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6-1Introduction.单词拼写1A s_ is a type of animal or plant.2A h_ is the place where an animal lives naturally.3A r_is an area of land where animals are protected.4C_ means protection, especially of natural things.5E_means dead (for a species, not a single animal)6S _means continuing to live.答案:1.species2.habitat3.reserve4.Conservation5.Extinct6.Survival.单句改错1They got their car washing at the garage._.2Tom was very fat that he could not walk fast._.3The boy lay in bed, listened to the radio._.4The mayor asked all the experts to do what they could solve the problem._.5With time went on, I grew more and more anxious about the exam to come._.6He asked me for advice with how to protect eyes._.7The waiter got closely to the customer and asked what she wanted to have for dinner._.8Marys hat is similar with Janes._.9I dont think it was in the library where their quarrels occurred._.10Mr. Smith asked me to buy three scores of eggs for the dinner party._.答案:1.washingwashed2.veryso3.listenedlistening4.solve前加to5.WithAs或wentgoing6.withon7.closelyclose8.withto9.wherethat10.scoresscore.单项填空1Tibetan antelopes have fallen into an _ species because the natives killed large numbers of them for their furs.AdangerousBdangerCendangered Dendangering答案:C句意是:由于当地人杀了大量的藏羚羊以获取它们的皮毛,藏羚羊已成为濒临灭绝的物种。 dangerous指“危险的”;endangered指“快灭绝的”。2May I take this table, please?Sorry, it has been _ by someone else.Apreserved BreservedCconserved Ddeserved答案:Bpreserve “保护”;reserve “预订”;conserve “节约;保存”;deserve“应受;值得”。答句意为:对不起,已经有人预订了这张桌子。3A Chinese satellite is expected to orbit Mars in 2011, _ an agreement our country signed with Russia on Monday.Ainstead of Bin spite ofCas a result Dthanks to答案:D句意是:一颗中国人造卫星有望在2011年环绕火星运行,这多亏了星期一我国与俄国签订的一份协议。instead of“代替”;in spite of“尽管”;as a result“结果”;thanks to“多亏;由于”。4He has been struggling _ in his business.Aagainst success Bwith successCfor success Dto success答案:Cstruggle for success “为获得成功而努力”。5The number of people invited _fifty, but a number of them _absent for different reasons.Awere; was Bwas; wasCwas; were Dwere; were答案:C本题考查the number of和a number of后面接名词作主语时谓语动词的数。the number of后面的谓语动词用单数,a number of后面的谓语动词用复数。因此,在本题第一空要选单数,第二空选复数。故选C。6It was because he would get the chance to travel _ he wanted to work as a tour guide.Athat BwhyCwhat Dwhere答案:A本题的主要结构是强调句式It is/was. that.,被强调的成分是原因状语“because he would get the chance to travel”,故选A项。7_ this is only a small town, its crowded with tourists who come here all year round.ASince BUnlessCOnce DAlthough答案:D题意:尽管这只是个小镇,但全年都有很多游客来这里。根据题意可知,两句之间为转折关系,故选D项。although引导让步状语从句。.完形填空Our planet is teeming(丰富的) with life. Tigers and turtles, bats and bees, gnats and gnus, crabs and crabgrassthe list seems _1_. Weve named more than 1.5 million species, and suspect that millions more remain _2_. Scientists call this mindboggling(惊人的) variety of life biodiversity. _3_ so many species, its surprising to realise that so many are in danger of becoming _4_.Extinct _5_ are plants and animals that once lived on Earth, but _6_ live anywhere in the world. _7_ species are those most in danger of extinction. Even large populations of animals can be _8_ risk. Passenger pigeons once flew in flocks so large that they _9_ Americas skies. _10_ time, habitat destruction and hunting decreased the birds numbers. The last one died _11_ in the Cincinnati Zoo in 1914.Dinosaurs, dodo birds, and passenger pigeons are all extinct. Extinction have always happened _12_, but in modern time, people have pushed wildlife to the brink much more quickly than ever before. Were _13_ wildlife very rapidly!Endangered species are animals and plants that are in danger of becoming extinct. The US Endangered Species Act of 1973 was _14_ to protect threatened wildlife and habitats so they dont _15_ the way of the dodo.Why do animals become endangered of extinct? The main reason is _16_ of habitat. Habitat _17_ or fragmentation(破坏) can make it _18_ for wildlife to survive. However, as people learn to take _19_ care of plants and animals, and their habitats
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