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一、 教学内容1. Vocabulary: father, mother, brother, sister, friend2. Sentence structure: Whos this? This is my.3.Describe the people,use the words:Tall /short handsome / beautiful/ big /small eyes White/black skin long /short hair For example : She is short now, she has big eyes, white skin ,short and black hair, she is beautiful.She is my little daughter.Her name is Emma.二、教学目的与要求1. 熟练掌握单词读音,明白词意。,使每个学生都得到发展。3. 情感目标:通过谈论自己的家人,快乐的家引起学生对家、对父母、兄弟姐妹的热爱之情。4. 文化意识目标:了解一些国内及国外的名人、伟人。三、教学重点、难点如何用英语描述一个人的特征。四、教学手段利用图片、照片,运用多媒体辅助教学。五、教具准备,头饰,本人/学生全家福、单词图片, PPT课件学过程Step I: Warm-up & Revision2 Song: I like juice, I like juiceStep II: Lead in and learn the new words and sentences1: Ask and answer: what class do you have on Monday?T: Do you like Chinese class?.T: Do you like your family?(新旧知识过渡)S: T: Yes, I love my family. (读题目, 贴心形图片)Today I am going to introduce my family to you. Look!This is my family. Whos this? This is my father.I love my family. Now follow me and learn the words: Father, father, this is my father. 如此类推学习mother等单词。2Pair work:T: Whos this? This is .(结合小组读,小组个人读,四人读,单个读)(教师把教学图片贴在Family Tree 上)Step II: Learn the song: My mother (利用照片)要求学生在学唱歌的同时,巩固以上刚学的新单词,并学会用Whos this? This is my.介绍自己的家人。Step III : Practice1. Guessing Game: (利用明星、国内外伟人照片)Whos this? This is (Liu dehua). Hes (handsome)This is xxx. Shes tall/ handsome/fat.Pair work: Ask the students to guess the answers.2Ask the students to say something about their family. (全家照)Model:Hello. This is my family. This is my father. Hes handsome. I love my father. I love my family.Check: Ask the student to introduce one of their family members.Step IV: ConsolidationRead the words on the blackboard and review what we have learned.Step V: Homework: 1. Listening to the tape.2. Sing the song “My mother” to your parents.
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