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2015年长春市初中毕业生学业考试英语1 基础知识(共25分)I. 在下列各句的空白处填入一个适当的词,使句子意思完整、语法正确。(5分)1. We will be able to go around our city _ subway in a few years.2. The twins like opposite colors. One likes black, but the other likes _.3. Jim wants to learn French. He plans to teach _ because nobody can offer help.4. They need to put _ the meeting until next week so that more people can attend.5. Sam had a terrible stomachache. His teammate had to _ his place in the match.II. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分)6. Thanks for _ (give) us a ride to catch the train on time.7. Its _ (usual) for a four-year-old boy to write poems so well.8. Mary got hurt in P.E. class. We sent her to the hospital _ (quick).9. As a volunteer, its the _ (six) time for him to help the kids in Africa.10. In China, _ (mooncake) are the traditional food on the Mid-Autumn Festival.III. 单项选择。(15分)11. I think C* is _ wonderful movie. It is worth watching. A. a B. an C. the D. / 12. I bought _ for my mother on Mothers Day this year. A. special anything B. anything special C. special something D. something special 13. -Could you tell me _ the Space Museum? -Sure, next Monday. A. when we visited B. when did we visit C. when we will visit D. when will we visit14. Su Bingrui broke the record. He runs _ than anyone else in Asia. A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. the fastest15. Studying in groups is a popular way _ can develop students ability. A. which B. when C. who D. whom16. _ good father Mr. King is! He always plays games with his daughter after work. A. What B. What a C. How D. How a17. I live in a (an) _ neighborhood. Many people and cars come and go very often. A. quiet B. empty C. noisy D. lonely18. -Do you like listening to country music or rock music? -_. It brings me pleasure. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I dont. C. I like music. D. Country music.19. A lot of people dance on the square_ after dinner. A. to keep healthy B. kept healthy C. keeps healthy D. keep healthy20. -Are the glasses Tims? - No, they _ be his. He doesnt wear glasses. A. must B. can C. mustnt D. cant21. There _ some beef in the fridge. Lets make some beef noodles. A. am B. is C. are D. be22. She _ to give a talk about how to save water yesterday. A. invite B. invited C. is invited D. was invited23. We will go camping in the mountains _ it rains tomorrow. A. unless B. but C. or D. so24. _ along this street, and you can find the hotel on your right, next to the market. A. Walk B. To walk C. Walks D. Walking25. - Good afternoon! _? - Yes, wed like some fish with rice. A. May I borrow your book B. May I know your name C. May I take your order D. May I speak to Mary2 交际运用(共5分)IV. 根据对话内容,运用方框中所给的句子选项补全对话,选项中游一项是多余的。(5分)Sun Wei: Long time no see! When did you come back?Luo Rui: Hey, Sun Wei! _26_Sun Wei: Wow, are you going to return to America? Luo Rui: No, I will live in Changchun. Besides, I have decided to buy a new apartment.Sun Wei: _27_Luo Rui: I want to live near a park. Could you give me some suggestions?Sun Wei: Of course. Actually, the apartment near Changchun Park is a good choice.Luo Rui: Really? _28_Sun Wei: Because the park is full of beautiful flowers now. People enjoy taking walks there.Luo Rui: Sounds great! Is it convenient for me to go to work?Sun Wei: _29_. Five new high roads through the whole city make a big difference.Luo Rui: That reminds me! I know why I got back from the airport so fast.Sun Wei: Thats it. _30_Luo Rui: I cant wait to start my new life in my hometown.A. Why do you say so ?B. I came back last week.C. Can you tell me the way to the park?D. Where do you want to live?E. Changchun has become more modern than before.F. Yes, thats not a problem. 3 阅读(共45分)V. 完形填空。(15分)阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 One day, Li Xuan discovered a wishing well (许愿池) on the side of the road. He took out a coin and threw it into the _31_. He was just about to make a wish when suddenly he heard. “Oh, dear!” Li Xuan was surprised. He took out another coin and threw it into the well. Another sound came out of the well. “ Oh, badly _32_!” A frog (青蛙) jumped out of the well. With one hand covering its head and one hand holding the coins, it said _33_. “ Look at what youve done! How can you just throw things into other peoples _34_?” Umbarrassed, Li
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