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意大利中英文菜单来源:网络文章作者:.2010-07-18 23:19:08冷菜SALAD沙拉1. 蟹肉木瓜色拉 Crab with Papaya Salad2. 各式肉盘 Assorted of Cold Cuts3. 生刨牛肉色拉 Beef Carpaccio4. 番茄芝士色拉 Tomato Cheese Salad5. 腌桂鱼色拉 Marinated Mandarin Fish Salad6. 煎小明虾色拉 Grilled Prawn Salad7. 蔬菜色拉 Vegetable Salad8. 海鲜色拉 Seafood Salad9. 风干火腿配蜜瓜 Parma Ham with Honey melon10. 意粉色拉 Mixed Noodle Salad11. 肉肠色拉 Sausage Salad12. 煮小牛肉配金枪鱼汁 Veal Salad with Tuna Fish Sauce汤SOUP13. 奶油南瓜汤 Cream of Pumpkin Soup14. 奶油番茄汤 Cream of Tomato Soup15. 奶油栗蓉汤 Cream of Chestnut Soup16. 鸡肉清汤配小馄饨 Chicken Consomme with Tortellini17. 鸡肉杂菜汤 Vegetable Soup with Chicken Meat18. 意大利杂菜汤 Minestrone Soup19. 海鲜汤 Seafood Soup面PASTA20. 烟斗面配南瓜汁 Lumaconi with Pumpkin Sauce21. 螺旋面配番茄汁 Eliche with Tomato Sauce22. 五彩螺丝面 Fusilli23. 青口贝番茄炒宽面 Pappardelle with Mussel and Tomato24. 手指馄饨配青红椒粒、奶油汁 Tortellini with Cream of Pepper Sauce25. 手指馄饨配番茄黑水榄汁 Tortellini with Tomato and Olive Sauce26. 海鲜宽面 Pappardelle with Seafood27. 蔬菜宽面 Pappardelle with Vegetable28. 意大利方馄饨配奶油汁 Tortellini with Cream Sauce29. 海鲜贝壳面 Conchiglie with Seafood30. 蝴蝶面配奶油野菌汁 Fa*lline with Cream of Morel Sauce31. 贝壳面配番茄尖椒汁 Conchiglie with Tomato Pepper Sauce32. 意大利春卷 Cannelloni33. 牛肉千层面 Beef Lasagne34. 意大利蔬菜饭 Fried Rice with Vegetable Italian Style35. 意大利海鲜饭 Seafood Rice Italian Style36. 炒意大利粉块配番茄汁 Gnocchi with Tomato Sauce37. 意大利面条配烟肉奶油汁 Spaghetti with Cream Bacon Sauce38. 意大利肉酱面 Spaghetti with Bolognese39. 意大利面条配香草蒜茸汁 Spaghetti with Garlic Sauce40. 意大利面条配番茄汁 Spaghetti with Tomato Sauce41. 菠菜面配奶油蘑菇汁 Tagliatelle with Cream of Mushroom Sauce42. 耳朵面配番茄银鱼汁 Orecchiette Pugliesi with Cod Fish and Tomato43. 素食比萨 Vegetable Pizza44. 海鲜比萨 Seafood Pizza45. 菠萝比萨 Pineapple Pizza46. 香肠鸡蛋比萨 Egg Salami Pizza主菜MAIN COUSE47.煎牛柳配马撒拉汁 Grilled Beef Fillet48.帕尔玛火腿卷肉眼配红胡椒粒汁 Parma Ham Stuffed Rib Eye49.香草鸡肉饼 Chicken Pancake with Herb50.烟熏鸭胸配甜橙汁 Smoked Duck Breast with Orange Sauce51.煎三文鱼配罗勒汁 Grilled Salmon52.煎猪腰配胡椒粒汁 Panfried Kidney with Pepper Sauce53.芝士焗明虾 Baked Prawn with Cheese54.香草羊排 Grilled Lamb Chop55.纸包银鳕鱼 Baked Cod Fish56.罗菲鱼柳夹 Stuffing Herring Fish57.烤羊排配BBQ汁 Baked Lamb Chop with BBQ Sauce58.水煮乳猪卷 Boiled Porker Roll59.