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BEC 口语,南昌新东方 许乃夫,Orientation,Exam - oriented Tasks Business English Case Studies Group activities,BEC V 口试介绍,Time: 14 mins / 20 mins Examiners: Interloker: Global Achievement Assessor: Grammar & Vocabulary Discourse Management Pronunciation Interactive Communication,考题形式,Conversations Mini-presentation Discussion,Conversation,第一阶段:询问有关考生个人的一些情况 第二阶段:一般是商务问题。 特点: 1.必须做好自我介绍(姓名,籍贯,学习,工作,兴趣,过去的经历以及将来打算的信息) 2.与商务有关的常识性问题发表简短看法,并给出理由。,Conversation,特点: 3. 考生分别回答考官问的问题,(前两个一样,后两个不同。) 4. 直接回答;没有时间准备。 时间控制: 两个考生一组:3分钟 三个考生一组:5分钟,Mini - presentation,内容:1分钟的简短回答。 三选一:日常话题;一般性商务话题;专业商务话题 特点: 考生同时准备一分钟; 相互提问; 内容的完整性,对论点进行论证,自己在提出一个论点并简短论证。,Mini - presentation,时间: 两个考生一组:6分钟 三个考生一组:8分钟,Discussion,内容: 讨论商务语境中的工作话题。 30秒时间共同阅读提示词并答腹稿准备。 考官提问: 根据时间和考生情况,问问题。 时间: 两个考生一组:5分钟 三个考生一组:7分钟,Discussion,考生误区: 讨论各种与本话题无关方案。 解决办法: 1. 共建一个语境(他们所在的公司) 2. 自然地将话题引入决策。,评分标准,Grammar & Vocabulary Discourse Management Pronunciation Interactive Communication,Grammar & Vocabulary,考察考生在口头表达中语法和词汇运用是否正确、得体并丰富多样,能否避免词汇和句型单一或不断重复相同的词句。,Discourse Management,考察考生运用句子以上语言单位进行口头交际的能力: 能否恰当地展开话题,话语是否连贯、流畅、切题。 应对办法: 第一部分:尽量完整地回答考官的提问; 第二部分:利用机会,扩展话题; 第三部分:围绕规定的题目,表达、论证自己的观点。,Pronunciation,测试考生的发音的能力。 根据各个单音、单词及句子重音、语调节奏的正确性打分。,Interactive Communication,测试考生在两个人或三个人小组中积极参与、相互合作、有效交际的能力。 考察考生是否有能力恰当得体地引入话题、应答自如,轻松转换话题,充分参与讨论。 误区: 出口咄咄逼人,不给对方留有话说的余地,Part One Conversations,This part aims to prepare the candidate for phase 1 of the speaking test, which takes the form of an interview, with each candidate talking in turn to the examiner. This involves the candidate answering questions, responding to a comment or participating in an exchange or greeting.,口语必备 “浓缩“才是精华,1. Personal Information name (spelling) hometown (location,climate, population, means of transportation, a place, food, a person, a thing) hobbies (free time activities),口语必备 “浓缩“才是精华,family (member) job / study /training course future plan teamwork,2. 一般性商务知识 job hunting (an ideal job: company,post, salary, promotion,etc) career development role play (假设你是经理等职务,如何解决问题),Speaking,Exchange personal information with your deskmate with the questions that we have mentioned above. (5mins),Speaking Tasks,Whats your name? How do you spell your name? How do you spell your family name / surname / last name?,Suggested Answers,My last name is My given name is, but my friends always call me, my English name. You can call me, if you like / wish. nickname,Speaking Task,Where are you from? Would you say its a good place to live in? (Why?) Do you like living in? Where would you like rather liveor? (Why?) Do you think it would be better to live inor? (Why?),Suggested Answers,Weather Transportation Environment Housing Houses are pricey in this area. Night life (exciting, dynamic) Local people / government Job opportunities Resorts (skiing) Atmosphere selling points,Speaking Task,Do you come from a large family or a small family? Can you tell me a bit aboutin your family?,Suggested Answers,Extended family Nuclear family,课外拓展,joint family n. 数代同堂的大家庭 nuclear family 核心家庭,小家庭,基本家庭(只包括父母和子女的家庭) enlarged family 相对于核心家庭(一家三口)而言 包括爷爷奶奶外公外婆之类的大家庭 incomplete family 不完整的家庭,单亲家庭(离婚或丧偶),Speaking Task,Do you work or are you a student in? What do you do? What do you study? Whats your major? What do you like most about your job? (Why?) What do you like most about your studies?,Suggested Answers,Major v. I majored in , and minored in Ever since I was a child, I was interested in Job Satisfaction Interesting & challenging Traveling opportunity Training (career development) Financial benefits,Speaking Task,Free Time Do you have much free time? How do you spend your free time? What do you do in your free time? Whats your hobby? Why do you like? Is there any particular reason why you enjoy? When did you first take up / start (Why did you start then?),Suggested Answers,Particular reason Cultivate a hobby Its never too late to take a hobby. -Churchill Outdoor activities: Sports: tennis / golf / baseball / attend the gym / fitness center Work out=exercise Recharge the battery: Attend a training course Read various books, for example,Chat online / online chatting Watch TV(passive viewer) TV=one-eyed monster ads (advertisement advert) Commercial Teleplay Educational / Amusement programs Music: classical / light/ pop / jazz / blues / folk Fine arts Abstract painting / oil painting I am fond of traveling. Traveling is a good way of learning and a good way of communicating with other people. No, I dont have much free time, because so many wonderful courses are fixed. I prefer doing exercises, (most of time) Id like to attend the gym or go to the fitness centers. If time is enough, Ill read various books.,Speaking Task,Transport How did you come here today? How did you travel to the test? Did you come here by bus? If you could travel by any form of transport you want, what would you choose? (Why?) Which form of transport would you like to travel by? How do you think you will travel to work
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