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非谓语动词综合讲练教程,不定式、动名词用作主语,动名词作主语,1。直接作主语:,(1)眼见为实。 (2)天天做早操有益于健康。 (3)吸烟不是好习惯。,1.Seeing is believing. 2.Doing morning exercises every day is good for health 3.Smoking is not a good habit,2.用it作形式主语,常与no use,no good,useless, worthwhile连用,(1)广说不做没用 (2)做无益的后悔没用 (3)吸烟太多无益 (4)学好英语是值得做的,1.Its no use talking too much without doing anything 2.Its useless crying over the spilt milk. 3.Its no good smoking too much 4.Its worthwhile learning English well.5,不定式作主语,1。直接作主语 (1)眼见为实 (2)今天早晨做早操对身体无益 (3)在这里吸烟很危险,1.To see is to believe 2.To do morning exercises today is not good for health. 3.To smoke here is dangerous,2。用it作形式主语,有自己特定的句型,(1)你这么说真是太好了 (2)他说出这样的话太愚蠢了 (3)我们学好英语是必要的 (4)你们学好英语语法并不难,1.It is very kind of you to say so. 2.Its very foolish of him to say such things 3.It is necessary for us to learn English well 4.Its not difficult for you to learn well English grammar,3.固定句型,(1)李垒每天花两个半小时完成作业 (2)你昨晚用多长时间写完的作文?,1.It takes LiLei two and a half hours to complete his homework. 2.How long did it take you to finish writing your composition?,小结:动名词与不等式作主语时的区别,一、对称原则 二、特殊表达 三、固定句型 四、习惯用法,主语和表语对称,动名词表示经常性、反复发生的动作 不等式表示具体的、某一次的动作,It takes sb some time to do sth,Its no use/no good /useless/worthwhile + doing Its kind/wise/clever of sb to do sth Its important/necessary/hard for sb to do sth,Task: complete the following sentences,_(没有用) learning without practice Its no good _(广说不做) Its necessary _(我们学好英语) It very kind _ (你帮助我) How long _(你每天参加体育活动?) Because of the heavy sand storm, _(今天做晨练) is of no benefit to you.,Multiple choice,1. It is very generous _ you to buy me such a nice gift of B. for C. to D. with 2. You are clever; it will be easy _ you to work out the word puzzle of B. for C. to D. with 3.I think it no good _ without doing anything. A, to play about B, play around C. playing about D. played around,Its no use,talking too much without doing anything for us to learn English well of you to help me does it take you to do sport every day to do morning exercises today,不定式、动名词作宾语,一、句型转换 I think it no use doing sth I feel it stupid of him to say such silly things to her I find it uneasy for you to learn your subjects well without hard work Can you tell me how many hours it took you to do your homework?,二、A 下列动词只能带动名词作宾语:记住下面这句话,巧记共35个多动词 Miss Rescall can enjoy five apples at dusk Miss Rescall -miss, mind,risk,recall ,resist Can -cant help, consider ,cant resist ,complete ,cant stand (bear) Enjoy enjoy escape ,excuse ,endure Five finish ,fancy feel like ,favorite(利于)imagine ,include -advise ,avoid ,appreciate ,admit ,allow- - practise ,postpone ,pardon ,prevent ,put off dusk -delay ,understand, suggest,keep(deny否认),D. 下列动词只能带不定式作宾语:记住下面这句话, (2HD3A4P, worst fem各一) 巧记近20个多动词 afford ,agree ,attempt, decide ,demand ,expect ,fail ,help, hope ,manage , offer, plan, pretend, prepare, promise, refuse ,seem, tend , wish,B 以介词to结尾的常用短语be/get used to,come to,devote oneself to, listen to,look forward to object to /get down to, prefer.to, pay attention to,refer to stick to,C 特殊句型 1 spend (waste ).(in) doing 2 be busy (in)doing 3 have difficulty (trouble ,fun ,pleasure ,a good ,hard time )in doing 4 stop prevent .(from )doing 5 There is no use no harm no hurry .(in)doing sth,在forget ,remember ,regret ,want ,need ,require ,try ,stop ,go on,mean 等动词后,可接不定式,也可接动名词做宾语,但含义差别。 1 forget ,remember , regret +doing 动作已经发生+to do 动作未发生 2 want ,need ,require + doing 表被动= to be done 注:be worth doing = be worthy to be done 3 try doing 试着做 try to do 尽力做,想要做 4 stop doing 停止做某事,(先后是一件事). stop to do 停下来做某事,(先后不是同一件事) 5 go on doing 继续敌某事,(先后 是同一件事 ) go on to do 接下来做某事,(先后不是同一件事) 6 mean doing 意味着做某事 mean to do 故意或想要做某事 7 cant help doing sth 抑制不住、禁不住做某事 cant help (to) do sth 无帮助、无助于做某事 8 ,only to do 结果是(出乎预料) ,only doing 结果是 (必然是),E.注意下列11种不同动词或句型的用法,9 prefer to do rather than do 宁愿 而不 prefer doing to doing would rather do than do would do rather than do 10 have nothing to do /do nothing but/except do 只好做(别无选择) enjoy doing nothing but doing 只喜欢做 want nothing but to do 只想做 11在 begin ,start ,continue 等词后可接不定式作宾语,也可接动名词作宾语,意义区别不大.但要注意 1)本身是-ing 形式时,其后要接不定式 2)如果表示主语有意识地开始做某事,多用动名词 3)主语是物多用不定式 4)其后的动词是表示情感的或与智力有关的,不用 v-ing 形式 know, realize, hate , love , understand , wonder , remember , forget,Task: complete the following sentences,Do you remember _(以前见过这个人吗)? He denied _(冤枉了他的父母) She regreted _(在会上给领导提了意见). Dont waste time _(劝他戒烟) I would rather stay at home _(也不出去玩) Do you think it necessary _(我们学好英语)? How long did it take you _(写完作文)? He has done nothing but _(玩了一整天). On hearing the news, Tom _(抑制不住哭了). Little Sophia went the theater, only _(被告知演出结束了),seeing
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