T 2.T 3.F,Important sentences:,1.Li Ming takes Jack to the morning market. 李明带杰克去早市。 2.Potatoes are my favourite. 土豆是我最喜欢的。 3.I like to eat cabbage in soup. 我喜欢汤里的洋白菜。 4.Lets buy a watermelon. 让我们去买一个西瓜吧。 5.The pears dont look good, but the apples look good. 那些梨看上去不太好,但苹果看上去不错。,1.Li Ming takes Jack to the moring market. 李明带杰克去早市。 2.My parents will take me to the park tomrrow. 明天我父母将要带我去公园。,take to 把(某人某物)带到(某地) 有首歌叫做 Take me to your heart!,把这些书带到教室里去。,Take these books to the classroom.,What can you find?,2.She has many books in her home. She has a lot of/lots of books in her home. I have much money. I have a lot of/lots of money.,many+可数名词 much+不可数名词,a lot of/lots of即可接可数名词, 也可接不可数名词,3. Potatoes are my favourite.,potato 的复数: 类似的名词:,potatoes,Negroes heroes tomatoes,favourite 意为:最喜欢的(蔬菜) 名词 “最喜欢的人或事物”,黑人英雄喜欢吃西红柿和土豆。,work in pairs,A:Do you like carrots? B:Yes,I do./ Yes, I like them very much. A:Do you like pears? B:No, I dont,Summary!,take to 把(某人某物)带到(某地) 有首歌叫做 Take me to your heart!,many+可数名词 much+不可数名词,a lot of/lots of既可接可数名词,也可接不可数名词,Excercise,1.早市_ 2.看_ 3.What would you like? I want_grapes. A much B.little C.some D.any 4.Are they_?Yes, they are. A.tomato B.tomatoesC.tomatos D.tomatose 5.I like to eat fish and tofu(豆腐)_soup. A.at B.in C. to D.with,morning market,look at,C,B,B,See you later!,
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