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中考英语易错题汇总30练中考英语易错题练习(1)与答案1. Some volunteers from Beijing arrived in Shanghai _ April 29 to work for the World Expo.A. on B. at C. of D. to2. Tom will call me as soon as he _home.A. gets B. has got C. got D. will get3. The road _last year.A. builds B. built C. was built D.is built4. - Do you know _ the Capital Museum? -Next Friday.A. when will they visit B. when they will visitC. when did they visit D. when they visited5The teacher said that the earth _ the sun.A. move around B. moved around C. moves around D. had moved around答案解析:1. A. 考点:考察时间介词。On表示具体日期; at表示时间概念的某时刻,如at nine oclock, 时间如at noon,阶段at the present stage等。April 29有日期,所以用on。2. A. 考点:时间状语从句。在时间状语从句里,如果主句用一般将来时,由as soon as引导的从句用一般现在时表将来时,即“主将从现”。3. C.考点:被动语态。road是build的承受着,存在被动关系。last year表过去时,所以用一般过去时的被动语态。4. B. 考点:宾语从句。宾语从句语序为陈述句语序,排除A、C。根据回答“Next Friday”,可知事情还未发生,用将来时,排除D。5. C. 考点:宾语从句。一般来说,主语用过去时,从句也用过去时的时态,也就是“主过从过”。 但由于地球围绕太阳转是一个真理,虽然主句是过去时,从句还是要用现在时。中考英语易错题练习(2)与答案完形填空。阅读下面短文,从短文所给的A.B.C.D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。One day before my final exam, my dad gave me a gift. It completely changed my life.On that day I had a _1_with my friends and it was a difficult time with my studies. I was unhappy .Then I noticed the gift. I _2_it and saw a DVD inside. Its name was “THE SECRET”.However ,I was in no mood (心情)to watch it. I sat down to study, but the _3_in my life-the fight,the sleepless nights and my poor health-Everything came to my mind. I wanted an answer but I wondered _4_there was any. Just then I saw the DVD again. May be it would be helpful. I _5_my DVD player. I had no words to describe the feelings I experienced while watching it. The moving(动人的)stories of human beings made me so moved that I wouldnt _6_any of them. Thanks to my fathers gift “THE SECRET”, I discovered _7_.Everyboday has difficulties in their lives .The important thing is that you should be _8_enough to face them. Now I have started _9_my studies and my friends. And Im in good health, too. I often hear people say, “Wow! _10_perfect life you have!1.A.trip B.party C.talk D.fight2.A.opened B.kept C.moved D.broke3.A.chances B.problems C.suggestions D.mistakes4.A.why B.that C.if D.how5.A.turned on B.looked for C.put away D.paid for6.A.report B.forget C.think D.remember7.A.yourself B.itself C.himself D.myself8.A.mad B.brave C.sad D.weak9.A.being busy with B.worrying about C.getting on well with D.being afraid of10.A.What a B.What C.How a D.How完形填空解题小技巧:1. 做题前先快速浏览一遍文章,了解大意,并归纳出文章主旨2. 做题时结合上下文、语境进行分析,注意词语的搭配和词义辨析3. 做完复查全文【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了孩子受到父亲送的DV的影响,开始勇于面对生活中的困难。【答案】1. D 细节理解题。由第二段第六句话I sat down tostudy, but the _33_in my life-the fight, the sleepless nights and my poorhealth- Everything came to my mind.可知是跟朋友打了一架。2. A 固定搭配,打开礼物用openthe gift.3. B 细节理解题。由下面给出的-thefight, the sleepless nights and my poor health-,可知这些都是作者生活中存在的问题。4. C 考察宾语从句。why在宾语从句中充当状语成分,表原因,翻译成“为什么”;that在宾语从句中既不充当任何成分,也无实际意思;if在宾语从句中不充当任何成分,但有表示“如果”的意思;how在宾语从句中充当状语成分,表方式或程度。由题意可知,作者疑惑是否能找得到答案,故选C。5. A 词义辨析。“turn on”指“打开”,“look for”指“寻找”,“put away”,指“收拾,放好”,“pay for”指“支付,付款”,故选A。6. B 词义辨析。so+adj/adv+that+“如此以至于”,原意为“故事太感人了,以至于我无法_任何一个”。“report”指“报导”,“forget”指“忘记”,“think”指“考虑,思考”,“remember”指“记得”,结合上下文,可知应选B。7. D 考察反身代词。“yourself”指“你(们)自己”,“itself”指“它自己”,“himself”指“他自己”,“myself”指“我自己”,由句意可知作者发现了自我,故选D8. B 词义辨析。根据句意,生活中有很多困难,我们需要勇敢面对。A、C、D不符合常规,也不符合句意,排除。9. C.细节理解。作者一开始说了他生活中不开心的事,比如和朋友打架,身体状况不佳等,在看了父亲送的DV后,他和朋友的关系得到了改善,学习也上去了,四个选项中只有“getting on well with”符合句意。10. A.考察感叹句。首先how的中心词是形容词,如果用how,应为how perfect your life is! (is 不能省略) ;what的中心词是名词,如果用what,应为 what a perfect life you have!【翻译】:在我期末考试前一天,我爸爸给了我一份礼物。它完全改变了我的人生。那一天,我和我的朋友打了一架,这是我学习中的一个艰难时刻,我很不开心。接着我注意到了这份礼物。我打开了它,看见里面有一张DVD,名字叫做“秘密。然而,我没有心情去看。我坐下来学习,但是在我的人生中的难题打架,失眠的夜晚,以及糟糕的健康状况切都涌入了脑海。我想要一个答案,但是我不知道是否找得到. 这时,我又看见了那张DVD. 也许它对我会很有帮助。我打开DVD播放器。看DV时,我不知道用什么言语来表达我的感受。那些故事太感人了,以至于我无法忘记任何一个。感谢我父亲的礼物“秘密”,我发现了自我。在每个人的生活中都会有困难。重要的是你必须要有足够的勇气去面对它们。现在我的学习取得了进步,和朋友的关系也改善了。我现在的身体很健康,我经常听到人们说:“哇,你的人生有多完美啊!”中考英语易错题练习(3)与答案本篇阅读主要考察对文章细节的把握,做题时一定要认真,同时注意在文章中找到支持自己选项的证据,切忌猜想。If someone says to you: “give me five”, do not search your pocket to get five yuan! It will make others laugh! The persons not asking for your money, but your
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