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用心 爱心 专心 1学 习 过 程一、预习检测:请试着在课文中找出这些词组和句型,并翻译成中文词汇: piont least health online timetable_词组:free time the funniest girl tell funny jokes score the most points plant trees _during reading week the same as different from the same . As _句型:my uniform is the same as Simons uniform._My uniform is different from Jhons uniform._Millies pencil box is the same size as Amys pencil box._二、课堂反馈:根据汉语或首字母提 示,完成下列句子中的单词。1. -Do you have any h_ ? - Yes, of course. Jay Zhou is.2. I was a junior student two years ago. But now I am a s_ student. How time flies.3. We Chinese students have about 7 weeks off in the s_.4. Whats the short form(形式) for a_ ? Its ad.5. These things are u_, throw them away.6. If you want to keep _ (健康),you need to exercise every day.7. Mr Yang knows lots of knowledge(知识),so all of us _(钦佩) him very much.8. Do students in your school like _ (穿) uniforms ?9. This is a _ (讨厌的) book, no body is interested in it.10.Tim has the _ (最少的) rice of the three. 三、课后拓展: 用括号里的词造句. 1. their library/ our library (like) _课 题 8A Unit2 Grammar 2 课型 新授 执笔 审核学 习目 标1. 运用 the same as 和 different from 做比较2. 运用 the same. As 做比较重 点难 点运用 the same as 和 different from 做比较运用 the same. As 做比较订正、笔记栏用心 爱心 专心 22. life in the city / life in the country (alike) _3. the weather in the north / the weather in the south (different)_
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