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MODULE 7 UNIT 2 Grandma cooked fish,today, today ,a nice day , yesterday, yesterday , a nice day. tomorrow ,tomorrow , a nice day!,Lets say together,He talked with Mrs Cat yesterday.,He walked with Miss Dog yesterday.,What did the bird do yesterday?,What did Amy say to Sam?,Grandma and Grandpa_ in the park. They _ to music. They_ with some friends.,Listen and fill in the blanks.,walked,talked,listened,Grandma_. Grandpa_.,cooked fish,cooked noodles,Retell the story.,phoned,walked,listened,talked,cooked,1.,4.,3.,2.,Listen and Match,Check your answer,On Monday , he called his friend.,On Tuesday , he walked to his friends house.,On Wednesday , he helped his friend.,On Thursday , they listened to music.,On Friday , they played basketball.,On Saturday , they watched TV.,On Sunday , he was at home again.,Lets say,helped his friends,phoned/called his friends,walked to friends house,played basketball,listened to music,watched TV,at home,-What did he do? -He_.,On Sunday, Liming _. Fangfang_.,cooked noodles,Do a survey,then write down some sentences. (调查你同学周末做了什么,并写出句子。),
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