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Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?,Section B Period Two,Objectives,To read and understand the material on pandas 2. To learn to scan the passage to get specific information 3. To know the importance of saving endangered animals 4. To learn new words: bamboo, endangered, research, keeper, awake, excitement, walk into,fall over ,or so, illness, wild, government.,GROUP WORK,Read the new words as loud as you can in groups of six.,自主学习,bamboo endangered research keeper awake excitement walk into fall over,n. 竹子 adj. 濒危的 n.&v. 研究;调查 n. 饲养员;保管人 adj. 醒着 n. 激动;兴奋 走路时撞着 绊倒,Words Review,单击播放录音,excite+ ment(名词后缀),or so illness wild government,大约 n. 疾病;病 adj. 野生的 n. 政府;内阁,Words Review,ill + ness(名词后缀),govern+ ment(名词后缀),The giant panda is known as the national treasure of China. 大熊猫被称为中国的“国宝”。,Lead-in,What do you know about pandas?,Panda,food,activities,birth,Look like,living environment,habits,设问导学,Talk about pandas in your class. Use these words to help you.,big bamboo zoo popular cute black and white Sichuan famous endangered beautiful forest protect,2a,Work in groups of six. Take turns to tell a story about pandas. Each student in your group picks two words or phrases from the list to make sentences about pandas in your story-telling.,Groupwork,小组合作,Task 1,Now lets read the article to get more information about pandas. Then finish the following tasks.,重点讲解,scanning的技巧:在回答问题时,根据题干中问到的内容,在文章中scan(扫描),可以准确地定位,找到答案。,合作探究,Task 2,Reading the article to find out what these numbers mean: 10, 12, 300, 2,000.,2b,10 Adult pandas eat 10 kilos of bamboo daily.,300 About 300 pandas live in zoos or research centers in China or other countries.,2000 Scientists say there are fewer than 2,000 pandas living in the forests.,12 Adult pandas spend more than 12 hours a day eating.,Scanning (扫读):即直接搜寻数字,然后阅读数字前后的内容,确定数字表达的信息,Work in pairs. Tell your parter what the numbers mean with complete sentences.,What is Lin Weis job? 2. What do the baby pandas have for breakfast?,Read the article again and underline the answers in the text.,He is a panda keeper.,Baby pandas drink milk for breakfast.,2c,先个人在文中划出答案,再两人一组进行问答。,Task 3,3. Why are pandas endangered?,Pandas are endangered because they do not have many babies, and the babies often die from illnesses and do not live very long. As the forests get smaller and other human activities cause more problems, pandas cannot find enough to eat and they are having fewer babies.,4. What does the education program in Chengdu do? 5. Why are scientists doing research?,They send people to schools to tell children about the importance of saving pandas and other endangered wild animals.,They hope to better understand the habits of pandas.,/ 2.,3.,4.,5.,Complete the sentences using words from the passage.,2d,The panda _ at the Chengdu Research Base are awake early in the morning to _ breakfast for the baby pandas. In _, pandas have become so _ that they are now a symbol of China.,keepers,prepare,fact,popular,Task 4,3. Adult pandas do not have babies very _, and some of the babies only live for a short time because of _. 4. A special program in Chengdu teaches _ about why pandas are _. 5. The Chinese government is helping to _ the pandas. Scientists also want to better _ the habits of pandas.,children,endangered,understand,often,illnesses,save,Read the passage again and fill in the blanks.,Pandas,Baby pandas,Amount of food,Number of pandas,Ways to protect pandas,Only _,Babies often die from _,10 _ a day,Fewer than 2000 _,300 _,Teach _. Tell them about the _ of saving pandas.,Scientists are doing research _.,one every two years,illnesses,kilos of bamboo,in the forest,in zoos or research centers,children,importance,Try to retell the story according to the column.,to better understand the habits of pandas,Task 5,拓展延伸,What other ways do you think children can help to save the pandas?,2e,1. Do not bother the pandas and let them live peacefully in the wild. 2. Volunteer to do some work helping to protect the pandas. 3. To do some advertisement about protecting the pandas.,For example:,Work in groups of six.,Language points,Work in pairs to remember the underlined words and phrases.,useful words and phrases,课堂检测,翻译下列的短语。,成都研究基地 2. 醒着 3. 兴奋的跑过去 4. 走路时撞到一位老人 5. 绊倒 6. .的一个象征 7. 大约100公斤 8. 死于某种原因 9. 拯救动物的重要性 10. 努力做,Chengdu Research Base,be awake,run over with excitement,walk into an old man,fall over,a symbol of,one hundred kilos or so,die from,the importance of saving animals,try hard to do sth.,wake up/wake sb. up:_ be awake:_,1.翻译下列对话并说出红色字体单词的意思。 Mum: Jim,please help me wake your sister up. J
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