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市级商业银行绩效考核系统的分析和设计 摘要随着中国加入经济全球化的行列,国内银行将面临许多新的机遇和挑战。对于国内银行来说,要赢得这场竞争,需要经过多方面的改革。绩效考核管理是银行管理中非常重要的一方面,正确的评估行员的业绩,才可能有公正的奖惩,才可能有合理的激励机制。基于此,我们建立了市级商业银行的绩效考核系统,我作为项目经理监管整个项目过程,并参与了需求调研及模块的详细设计。该系统于09年开始预启动,2010开始开发-2011年进入试运行,之后还在根据每年的考核需求变化和用户的使用情况进行一些局部改造和模块升级。本文以中信银行宁波市分行建设的绩效考核系统建设为基础,分析了国内外银行内部绩效考核的发展阶段和现状,以实际银行中管理者,行员的需求调研为基础,提出了需求的可行性分析并总结归纳出业务功能需求、系统功能需求,并基于该系统的架构设计和数据库设计,对系统平台的关键模块设计和应用做了具体的讲解,通过系统管理确定了系统中不同权限的分配,建立考核对象管理对机构、行员做同一的管理,对行员与账户,业绩关系,中间业务关系作为银行的内部重要资源做数据累计和及时维护。通过加强对客户的分类管理,实现对客户结构的不断调整优化和资源投入产出效益的不断提高。同时系统平台建立了完善的查询功能,可随时查看机构、个人的业绩,账户明细,账户关系,及相关数据等,以严谨的绩效考核标准为准则,系统平台数据分析,作出较为精确的绩效考核,有效的提高的银行的竞争实力。 本文所提及的系统在宁波中信银行实施运行以来,取的了领导及行员的一定的评价与成绩。关键词:市级商业银行,绩效考核,对象管理,数据分析AbstractWith Chinas entry into the ranks of the economic globalization, the domestic banks will be faced with many new opportunities and challenges. For domestic banks, to win this competition, the need to go through many reforms. Performance appraisal and management is a very important aspect of the bank management, the correct assessment of the performance of the teller, it may just rewards and punishments, it may be reasonable incentive mechanism.Based on this, we establish a performance appraisal system for municipal commercial banks, as the supervision of the project manager throughout the project, and I participated in the needs of research and detailed design of the module. The system began in 2009, the pre-start, began developing -2011 2010 into the trial run, after some partial renovation and module upgrades are being made, based on the annual assessment to changes in demand and user usage. In this paper, based on the performance appraisal system construction of Ningbo City, a branch of CITIC Bank building, stage of development and current situation of the domestic and foreign banks internal performance evaluation based on actual bank managers, line staff needs research, demand feasibility analysis and business functional requirements, system functional requirements summarized, and the key modules of the system platform based on the architecture of the system design and database design, design and application specific explanation, identified through the system management system the allocation of privileges, the establishment of assessment object management agencies, line workers to do the same management, data accumulated tellers and account performance relationship, intermediate business relationship as the banks internal resources and timely maintenance. Input and output efficiency continues to improve customers continuously adjust and optimize the structure and resources by strengthening management, customer classification. Platform creates a query function, at any time to view the institutions, individual performance, account details, account relationships, and related data, as the criteria in a rigorous performance appraisal standards, system platform data analysis, more accurate performance appraisal effectively improve the banks competitive strength.System mentioned in this article Ningbo CITIC Bank since the implementation of the running to take the leadership and employees evaluation scores.Key Words:Municipal commercial bank, Performance appraisal, Object management, Data analysis目录摘要iAbstractii图目录IV表目录V第1章 绪论11.1 课题背景11.2 国内外研究现状21.2.1 国外现状研究21.2.2 国内现状研究51.3 研究内容与目标61.4 本文结构组织71.5 本章小结7第2章 绩效考核系统的需求分析82.1 业务功能需求82.1.1 数据描述82.1.2 算法描述112.1.3 统计指标162.2 系统功能需求202.2.1 业绩考核查询202.2.2 业绩账户管理212.2.3 考核指标管理222.2.4 业绩考核报表222.2.5 业绩考核分析232.2.6 系统管理232.3 本章小结24第3章 绩效考核系统的架构设计和数据库设计253.1 系统软硬件环境253.2 系统架构设计253.2.1 硬件架构图253.2.2 软件架构图263.2.3 系统流程273.3 数据库设计293.3.1 系统信息描述293.3.2 原始数据库303.3.3 基础数据库313.3.4 视图393.4 本章小结42第4章 绩效考核系统的模块设计434.1 界面介绍434.2 系统管理454.1.1 系统日志管理464.1.2 系统参数管理474.1.3 用户权限管理474.1.4 安全角色管理474.1.5 手工调度管理484.1.6 系统菜单管理484.1.7 桌面配置管理484.3 考核对象管理494.2.1 机构管理504.2.2 行员管理514.4 业绩关系管理514.3.1 行员-账户关系管理514.3.2 业绩关系批量维护534.3.3 中间业务关系管理524.5 查询中心534.4.1 机构业绩查询564.4.2 个人业绩查询564.4.3 账户明细查询574.4.4 账户关系修改日志查询574.4.5 行员中间业务明细查询574.4.6 事物日志查询584.4.7 中间业务余额表584.4.8 行员客户维度查询594.6 机构业绩报表594.5.1 机构业绩指标表594.5.2 机构利润明细表604.7 行员业绩报表604.6.1 行员业绩指标表604.6.2 行员利润明细表614.8 业绩分析614.7.1 机构对比分析624.7.2 行员对比分析624.7.3 机构排名分析634.7.4 行员排名分析634.7.5 机构趋势分析644.7.6 行员趋势分析644.7.7 贷款形态分析644.7.8 存贷款到期账户分析654.9 本章小结65第5章 总结与展望665.1 本文成果总结665.2 进一步的研究工作67参考文献68作者简历70致 谢71图目录图 3.1 系统硬件架构图26图 3.2 系统软件架构图27图 3.3 绩效考核流程图28图 3.4 绩效考核逻辑流程图29图 3.5 基础数据库结构图132图 3.6 基础数据库结构图233图 4.1 客户经理考核管理系统登录界面43图 4.2 客户经理考核管理系统操作界面44图 4.3 MIS考核管理系统登陆界面44图 4.4 MIS考核管理系统操作界面45图 4.5 绩效考核系统系统管理功能列表图45图 4.6 系统管理组织全县配置界面46图 4.7 客户经理绩效考核系统业务界面49图 4.8 MIS绩效管理系统业务界面50图 4.9 机构管理界面50图 4.10 行员-账户管理界面52图 4.11 业绩关系界面54图 4.12 中间业务收入界面53图
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