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,Task 1,What is stress?,A physical, chemical or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation (原因,因果关系),1) test A competition 2) emotional B deadline 3) homework C workload (工作量) 4) peer (同伴) D anxiety 5) heavy E disorder (紊乱),Task 2,Answer the questions by matching the following items.,1 What may bring you stress on campus?,What are some of the common unpleasant stresses in our lives?,Illness Unemployment Conflict Increasing demands Crime Death Information overload,Task 3,What are some of the common pleasant stresses in our lives?,Retirement Vacation New baby Moving New job New phase of life Children leaving home Family visits,1) get A friends 2) chat with B a comedy movie 3) listen to C soft music 4) take D a good sleep 5) watch E a deep breath,Task 4,2 What are the means by which people relax themselves?,Task 5,What s the function of stress?,Task 6,Match the following pictures with the symptoms of too much stress.,1 fatigue (疲劳) 2 sadness 3 headache 4 anger 5 sleeplessness 6 depression (沮丧),A,F,D,E,C,B,Task 7,Pressure of exams is common among students. The following is a list of strategies students can use to ease pressure under such situations. Conduct a survey among your classmates and find out the three most frequently used strategies.,A burn the midnight oil B ask for shortcuts from senior schoolmates C borrow notes from top classmates D find test papers of previous years E keep in touch with the teacher for instructions F put off other assignments so as to save time for the exam G skip other classes so as to save time for preparations H give it up,According to your survey, the three most frequently used strategies are: _, _, _.,Stress is a natural part of life. We all experience stress over issues relating to our lives. We wouldnt be human if we didnt. We may feel pressured to hunt a good job for the future. We might find the experiment is too difficult or feel time is limited for the coming test.,Stress,Some stress is necessary to provide the incentive to get things done, but excessive stress can be harmful to our health and our study abilities.,If we deal with stress poorly, we may pay the price in ill health, accidents, inability to concentrate on our study - and unhappiness.,We should find ways to handle the stress in our daily life.,If we are really tired of the daily stress which we have to go through,The Joy of Stress Chicago Tribute,Reading It,The Joy of Stress Chicago Tribute,1 Removing stress from our life is something of a national dream. People worry that too much tensionat work, at home, in traffic, in line at the grocery store, anywhereis slowly harming their insides. Who can blame them? Doctors give warnings about the dangers of stress. Mostly, that only createswhat else?more stress.,2 All of this leads to some dubious conclusions about the best way to live a long and happy life. At New Trier High School, north of Chicago, for instance, officials are considering a new policy that would force overachieving students to take a lunch break and some free time during the day. The theory seems to be that it is better to ease off a bit during the day, rather than fill every minute with classes or activities. Better to forget about going to Harvard, than to get stressed over it.,* Words,stress n. 持续的压力;紧张;忧虑,tension n.(精神上的)紧张;紧张(局势); 拉(绷)紧,*insides n. (人的)肠胃;内脏,blame v. 指责;责怪 n. (过错、事故等的) 责任;指责,dubious a. 怀疑的;无把握的;靠不住的,*overachieving a. 过于努力的;过于进取的,2 所有这一切都导致一些可疑的结论,都是关于如何长寿已经 如何活得幸福的好办法。例如,在芝加哥北部的New Trier高级中学, 官方正考虑一项新举措,即让表现突出的学生中午休息片刻并在一天中享受闲暇时间。这一想法的理论似乎是一天中最好能缓口气,而不是排满各项课程和活动。最好暂时忘却为考取哈佛该做的努力,松口气,减减压。,Better acquaintance,3 Back in the days before stress was seen as a plague, it was known by other names: work, ambition, trying hard to do ones best. Those earlier Americans knew something that many today have forgotten: Stress is a gift. What drives you out of bed in the morning, if not stress? What forces you to create, to achieveor just mow the lawn?,4 Humans are born into stress and programmed to deal with it every day. The body needs stress, longs for it, and cant function without it. If stress were so bad, why did the Universe see fit to create hunger, thirst and other bodily functions that require a person to move? For that matter, why were iPhones created, if not to provide something for which to work hard?,5 Americans invented workaholism, the highest level of stress. Probably an American coined the term “overachiever”, a word that should be forbidden, because it regards those who work extra hard as small-souled monsters who arent smart enough to work slower.,plague n. 瘟疫;鼠疫;灾难,ambition n. 抱负;雄心;野心,mow v. 割(草),lawn n. 草坪;草地,prog
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