酥皮鸡卷 Stuffing Chicken Roll60.煎小牛柳配干葱汁 Grilled Beef肉类 (carne)小羊肉 agnello牛肉 manzo小牛肉 vitello鹌鹑 quaglia s.f鸭 anatra s.f.野鸡 fagiano野禽类 selvaggina s.f.排骨 costina s.f.腿肉 coscia s.f.肉片 fettine di carne s.f.肝脏 fegato舌 lingua s.f.兔子 coniglio肉块 scaloppina s.f.鸽子 piccione s.m.鸡肉 pollo火鸡 tacchino猪肉 maiale腰子 rene s.m.香肠 salame s.m.里脊肉 filetto火腿 prosciutto鱼类 (pesci), 贝壳类 (crostacei)凤尾鱼 acciuga鳗鱼 anguilla鱼子酱 caviale螃蟹 granchio小虾 gamberetto海鲜 frutto di mare龙虾 aragosta牡蛎 ostrica生蚝 ostrica cruda鲈鱼 pesce persico海胆 riccio di mare蛤蜊 conchiglia扇贝 pettine沙丁鱼 sardina鲑鱼 salmone比目鱼 rombo鳟鱼 trota鱿鱼 calamaro墨鱼 seppia蔬菜类 (verdure)芦笋 asparago茄子 melanzana罗勒 basilico花菜 broccolo胡萝卜 carota芹菜 sedano蘑菇 fungo卷心菜 cavolo洋葱 cipolla黄瓜 cetriolo南瓜 zucca水芹 achillea生菜沙拉 insalata cruda葱 porro菠菜 spinaci茴香 finocchio四季豆 fagiolini莴苣 lattuga小扁豆 lenticchia豌豆 pisello辣椒 peperone马铃薯 patata西红柿 pomodoro水果类 (frutta)杏 albicocca橙子 arancia菠萝 ananas香蕉 banana西瓜 cocomero / anguria柿子 cachi樱桃 ciliegia无花果 fico草莓 fragola猕猴桃 kiwi柠檬 limone橘子 mandarino苹果 mela甜瓜 melone桃 pesca梨 pera李子 prugna栗子 castagna葡萄 uva甜点 (dolci)冰淇淋 gelato提拉米苏 tiramisu苹果派 strudel蛋糕 torta英式蛋糕 zuppa inglese奶酪 formaggio阿斯阿戈奶酪 asiago波河干奶酪 grana padano戈尔贡佐拉羊奶酪 gorgonzola伦巴第奶酪 mascarpone罗马羊奶酪 pecorino romano莫扎来拉鲜奶酪 mozzarella帕尔马奶酪 parmigiano软奶酪 taleggio鲜软奶酪 stracchino西西里羊奶酪 pecorino siciliano瓦尔帕达纳硬奶酪 provolone valpadana调味品 condimenti蒜 aglio奶油 burro番茄酱 sugo di pomodoro蛋黄酱 maionese芥末 mostarda胡椒 pepe绿胡椒 pepe verde盐 sale砂糖 zucchero醋 acetoAntipasti 前菜Prosciutto di Parma 帕尔玛火腿prosciutto 意大利熏火腿Bruschetta 烤面包 breadAntipasto misto 意式混合拼盘 a selection of cold delicacies Salmone affumicato 烟熏三文鱼 smoked salmonPrimi 第一道Spaghetti al rag 肉酱意大利面Spaghetti alla carbonara 培根蛋酱意大利面Penne allarrabiata 辣味通心粉Farfalle ai quattro formaggi 四款奶酪蝴蝶面Lasagne al bolognese 博洛尼亚千层面(肉酱汁焗面片)lasagne with bolognese sauce Tortellini al formaggio 奶酪饺子Fettuccine ai funghi 蘑菇宽面Rigatoni al sugo 酱汁直管面Linguine al pesto 罗勒青酱扁意面Risotto ai frutti di mare 海鲜烩饭 seafood riceSecondi 第二道Bistecca ai ferri 菲力牛排Pollo allaglio 大蒜烤鸡Scaloppine ai funghi 蘑菇汁牛柳Involtini alla romana 罗马卷Vitello 牛肉Vitello alle verdure 牛肉烩蔬菜
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