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(开场 四人:)A:Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to the Fourth Postgraduate English Public Speaking Contest of Shenyang Agricultural University. Im A.B:我是主持人B。 C:Im C.D:Im D. Its great to participate in this great event. So we really, really enjoy being here with you this morning. This is the fourth time we organize such a public speaking contest. Here, wed like to show our thanks to the organizers and sponsors. And we also hope that more and more talented students will get benefits from this opportunity. C:The contest has also received grand support from the Postgraduate Department, the Foreign Language Teaching Department and the Youth League Committee.A:Today, we also hope all the guests here will enjoy this exciting event and benefit from what you hear. After preliminary and semi-final, the top 36 contestants enter this final. All the contestants will receive certificates and Prize.B:本次大赛的奖品可谓是空前的丰厚,一等奖。C:Now, lets go over the rules of the contest. Our contest is divided into 3 parts, in each part a certain number of the contestants will be eliminated. So, please listen carefully before we start a new round.D: Especially note here: during the speech, you should be aware of the time. A staff member will raise a yellow cardboard as a signal when there are 10 seconds left. Then a red board will remind you that the time has run out. A:Ok, before we start, Im so privileged to introduce the distinguished guests and honorable judges.The contest today will be mediated by a panel of 7 judges, the panel includes: B:首先请允许我介绍莅临本次大赛的嘉宾及评审,他们是:C:Welcome and thanks to our honorable judges! D:Now, everybodys clear? Ok, lets begin the contest.(第一轮 情景对话)A:Now, the contest begins. The first roundSituational Conversation. In this round, the 36 contestants will be divided into 18 groups, 2 in each. Each contestant will have 2 minutes to finish a conversation with the given situation. B:Now lets welcome contestant No.1 and No.2.(第一次间隙:采访第三组表演随机)第三组选手过后:B:接下来,现场评委要对评分规则进行进一步商榷,有请评委退席。A:Ok,contestant no.-and no.-, Will you wait and share with usB:(采访第三组选手,你们对刚才的表现满意吗?参加这个比赛最大的感受和收获是什么?对本次大赛有什么意见和建议?口语与我们平时的上课有什么不同?有什么什么好的学习方法与大家推荐?如何锻炼口语?你觉得今天你会收获一个什么样的名次?你心目中的冠军是谁?他的粉丝在不在,有没有口号,有没有名称?)A:谢谢两位选手,希望你们在接下来的比赛中能够有出色的表现,取得满意的成绩。我们比赛继续,有请下一组选手。表演随机活动(可能):A:感谢以上36位选手的精彩表现。第一环节的比赛过后呢,让我们稍作休息,马上进入游戏时间。现在呢,需要六名观众参与游戏,想要参与的同学可以直接到台上,游戏过后呢,将有精美的小礼品赠送呦B:今天要进行的游戏就是英文版的“心有灵犀”。规则很简单,六名同学,分为三组,一个描述,一个猜,进行描述的同学,除了使用汉语,其它方式都可以,比如英语,动作,象声词等等。还有要注意的是,我们题板上词条都是英文,但是都很简单,大家可以放心。每组1分D的时间,共有30个词条。好,那么规则清楚后,比赛开始。 (第二轮 命题辩论)C:After the interesting game link, we are about to enter the second round.B:下面我宣布成功晋级的24位选手,他们是恭喜以上晋级选手。C:Ok, now we are going to enter the second round-Proposition Debate. In the 2nd round, all the 24 contestants will be divided into 12 groups, 2 in each group. All the groups will be given 30 seconds for preparation and then 2 minutes to debate on the Given Topic on the screen. Each contestant has 1 minute. The top 12 contestants will face up to a new round of challenge.C: Now lets welcome contestants group 1 and group 2(第二次间隙:采访第三组表演随机)第三组选手过后:B:接下来,现场评委要对评分规则进行进一步商榷,有请评委退席。C:Ok,contestant no.-and no.-, Will you wait and share with usB:(采访第三组选手,你们对刚才的表现满意吗?参加这个比赛最大的感受和收获是什么?对本次大赛有什么意见和建议?口语与我们平时的上课有什么不同?有什么什么好的学习方法与大家推荐?如何锻炼口语?你觉得今天你会收获一个什么样的名次?你心目中的冠军是谁?他的粉丝在不在,有没有口号,有没有名称?)C:谢谢两位选手,希望你们在接下来的比赛中能够有出色的表现,取得满意的成绩。我们比赛继续,有请下一组选手。表演随机活动(可能):C:感谢以上24位选手的精彩表现。那么现在让我们稍作休息,进入今天激动人心的抽奖环节。(或欣赏一个xx表演)B:那现在呢,我们会从现场的观众中抽出十位幸运观众,每位幸运观众,将会获得一份精美的小礼品。请大家注意自己手里的号码,下一个幸运儿可能就是你哦!C:有请我们的抽奖嘉宾 老师为我们抽出十位幸运观众。B:恭喜以上获奖的幸运观众。(第三轮 即兴演讲)D:好的,幸运的抽奖环节结束后呢,马上回到我们紧张的比赛中来。B:那么现在呢,第三轮的晋级名单就在我的手上,他们是:恭喜以上晋级选手。D:Now lets come to the third round-Impromptu Speech. In this turn, the 12 contestants will watch a video clip. Then there will be 30 seconds for them to prepare, and after that, all the contestants are required to give an Impromptu Speech within 1 minute 30 seconds. You should pay more attention to the theme of the given materials. Finally, the judges will select the top four contestants as the champions of the contest.D:now lets welcome contestant No.1.(第三次间隙:采访第三组表演随机)第三个选手过后(待定):B:接下来,现场评委要对评分规则进行进一步商榷,有请评委退席。D:Ok,contestant no.-, Will you wait and share with usB:(采访第三组选手,你们对刚才的表现满意吗?参加这个比赛最大的感受和收获是什么?对本次大赛有什么意见和建议?口语与我们平时的上课有什么不同?有什么什么好的学习方法与大家推荐?如何锻炼口语?你觉得今天你会收获一个什么样的名次?你心目中的冠军是谁?他的粉丝在不在,有没有口号,有没有名称?)D:谢谢这位选手,希望你取得满意的成绩。我们比赛继续,有请下一位选手。表演随机活动(可能):D:Thank you for all the contestants.B:感谢以上12位选手。那么至此呢,我们今天的比赛环节就全部结束了,感谢36位选手的付出,正是你们的精彩表现,让我们在座的每一位享受到一场美妙绝伦的英文视听盛宴。D:在最终的结果统计出来之前,让我们有请 ,为我们带来的 B:掌声有请D:Thanks to fantastic performance. It is worth mentioning that our competition has been highly valued by our school leaders. Here, on behalf of all the contestants, wed like to extend our sincere thanks to all the teachers and hard working staff who have b
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