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balanced and run the satisfaction of the people education. Room XX City Bureau of educational supervision of XX municipality May 6, 2016 County economic information and Business Council System Committee two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme for advance full strictly rule party, according to County Organization Department on County two learn a do learning arrangements of specific programme and I Board learning education implementation programme spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, ensure learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and Promote the work and be qualified party members and learning arrangements are hereby makes the following specific programmes. Learning requirements, on all party members to study the party Constitution and party rules and unify the XI series of important speech, General Secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the Constitution Party rules, Constitution Party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requirements. 1. Constitution Party rules. Learning of the party Constitution, a deep understanding of the partys nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, grasp conditions, rights and obligations of party members, bearing in mind that oath, clear qualified party member criteria and conditions. Learning the code of self-discipline of the CPC, the CPCs disciplinary regulations, the Chinese Communist Party Member Rights Ordinance and so on, mastering self-discipline standards of four must, the four upholdings, mastering various types of disciplinary offence and punishment provisions. 2. series spoke. To XI General Secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) and out poverty for basic textbook, learning understand XI General Secretary series important speech of basic spirit, learning understand Central ruling acting political new concept new thought new strategy of basic content, learning understand XI General Secretary in Fujian work during advocate of four grassroots immediately on do drop weak bird first fly and the in Nanping research study proposed of gravity Xia moved, and innovation mechanism, important thought, Master and strengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related to the basic requirements. Main understand master following aspects content: (1) ideal faith is Communists spirit Shang of calcium, set right of worldview, and Outlook on life, and values; (2) China dream is national of dream, and national of dream, and people of dream, is Chinese modern yilai most great of dream, core Essentials is national prosperity, and national revitalization, and people happiness; (3) China features Socialist is achieved Chinese great revival of way, enhanced road confidence, and theory confidence, and system confidence; (4) four a full Strategy layout is new of history conditions Xia party ruling acting political total strategy, consciously with four a full led the work; (5) insisted innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared development is relationship China development global of one deep change, according to new development concept do job; (6) practice line Socialist core values, promote Socialist thought moral and Chinese traditional virtue一目标市场调查安踏品牌不仅是标志,而是比标志更具意义和联想。安,安心创业。踏,踏实做人。安踏品牌是用 一种客观的、直接的文字,陈述着它持久不变的品牌根源。安踏品牌的精神已超越国家和文化的界限,将“超越自我的体育精神”融入到每个人的生活。安心创业,踏实做人。正是“安踏”名字的来源。安踏的目标市场定位是生活在二三线城市的普通年轻人,高中生,大学生,在职场底层努力打拼,渴望出头的职场新人。他们需要找一个自我表现和炫耀张扬的渠道来释放自己,这个渠道就是运动,有永不服输的精神,追求个性,时尚张扬,看重品牌的年轻人二包装产品调查,“安踏”由生产单一运动鞋过渡到生产体育用品,产品结构扩展到运动鞋、运动服装、帽袜、箱包等;同时重新打造“安踏”的店铺模式体育用品专卖店。这是“安踏”发展的一个新阶段。 安踏在同类市场中处于中等地位,安踏追寻的是中国运动品牌一线品牌的发展趋势,但是他的广告投放上面主要是针对国内篮球联赛来做品牌推广覆盖,给中国人更加国有化,但是像李宁,匹克就有点国际接轨的意思看,所以从品牌效应上面来说毕竟品牌历史有限,只能随波逐流没有资本做引领者,市场定位中档国有品牌,品牌对中低端的大众消费群有一定的品牌效应。三生产企业状况调查1994年,在福建泉州市晋江的一家制鞋作坊门口第一次挂上了安踏的标志,经过十几年的发展,安踏已发展成为中国最大的以营销为导向的综合性体育用品企业之一,安踏企业领导人丁志忠因为其对于中国体育的特殊 贡献,被评为第17届“中国十大杰出青年”安踏(中国)有限公司创建于1991年,旗下有香港安大国际投资有限公司、安踏(福建)鞋业有限公司、北京安踏东方体育用品有限公司等。十多年来,安踏公司秉承“安心创业、踏实做人、创百年品牌”的经营理念,经过不懈努力,已发展成为国内最大的集生产制造与营销导向于一体的综合性体育用品企业。 一个占地面积达100余亩、具备10条现代化生产线的花园式工业园坐落在美丽的侨乡晋江市。这10条全部实行电脑化管理的生产线,从2004年1月开始全面投入使用以来,使安踏高端产品的研发、生产、配送得到了突飞猛进的提高。安踏形象代言人从1999年的奥运冠军孔令辉,到NBA著名球星斯科拉、世界女排冠军的中国队队长冯坤,世界乒乓球冠军王皓,CBA的潜力球员王博,强大的体育明星阵容塑造并提升了安踏的专业品牌形象。一. 供求状况调查(一)环境分析1.宏观环境分析(1)经济环境:经过二十多年的发展,到2008年,我国的体育用品企业已经超过400万家,具有一定规模的体育用品企业约为25000家。已成为世界上最大的体育用品制造国家,是全球能够独立生产体育用品种类最多的国家。2009年1-11月,中国体育用品制造行业规模以上企业实现主营业务收入64,606,176.00千元,比上年同期增长了6.29%;实现利润总额1,975,326.00千元,比上年同期增长了56.90%。(2)文化环境:1.随着人们生活水平的不断提高,对健康意识也日益重视,运动氛围也越发浓厚,中国近几年承办的各种国际体育赛事在国内外都引起了许多的关注。社会对体育用品的需求日益增长,人们对休闲运动服的需要增加。2. 国家对体育文化基础设施建设加强,为人们提供了更为便利的场所。3. 作为大学生,学校开设了各种体育课程,并且学生对体育的热情相对热忱,促进了体育用品如休闲服,运动鞋等发
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