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Unit11. 你有一些零食吗?Do you _ _ _?2. 山姆在树下发现了一些蘑菇。Sam _ some _ _ the_ .3. 快点,我们上学要迟到了。_ _ , we are _ _ _.4. 这食物坏了,我们不能吃它。The food _ _ , we _ _ _.5. 你想要些保暖的衣服吗吗?_ you _ _ warm clothes?6. 你为什么看起来如此不开心?Why _ you_so _?7. 因为我不能去参加派对。_I cant_ _ _.8. 真遗憾!_ _ _ !9. 这些蘑菇对我们有害.These _ are _ _ _ .10.我们不能摘他们。We cant_ _.11.山姆不能理解因为它们太难了。Sam _ _ _ theyre too_.12.波比在森林里山姆在花园里。Bobby _ in the_,Sam _ in the _.13.灰姑娘落下一只鞋。Cinderella _ a shoe_.14.他没有留下任何东西。He doesnt _ _ _.15.不要脱下夹克衫。Dont _ off_ _.16.你为什么如此伤心?因为我没有鞋子。Why _ _ so sad?_ I _ _ _17.王子家里有些派对。_ _some _ _ the _ house.18.请在12点前回来。_ come _ before _ _.19.她在派对上玩的很开心。She_a _ _ _ the_.20.所有的女孩试穿了鞋子_ _ _ _ on the shoe. 21.我试穿了这条裙子,但是它不是很适合我。I try on the_,but it _ fit_ _. 22.最后,灰姑娘试穿了它。_,Cinderella _ _ _.23.我必须对你说抱歉。 I _ _ say _ to you.24.Yang Ling puts on Helens dress.(划线提问)_ _ _Yang Ling put on?25.Its red.(划线提问)_ _ _ is it?26.We cant go there because we have no clothes.(划线提问)_ _ _go there?27.Nancy, _ and _ me. A.comes ;help B.come;helps C.come;help28.Its _ Monday .The teacher with her students often_ games.A.on ;play B.on;plays C./;plays29.The food _ nice.We can eat _. A.looks; it B.look ;them C.do;they30._ you _(迟的)for the party?No,Im not.31.Can I have _(some)water?32.Would you like _( eat) a big mushroom?33._(read)books is good for us.34.Do you know these_(prince)names?35.喝一杯、读童话故事、these questions words、dr发音Unit21.超市离这里吗?_ _ _ far from here?2.他住在公园街,在火车站附近。He_ _ _Moon Street,near _ _ _.3.谢谢。不用谢。_you. Youre _.4.女孩们喜欢在公园里骑车。The girls _ _ in the _.5.这对双胞胎想要把他们的玩具给我看。The twims _ _ _ _ _ to me.6.为什么他们不能骑自行车?Why _ _ _ _?7.因为他们太年轻了。_ they re _ _.8.我爸爸总要求我坐在篮子里。My father _ _me to _ in the _.9.我妈妈认为我很聪明,但是我爸爸不这么认为。My mother_ Im_,but my father _ _ so.10.我叔叔住在北京,他去过很多大城市。My _ _ _Beijing.He _ to many big _.11.我的阿姨住在市图书馆附近.My _ _ _ City_.12.她有时骑车到图书馆。She_ _ _ _ _ the_.13.他在轮船上工作。她在商店里工作。He _ _ a _.She_ _ a _.14.麦克住在阳光镇,你呢?Mike lives _ _ _._ _you?15.我喜欢乘火车去澳大利亚。I like _ to Australia _ _.16.出租车司机很累。The _ _are very _.17.孩子们步行去动物园。_= _.18.缇娜常常乘地铁来学校。Tina _ _ a _ _ school.19.我知道怎样到那里。I know_ _ _ _.20.你为什么不去上学呢?因为我生病了。_ _ you go to school? _ _ ill.21.北京太远了,去上海怎么样?Beijing is _ _ , what about_ _ Shanghai?22.through the trees_ the wheels on the bus_ go round and round_ all through the town_23.get there on foot =_ go home on foot =_ go to the park by bike=_ come to the US by plane=_24.Taxi _(drive) often have lunch outside.25.Look!She _(dance) in the dancing room?26.He is_(喝饮料).27.The prince _(visit) every house and _(find )Cinderella.28.Jim with his friends _(pick)some big mushrooms.29._(eat)too much snacks is bad for us.30._(turn)right at the traffic lights.31.Do you like these _(火车) ?Yes, I like _(it) very much.32.Dont talk.They _(talk)about some questions(问题)。33.Helen flies to America .(同义句转换) Helen _ _America _ _ .34.Please show me Mikes bike.(同义句转换)Please show me Mikes bike.(同义句转换)Unit31.我们想要参观麦克的新家。We want _ _ _new home.2.他怎么才能到那里?How _he_ _?3.你可以在公园站上地铁。You can _ _ the metro _ _ _.4.请在市图书馆站下车。Please _ _ _City Library_.5.然后,步行到书店。_, _ _ the bookshop.6.打扰一下,我怎样才能到医院?_ me, _ can I _ to the _?7.他向老师们求助后找到了他的书。He_ _ for help and _ his books.8.你能告诉我图书馆怎么走?Can you _ me_ _get to _ _?9.你能告诉我选哪一个?Can you _ me_ _ _?10.麦克现在在火车站等火车。Mike_ _ _the _at the _ _ now.11.车来了,但是它满了。The bus is _,but _ full.12.我们上不了公交车了,让我们上出租车。We _ _ _ the bus, _ _ _ the taxi.13.在第二个交通灯处右转._ _ at the _ _ _.14.她从超市出来并向警察
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