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六年级英语期中过关试题一按要求填空。1.hobby(复数)_2.fly(动名词)_ 3.knife(复数)_ 、4.these(反义词) _5.we(宾格) _ 6.Chinese(名词) _7.collect(现在分词) _8. French (国家名) _9.address(复数) _ 10.please(形容词)_ 11.America (形容词) _ 12. can(否定形式)_二. 英汉互译。 1.发一封电子邮件_ 2.元宵节_3.思念中国_ 4.成为我的笔友_5. 见到你很高兴_6. 在加拿大的唐人街_7. 给写信 _ 8.拉小提琴_9.元宵节_10.中秋节_ xK b1.C om 11. eight million people_ 12. ride bicycles to work_13. write emails and stories in English _14. carry flags_15. the Tiananmen square _ 16. have a special meal_17. Dragon Boat Festival _ 18. picture books_19. American festival_ 20. a big family dinner_三. 单项选择( )1. I _a big toy ship from my mother. A、has got B、have got C、hasnt got( )2. -_ is Shanghai ? -It s got about 16 million people . A.How many B. How big C. How long( )3. Now you can have _ Chinese stamp. A. another B. other C. the other D. the other of( )4. It s a picture _ the Huangshan Mountain . A. of B. with C. /( )5. Do you like _ ? A. swim B. swimming C. are swimming( )6. Beijing _about fourteen million people . A. have B. have got C. has got( )7. -What are you doing Daming? X|k |B | 1 . c|O |m-Im _ an email to my friend. A. send B. sends C. sending( )8. Is there a letter _ me ? A . in B. to C. for( )9. All of these postcards are _China. A. from B. with C. for( )10. I am _an email now . A. send B. sending C. sends( )11. I cant _ now .Its nine oclock. A、 goes B、going C、go( )12. My hobby is_. A fly kites B、to flying kites C、flying kites( )13. _ stamp is my hobby. A. Collect B. Collects C. Collecting( )14. Have you got _ stamps from China? A. some B. any C. much( )15. We always have a special meals _ Thanksgiving Day. A. on B. in C. at四、用所给动词的适当形式填空. 新|课 | 标|第 |一| 网1. Daming_( visit ) America now . 2._( tell ) me more about the Great Wall . 3.There _ (be) a book and two pens.4._you_( miss ) China ? Sometimes . 5. We_( go ) to Chinatown tomorrow . 6. They_( collect ) lots of great stamps last year . 7. Can you _ (make ) a paper plane for me ?8. Lets_( go ) to Chinatown now . 9. Look ! My sister _ ( play ) with the toy cars . 10. I _ ( get ) up at 6:30 every morning . 五句型转换。(10) 1.Sam likes go swimming in summer.(改成一般疑问句) _Sam _ go swimming in summer? 2.Im playing with dolls. (对划线部分提问) _are _doing? http:/ www. xkb1.com3.Ive got some chopsticks.(改成否定句) I _ got _ chopsticks. 4. These are orange buses. (改成单数) This is _orange _. 六、连词成句1.these, great, are, postcards(.) 2.be, Chinese, can, friend, pen, you, my,(?) 3. Day, what, do, Thanksgiving, on, you, do (?)X k B 1 . c o m4. festival, your, whats, favourite (?)5. you, American, have, got, stamps, any (?)6.there, lots of, are, shops, there, restaurants, and(?)7.in, American, New, York, the, is, of, east(?)九、以“My favourite festival”为题,写一下自己喜爱的节日,不少于40词。_
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