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Period FourGrammar & Writing.完成句子1The problem _(讨论) at tomorrows meeting.(be to do)2When _ the work _(完成)?(will)3We _(给予) a chance to play in this game again.(shall)4If you break the rules,you _(将受惩罚)(will)5A new road _(计划建) around the lake.(be going to)6Only after you show your pass _(允许你进来)(will)7The meeting _(举行) next Tuesday.(will)8_ the old library _(拆除)tomorrow?(be going to).把下列句子改成被动结构1Sue is going to write the report._2I shall give you the book tomorrow._3The chairman will ask us to attend the meeting._4Her mother wont allow her to go there alone._5The managers are to discuss the plan this week._6When will they broadcast this programme?_.单项填空1Your job _ open for your return.Thanks.Awill be kept Bwill keep Chad kept Dhad been kept2No decision _ about any future appointment until all the candidates have been interviewed.Awill be made Bis made Cis being made Dhas been made3I promise that this matter _ next week.Awill be taken care Bwill take care ofCwill take good care Dwill be taken care of4The 30th Olympic Games_in London,England in 2012.Aare going to be held Bis going to holdCare going to hold Dwill hold5When the factory_,there will be many new jobs for graduates.Awill be built Bhas builtCis built Dwill have been built6You _ around our school this afternoon.Now,please have a good rest.Aare shown Bwere shownCare going to be shown Dwill show7The machine doesnt work normally,so it is _ by other tomorrow.Arepaired Bto be repairingCto be repaired Dbeing repaired8Oh,I think were a bit late.If the concerts already started,we _ to go in.Aarent allowed Bwont allowCwont be allowed Ddont allow9Rubbish _ to give light after this kind of new machine is invented.Awill be made use Bwill make use ofCwill be used of Dwill be made use of10The meeting _ at 900 am.on Friday.Ais to hold Bis about to holdCis to be held Dwill hold11I _ if I finish the work within one day.Ashall be praised BpraiseCwill praise Dam praised12These plants _ well indoors as long as they receive four hours of strong light each day.Awill grow Bare growingCwill be grown Dare grown13A talk on how to learn English_in the school meeting hall tomorrow afternoon.Awill be given BgiveChas been given Dis given14Mr.Smith _ certainly _ a new house if more new houses_.Awill;be given;are builtBwill;be given;will builtCis;given;are builtDwill;give;are built15It is reported that several new types of robots _ next year.Awill develop Bwill be developedCare developing Dare developed.阅读理解The year before the first modern Olympic Games,Greece invited China to send a team.But the Qing government(政府)didnt send any athletes to the Games.China did not take part in the Olympics until the 10th Games,held in Los Angeles in 1932.There,Liu Changchun took part in the mens 100metre and 200metre races.He did not win any medals.China won her first gold medal at the 23rd Olympics in Los Angeles in 1984,when Xu Haifeng won the mens free shooting event.China came in fourth with 15 gold medals in all.At the 2000 Olympics in Sydney,Australia,China won 28 gold medals,entering the top three of the medal chart for the first time.September 22nd,2000 was named China Day because China won six gold,three silver and one bronze medals that day.In 2004,the 28th Olympic Games were held in Athens,Greece.Two hundred and two countries took part in the Games.China got the second place with thirtytwo gold,seventeen silver and fourteen br
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