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Unit 9 Microsoft Office 2003,Office 2003,Part Two Computers,Technical terms: 1the word processing program 字处理程序 2shortcut menu 快捷菜单 3menu bar 菜单栏 4status bar 状态栏 Questions for text discussion: 1what software packages does Microsoft Office 2003 include? Microsoft Office 2003 is an office automation system, it includes Microsoft Word 2003, Microsoft Excel 2003, Microsoft Power Point 2003,Access 2003, Microsoft Outlook 2003 and Microsoft Frontpage 2003. 2What is the function of Microsoft word 2003? Writing , editing, formatting, and document storage. 3What is the function of Excel 2003? Microsoft Excel 2003 is a data-management program that is used to create and format spreadsheets, analyze and share the information within those spreadsheets, and make charts, graphs and PivotTables.,Preparing for the text:,The main idea of this unit:,This unit mainly introduces the office automation system software. (1) Word is the word processing program of the Microsoft Office suite that allows you to create documents and reports. (2) Excel lets you develop spreadsheets that display data in various tabular and visual formats. (3)Powerpoint creates multimedia presentations to display information in a graphical format. (4)Access is a database program that stores information that can be manipulated, sorted, and filtered to meet your specific needs. (5)Outlook allows you on-line communication world-wide. (6)Frontpage allows you to created professionallooking web pages for the Internet.,1Suite 系列,套,组 (1)A staff of attendants or followers; a retinue. 随员,随从:一批随员或待从;随从 (2)A group of related things intended to be used together; a set. 组,套:一组一起使用的相关的东西;一套 (3) 一套相匹的家具: a dining room suite. 一套餐室家具 (4)A series of connected rooms used as a living unit. 一套房间,套房:一系列作为一个生活单位的相互连接的房子 (5)Music An instrumental composition consisting of a succession of dances in the same or related keys. 【音乐】 组曲:一组由一系列调子相同或相关的舞曲组成的器乐曲,New Words,2Layout n安排,设计 the layout of a factory; the layout of a printed circuit.工厂的布局;印刷电路设计图 3Menu 菜单 (1)菜单:用餐时列有供应菜菜名的单子 (2)【计算机科学】 菜单,功能选择单:显示在屏幕上供计算机用户使用的选择单 (3)与此类似的选择单: a menu of professional opportunities. 就业机会单 4Significant 重要的,有意义的 (1)有意义的:有或表示一个意思的;有意义的,(2)意味深长的:有或表示一个隐含意义的;暗示的: a significant glance. 意味深长的一瞥 (3)意义重大的:有或可能有重大影响的;重要的: a significant change in the tax laws. 税务法律中的一个重大变化 (4)相当数量的:数目或数量上非常大的: significant casualties; no significant opposition. 相当大的伤亡;没多少反对意见 5.version n版本 (1)描述,看法:某人或从某一角度的一种描述或者说法,特别是与另一种相对立的: Your version of the accident differs from mine. 你对这件事故的叙述与我的不同,I have heard two versions of the accident. 我已经听到关于这个事故的两种说法了。 (2)某种形式:早先或者起初形式的一种变体,版本: a modern version of the one-room schoolhouse. 只有一个房间的校舍的改良式 the film version of a famous novel. 根据一本名著改编的电影 6Option 选择,选项 选择;选择自由; 供选择的事物 You have no option. 你没有选择的余地。 There are three options open to us in that matter. 在这个问题上我们有三个选择的可能。,7.Bar 条,条状物,n. (1)门闩;横木 (2)障碍;阻碍物 His bad English is a bar to his using new computer software. (喻) 他的英语很差,这是他运用新电脑软件的一个障碍。 (3)条状物 a bar of soap 一条肥皂 (4)沙洲 (5)(颜色或光的)条纹,束 (6)(乐谱上的)小节,小节线 (7)售酒的柜台; 酒吧,8Edit V编辑,剪辑 v. (1)编辑:为出版或公布而准备(书面材料),如通过更正、修改或改写 (2)发行:为出版准备版本: edit a collection of short stories. 发行短篇小说集 (3)修改:修改或改变使之合宜或易于接受: edited her remarks for presentation to a younger audience. 修改她的言论以适合青年听众 (4)主编:主管如(如,报纸或杂志)的出版 (5)剪辑;删除;划掉: edited the best scene out. 删掉最好的一幕 n. 编辑:编辑行为或事实: made several last-minute edits for reasons of space. 临时编了几个版以填满篇幅,9.Format n编排,格式 v. 设计或安排形式;格式化 They formatted the conference so that each speaker had less than 15 minutes to deliver a paper. 他们安排了会议以至每个演讲者有不到15分钟的时间发表演讲 10.Spreadsheet n空白表格;扩展页 11Tabular adj表格的,列表的 This information will be less confusing if its produced in tabular form. 这一信息如果制成表格,就不大容易混淆。 121edger n会计分类账 13Worksheet n工作单,工作表,13column n列,柱 14rown排,行 a row of house 一排房子 a row of pots on a shelf 架子上的一排罐子 15Default n预设,默认 (1)未履行;拖欠:未到庭 in default on a loan. 拖欠贷款 (2)弃权:一个或多个竞争者或运动队未参加比赛: won the championship by default. 由于别人的弃权而获得冠军称号 (3)【计算机科学】 缺省,默认:,pay attention to pay: v. (1)付(款);支付;缴纳 He paid 5 for the book. 他买这本书花了五英镑。 “Id like to pay by cheque, please.“ 我想用支票支付。 I paid $150 for that walki-lookie. 我花了一百五十美元买了那台轻便电视摄影机。 “The international corporation paid $50,000 for the firm, and $2,000 for its goodwill.“ “这家跨国公司用五万美元买下了这家商号,两千美元买下了它的信誉。“ (2)付清(账单、债务) Can you lend me some money - I can pay you back tomorrow.,Expressions:,你能借给我点儿钱吗?我明天就可以还给你。 (3)生利;有收益;值得(麻烦);合算 It pays me to keep that stock. 持有那种股票对我有利。 (4)做;致;说 pay a visit 访问 (5)给;与 pay attention 注意 n. (1)工资;薪金;津贴,常用词组: (1)in the pay of 被收买的;被豢养的;当狗腿子的 This man is in the pay of the enemy. 此人是被敌人收买的。 (2)pay back 报复 (= pay off, pay out, serve out) Ill certainly pay you back for what you did to me! “你那样对待我,我一定要回敬你的!“ 偿还;偿付 How can I pay you back for all your kindness? 你的这番好意我该怎么报答呢? (3)pay off 还清;偿清 报复;偿还,(4)pay out 花费;支出 I paid out a lot of money for that car. 为了那辆汽车我花了不少钱。 放松(绳子);放出 (5)pay up (不情愿地)付清;还清(债务) depend on 1. depend作为不及物动词,常与介词on 或upon连用,后接名词
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