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Unit 4CyberspacePeriod OneWarmup & Lesson 1 Tomorrows World.介、副词填空1_ the last thirty years,the Internet has grown rapidly.2In 1983,there were only 200 computers connected _ the Internet.3Now,there are _ 50 million computers and this growth is clearly going to continue.4However,many people are optimistic _ the future of the Internet.5The mail service may also disappear _ the increasing use of email.6It is clear that we are going to see a huge growth _ shopping _ the Internet.佳句翻译与仿写1How do you think technology will change our lives?翻译:_仿写:你认为我们应该怎样帮他?_2I see people living and working in a virtual world.翻译:_仿写:你最后一次看到那个男孩在花园里玩是什么时间?_3It is clear that we are going to see a huge growth in shopping on the Internet.翻译:_仿写:很显然,他已经告诉了她这个事实。_.单项填空1Peter Taylor finds out how computers and the Internet are going to_ our lives.Which choice is wrong?Aaffect Beffect Cinfluence Dhave an effect on2In the last thirty years,the Internet_ rapidly.Agrows Bwill grow Cgrew Dhas grown3In 1983,there were only 200 computers_ to the Internet.Ato connect Bto be connectedCconnected Dconnecting4Some experts are pessimistic_ the future.Ain Babout Cat Dof5_ is obvious that this destruction will become more dangerous in the future.AThis BThat CWhat DIt6The story that happened 30 years ago still remains_ in my mind as if it_ yesterday.Aclean;happens Bfresh;happenedCclear;had happened Dclearly;happened7Dr.Carl Wight is an expert_ the environment.Aabout Baround Con Dinto8We have to_ immediate action,or I fear that life on Earth will get worse.Amake Btake Cgive Dpay9She also believes_,in the future,we will get entertainment from the Net and_ television will probably disappear.Athat;/ B/;that Cwhat;that Dthat;what10What do you suppose_ do next?Awill they BthemCthey will Dwill them.阅读理解Computers.Love them or hate them,it is impossible to escape from them in the modern age.They are so much a part of our everyday livesfrom instant messaging to emails.With many people preferring to use email rather than traditional “snail mail” (regular mail),it has become very important to be aware of how we express ourselves when using email.Grammar and spellingFirstly,if you are dealing with a formal email,pay close attention to grammar and spelling.Dont forget to run your spellcheck (program) at the end of the document,but dont treat it as the final word.Carefully reread it yourself,as sometimes even grammar and spell checking programs come up with some strange interpretations.Remember,your first email to a potential employer or college could be your lastyou wont want to spoil your first impression by making basic errors.Email addressesAlso,for official emails,carefully consider your existing email address.A funny email address may be fine for using with your friends,but what impression do you think this address might give to an employer or college admissions officer (招生负责人)?Consider using one address for personal emails and a different one for formal use.Upper case (大写字母)Take care also NOT TO TYPE UNNECESSARILY IN UPPER CASE,as this is the email version of shouting.Personal informationYou should also beware of giving away too much personal information over the Internet.It may feel much more comfortable to “talk” using instant messages as there are no uncomfortable silences or awkward (尴尬的) moments,but never forget thatunless the person you are speaking to is a friend or family memberyou really know nothing about them,so be careful.Further to this,NEVER agree to meet a stranger that you have spoken to online,as it can be extremely dangerous.My final message though ishave fun!The Internet is exciting,useful and informative.But,as with so many things that we believe we cant live without,it is a much better servant than a master.1The text is mainly about_.Ahow to exp
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