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2009 Ecolab Inc. Ecolab China艺康中国 Food & Beverage食品饮料部 2009 Ecolab Inc. Company Introduction 公司介绍 2009 Ecolab Inc. Ecolab艺康集团 艺康公司创办于1923年 Founded in 1923 总部位于明尼苏达州圣保罗市 Headquartered in St. Paul, Minnesota 26,000名公司员工 26,000 associates 业务遍及全球超过170个国家 Global reach over 160 countries 2010年销售额为70亿美元 $7billion sales in 2010 Ecolab is committed to building a better and more 2009 Ecolab Inc. 全球最大的专业从事商用领域清洁、消毒、食品 安全和预防感染领域的开拓者和领导者。有高度 社会责任感的企业,创建一个更美好的世界。致 力于创造更清洁、更安全、更健康、更有效率、 更可持续发展的世界。 Ecolab, a strong social responsibility company , is the worlds leading provider of cleaning, sanitizing, food safety and infection prevention products and services. 艺康集团 2009 Ecolab Inc. 值得信赖的合作伙伴 Recognized for the way we do business 艺康连续多次获得由公众和行业专家授予的以下荣誉称号: 福布斯杂志“最佳管理公司”及“美国最佳大公司”荣誉榜 商业道德周刊“美国优秀管理理100佳企业” 投资者关系杂志“最佳公司治理” 行业周刊“最佳五十强制造业企业” 商业杂志“最佳工作环境奖” 公司骑士杂志“全球百家最有社会责任感的企业” Corporate Responsibility Officer杂志百名最佳企业公民 连续两年Ethisphere Magazine“全球最具道德企业奖” 2009 Ecolab Inc. 艺康食品安全赞誉 Food Safety Recognition 2006年黑珍珠食品安全公司卓越奖 2006 Black Pearl Award for Corporate Excellence in Food Safety 由国际食品保护协会 ( IAFP )颁发, 表彰持续提供先进的食品质量安全方 案,拥有融洽的员工关系、进行有效 的教育培训和权威的服务水准的企业 并实现IAFP的目标做出贡献的企业。 2009 Ecolab Inc. 艺康集团历届奥运会的食品安全合作与支 持Track Record of Olympic Partnership 1980 Moscow 1984 Los Angeles 1988 Seoul 1992 Barcelona 1996 Atlanta 2000 Sydney 2004 Athens 2008 Beijing 1980 Lake Placid 1984 Sarajevo 1988 Calgary 1992 Albertville 1994 Lillehammer 1998 Nagano 2002 Salt Lake City 2006 Turin 2009 Ecolab Inc. 艺康中国 Ecolab China From 1987 总部 上海:Headquarters Shanghai: 业务覆盖全国Nationwide business coverage 4 个业务部门4 business divisions 2 家生产厂2 manufacturing plants 5 个分销中心5 distribution centers 20多个办事处20+ representative offices for serving customers nationwide 艺康中国团队:Ecolab China Team: 800多名员工遍布全国各地800+ associates 训练有素的服务技师和工程师Well trained Service and engineer Specialists 知识丰富的管理人员和专才Seasoned management team 专业培训师Professional training experts 2009 Ecolab Inc. 为食品供应链提供专业服务 Provide professional service for food supply chain 艺康全程参与从农场到餐桌的各个环节,实现企业的高效运营、雇员安全、食品安全和品牌保护 Ecolab participate in every critical points from farm to desk, to help enterprises realize operation efficiency, staff safety, food safety and brand protection Ecolab Value 艺康价值 Industry leader in product innovation and service expertise 行业领先的产品创新者和服务专家 Ecolab core capabilities that drive value Ecolab 体现价值的核心能力: Technology A full range of premium cleaning and sanitizing products, systems and services that produce the best results and the lowest costs 技术 Service On- site experts identify and help solve customer cleaning and sanitizing problems as well as potential food safety issues. 服务 全系列高质量的清洁消毒产品、设备以及服务, 专家现场检测,帮助客户解决清洁消毒方面存在 藉由最低的使用成本来达成最好的收益或成果。 的所有潜在食品安全隐患。 2009 Ecolab Inc. Ecolab Value 艺康价值 Industry leader in product innovation and service expertise 行业领先的产品创新者和服务专家 Ecolab core capabilities that drive value Ecolab体现价值的核心能力: Training Employee safety and sanitation training help ensure effective, efficient and consistent results in customer operations. 培训 员工安全以及卫生消毒培训来确保客户高效能与 高效率的持续运营。 Information Web- based reporting provides instant access to important operating data from our sales and service team, 24/7. 信息 网络报告系统使客户能即时获取艺康销售及服务的重 要运营数据。 2009 Ecolab Inc. 2009 Ecolab Inc. Media In China 中国媒体的关注 Ecolab is recognized as the Food Safety Expert 艺康是公认的食品安全专家 2009 Ecolab Inc. Ecolab (China) F&B 艺康中国食品饮料部 2009 Ecolab Inc. 艺康食品饮料部 Ecolab China Food & Beverage Department 遍布全国的专业服务销售人员,训练有素的内部和技 术支持专才和知识丰富的管理人员组成 Composed by professional sales, well- trained internal and technical support expertise and knowledgeable managers 食品饮料行业多年的从业经验 Rich experience in food & beverage industry 专注于始终如一地为客户提供安全高效的清洁消毒产 品和服务 Focus on providing customers with safe and efficient cleaning and sanitation products and services consistently 更有效、更持久的专业服务方案 More efficient, more permanent professional service programs 艺康The Ecolab F&B Promise F&B承诺 我们从核心业务能力出发,量身定制各项产品、服务和设备。我们设计了协作式业 务模式,通过提供重点现场服务,使设施保持清洁安全,同时简化设施的运作,从 而保障雇员安全、食品安全和保护客户的品牌。 Weve tailored products and services from our core competencies. A synergistic business model designed to grantee staff safety, food safety and protect Customers brands by delivering cleaner, safer facilities and outputs through focused field service and efficient operations. Complete Solution For Chinese Market 针对中国市场的全面解决方案 2009 Ecolab Inc. Program & Products 解决方案和 产品 Dedicated Services 优质服务 Training 培训 Equipment 设备 Mobile Data Collection 数据采集与 分析 Supports 支持 F&B Business Range F&B业务范围 Restroom Sanitation Environmental Drain Sanitation Floor Cleaners 地板清洁 排水沟消毒 EcoCare 手部护理 Hygiene Testing 卫生测试 Pest Equipment Elimination 配套设备 有害生物防治 Surface Cleaning 表面清洁 Floor Car 地面护理 Laundry洗衣 CIP 原位清洗 Flume Water Treatment 水处理 Sanitizers消毒剂 Janitorial Products 保洁产品 Hand Soap 洗手液 Membrane Cleaning 膜清洗 2009 Ecolab Inc. Lubes Doorway System 门禁系统 Effluent treatment 排污治理 Facility Cleaning Equipment 润滑剂 环境清洁设备 Process 卫生间消毒 Water Care 水护理 Back Dock 储物间清洁 F&B Target M
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