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毕业论文写作课程论文姓名:俞利英 班级:N08商务英语方向3班 学号:200845639321 分数: The Effection of the Business Etiquette in the Business NegotiationsAbstractThe negotiations on both sides have good business etiquette is an indispensable quality of business activities is the basic guarantee for success. In the course of business negotiation business etiquette is very important. In this paper, from business etiquette in society, the importance of business etiquette in the negotiations described the role, as well as in the negotiations on how to enhance the learning business etiquette, thereby contributing to the success of the negotiationsKey words: business etiquette; business negotiation;good image1 introductionLike all etiquette, business etiquette is a group of recommended behaviors for particular situations that occur at work. Business etiquette is designed to cover every aspect of a persons professional life, from job interviews to management techniques. In general, business etiquette encourages workers to treat each other with respect and courtesy by suggesting the best way to behave in different situations.2 The Importance of Business Etiquette.2.1 Types of Business Etiquette There are several different types of business etiquette that are useful to know. Interview etiquette covers the appropriate way to behave during an interview, including dressing appropriately, making eye contact and sending a thank-you note. Business dinner interview covers the appropriate way to behave when youre eating with someone in a business situation, including who should pay and how to manage conversation while eating. Work etiquette covers everyday situations that arise in business, such as working with other people and answering the telephone. Managerial etiquette gives guidelines for managing employees who report to you, including dealing with problems and overseeing meetings2.2 Good Business Etiquettes - Recipe to Success2.2.1The Importance of Good EtiquettesIt is very important to practice good manners and etiquettes in order to succeed in your business, be liked by people and maintain good relationships with clients, customers and employees.When you do not practice good etiquette intentionally or unintentionally, you are bound to face lot of obstacles on the path to success. But if a person is generally considerate and attentive to the needs of those who work for him/her by following the basic rules of etiquette, he/she will definitely be successful in any venture.2.2.2Business etiquette is Essential to the Success of BusinessFor any business to be a success, business etiquette is essential. It oils the machinery of business and keeps it running smoothly. It is disarming. Not a few observers insist they have witnessed its practical demonstration. For instance, Gordon Barrett, a Lagos-based management company, struck the right cord recently in a business etiquette workshop in Lagos. The workshop exposed participants to the rudiments of basic courtesy in business, and practical business etiquette to use in building and maintaining relationships with co-workers or subordinates, as well as with individuals who have disabilities. 2.2.3Examples of Business Etiquette in JobsBusiness etiquette was defined as the conduct or procedures that are generally acceptable in the workplace; a set of unspoken expectations people meet or find when they meet with you. The workshop stressed that when you do not use manners and common courtesies when dealing with people it shows lack of consideration or professionalism. Etiquette and professionalism go hand-in-hand. Knowing peoples names, knowing what to wear on dress down day in the office, knowing what humour is appropriate with co-workers or customers, and handling a person that comes on too strong. If you do not use the expected common courtesies in business, people will start to pass judgements about you that can be damaging. How? Employees will feel unappreciated and may become cynical and distrustful; you wouldnt be trusted by your managers, employees and peers, customers may even feel slighted or make constant complaints, and you may be left out of committees, meetings, or social functions. Some commentaries will help to explain these. For example, in an office where superiors are fond of calling junior staff foul names or use abusive languages whenever they felt like it, may not bring out the best in the staff but is even worse when it concerns customers. In addition, participants were advised on how to deal with feelings of powerlessness and helplessness, by tackling what they can control and explore other alternatives, like examining high performing leaders in their industry, monitor journals, magazines and newspapers related to their businesses. Other solutions proffered include exploring trends that affect organisations, identifying current abilities that will be needed for future success, brainstorming the consequences of not changing,
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