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四年级第二学期 期末复习资料Class _ Name _ Number_一、名词单数变复数的规律:1、可数名词以s, x, ch, sh,部分o结尾的名词+ esbenches, buses , classes , glasses, dresses, waitresses , foxes boxes,peaches, sandwiches, watches , branches , dishes, brushes,fishes, beaches2、辅音+y结尾的名词,去y变i+ esLady-ladies cherry-cherries strawberry-strawberries library-libraries fly-flies lorry-lorries body-bodies baby-babies story-stories city-cities family-families, aviary-aviaries party-parties battery-batteries 3以f或fe结尾的名词,去f , fe 变v + esknife-knives(小刀) wolf-wolves leaf-leaves scarf-scarves life-lives 4、不可数名词没有复数用“ / ”表示water juice meat coffee tea hair jam glue paper ice grass rice flour milk sugar bread butter corn hay honey food fruit sand corn fishhomework hair string 5、不规则单词:man-men child-children tooth-teeth foot-feet mouse-mice woman-women 6、单复数不变的名词sheep-sheep deer-deer 二、反义词81. short- long/tall2. big-small 3. tall-short 4. old-young /new 5. new-old 6. large-little 7. smooth-rough 8. hard-soft 9. hot-cold 10. strong-weak(软弱)11. sharp-blunt(钝的) 12. brave-afraid 13. black-white 14. thin-fat 15. fast-slow (慢) 16. quiet-loud 17. warm-cool 18. clean-dirty 19. dry-wet 20. full-hungry 21. sit up-stand down 22. turn on-turn off 23. open-close 24. go-come 25. behind-in front of 26. left-right27. on-under /off 28. this-that 29. these-those 30. put on-take off31. good-bad32. inside-outside33. here-there34. bring-take35. happy-sad36. open-close/shut37. rise-go down 38. beforeafter 39. always-never三、疑问代词1.what什么 (对句子中的宾语提问)2.what colour 什么颜色(对颜色提问)3. what shape什么形状(对形状提问)4.what time什么时间(对几点钟提问)5.where哪里(对地点介词词组提问)6.when什么时候(对时间年,月,日,星期提问7.which哪一个哪一些(对句子中的定语提问)8.why为什么(对原因提问)9.who谁(对主语,宾语提问)10.whose谁的(对所有格提问)11.how怎样(对方式,程度,身体提问)12. how many多少(对可数名词数量提问)13. how old几岁(对年龄提问) 14.how much多少(对不可数名词数量提问,对价格提问)四、人称代词 主格宾格所有格Imemyyouyouyourhehimhissheherheritititsweusouryouyouyourtheythemtheir五、同音词here-hear where-wear their-there meet-meat for-fourtoo-two-to I-eye know-no see-sea pear-pair dear-deer bee-be son-sun hour-ourbye-by-buy write-right flower-flourknow-nowhos-whose六、时态1、 一般现在时1)表达频繁发生,反复发生,习惯性发生的一种状态。2)常见单词: often sometimes usually always never every day 3)句子结构: 肯定句: 主语(第一、二、三复)+动词原形 主语(第三人称单数)+动词第三人称单数否定句:主语(第一、二、三复)+dont+ 动词原形 主语(第三人称单数)+doesnt+动词原形(助动词后加动词原形)一般疑问句:Do+ 主语(第一、二、三复)+动词原形? Yes, 主+do. No, 主+ dont. Does+ 主语(第三人称单数)+动词原形? Yes, 主+does. No, 主+ doesnt.特殊疑问句:疑问词+ do+ 主语(第一、二、三复)+动词原形? 疑问词+ does+ 主语(第三人称单数)+动词原形?4) 动词第三人称构成一般情况+s以s, sh, ch, o结尾加es: watches, washes, catches, brushes, goes以辅音字母加y结尾,去y加ies: carries, flies, 特殊情况: have-has2、现在进行时1)表达动作正在进行中。2)常见单词: listen look now 时间点 3)句子结构: 肯定句: 主语+be+动词现在分词否定句:主语+be+not+动词现在分词一般疑问句:Be+主语+动词现在分词?特殊疑问句:疑问词+ be+主语+动词现在分词?4) 动词现在分词构成一般情况+ing以不发音的e结尾去e加ing: dancing, making, taking, living, riding, dozing, 重读闭音节,双写加ing: putting, chatting, sitting, digging, swimming, running, getting七、语法点1、量词: a glass of a pair of a bar of a cup of a box of a bowl of1)量词词组后面跟不可数名词或可数名词复数。a glass of juice, a box of cookies2) 量词词组的单复数以量词前的数词为准:a pair of scissors 单数 two pairs of scissors复数2、选择疑问句: 1) 用or连接两个选项部分。2)不能用yes, no回答。 Is it an apple or an orange? Its an apple. 3、询问感官1) 用be 动词: How is it? How are they?2) 用助动词: How does it feel/ smell/ taste? How do they feel/ smell/ taste?4、to have 的句型What do you have? I have What does he have? He has.5、询问物主1) 句子结构: Whose +名词+ be+主语?主语+be+物主代词/所有格+名词。Whose knife is this/that? Its Dannys.Whose books are these/those? They are my books. 2) 名词所有格的构成单数名词后面加s Peters cat my mothers car the trees shadow复数名词后面加 the dogs tails teachers office the trees shadows6、介词用法1)in +季节、月份、年份、国家、早、下午、傍晚 in spring in January in 1998 in China2)on+星期、日期 on Sunday on June the first3)at+节日、时间点、晚上、周末、中午 at seven oclock at the Double Ninth Festival7、 时间表达法1)直接表达法: 整点: 小时+oclock ten oclock 其他时间: 小时+分钟 five fifteen 5:15 twelve forty-five 12:45 one thirty
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