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八年级(上)英语学科导学案出品人:刘贵田 审核人:关学伟时间:Unit10 Im going to be a basketball player. Section B3a-Selfcheck教师寄语:Example is better than percept.说一遍,不如做一遍。 一、复习检测:Translatethefollowingphrases.1)新年的决心 2)学习演奏一种乐器 3)组建足球队 4)取得好成绩 5)吃更健康的食品 6)进行大量的锻炼 7)上吉他课 8)学一门外语 9)使他们的决心实现 10)想成为一名教师 11)我非常喜欢音乐 二、学习目标:1、熟悉本节课出现的生词短语。2、“be going to”结构的用法进行进一步的练习。3、谈论新年的决心。4、提高写作能力。三、自学导航:1)词汇:(预习检测)1、超过 2、传真 3、读者 4、强健的;健康的 5、交流 6、淑女 7、外国的 8、建造 9、交换;互换 10、交换生 11.多锻炼为了保持身体健康_12.学习一门外语_12)与他们孩子更好地交流_13.找一份当语言教师的工作_2)课文3a:Read the magazine article and make a list of the New Years resolution it mentions.3)熟读课文,并背诵3a.四、展示交流: 小组交流自学导航的自学成果,教师巡回指导。(建议学生板书)五、学海探究:(一)用适当的介词填空。1. She is looking _ a job _ China now.2. I want to communicate better _ their kids.3. Its time _ supper. What _ going out a walk after supper?4. Kate goes to _ London _ her parents every years.5. Does you father come _ Beijing?6. Some of the students go to school _ bike, others _ foot.7. My grandpa goes _ a walk near the river _ supper every evening.8. She reads English _ school.(二)用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Her father _(come)back in an hour.2. What _ your uncle _(do)? He is a worker.3. If you _(not go)soon, you will be late.4. Jim is good at _(swim).5. Who _(take)part in the party last night?6. I am sure he _(be)a good boy next year.7. I picked up the pen and _(give)it back to Mr. Wang.8. Do you know the girl _(call)Mary?(三)What are some of your resolutions? Write about them.六、中考连接 :(2008襄樊)-When are you going to tell Henry the good news?-_ he comes back.A.Since B. As soon as C. Because D. Until七、反思总结:我的收获:_ Xkb1.com 新课标第一网 ww w.x k b1.co m 新-课-标-第-一-网 X-k-b-1.-c-o-m 新课|标第|一|网
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