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Period ThreeIntegrating Skills.语境填词1Its up to you.Dont let me _ (影响) your decision.2I like music very much,all kinds of music,but my _(最喜欢的) kind of music is classical music.3The word “_” (歌词) refers to the words of a song.4We can _(下载) music from the Internet.5Rock and roll _ (乐队) never sing ballads.6The Beatles sold more _(专辑) than any other rock band.7The song is _ (动人的),so I remembered it after I heard it.8The next programme is the piano _(独奏).同义词辨析用for the first time或the first time填空1I climbed the Great Wall in 2000 _.2_ I met him,he was in a red coat.3_ I went to China,I visited Beijing.完成句子1约翰和玛丽已经分道扬镳了,你知道吗?Did you know that John and Mary have _?2现代影视影响了人们的穿戴风格。Modern films and TV shows _ our dressing styles.3今年我们支付不起去国外度假的费用了。We _ abroad on vacation this year.4我们应当把每天的花费情况记录下来。We should _ everything we spend every day.5秘书已把老板要她做的事记下来了。The secretary _ what her boss have _ her to do.6他从早到晚忙来忙去,从不歇会儿。Hes at it _,and never gives himself a rest.单项填空1These signs are easy _.Ato see Bto be seenCseeing Dbeing seen2Would you like to see a film with us this evening?Id like to.But I cant _ the time because I have to finish my composition.Aafford BpassCtake Dspend3_ be sent to work there?AWho do you suggestBWho do you suggest that shouldCDo you suggest who shouldDDo you suggest whom should4I sing in the school choir and play _ violin in _ orchestra.Athe;the Ba;anCthe;an Da;the5The problem was so _ that such a little boy cant solve it.Afunny BinterestingCcomplete Dcomplex6Mr.Wang kept _ all his students,though he had retired.Aa record Bthe recordCa record from Da record of7My junior middle school teacher had a great influence _ my career.Aupon Bwith Cto Dover8He is the rudest man I have ever met.Jane,his present secretary,is the only person who can _ him.Arespect BstandCsupport Ddislike9I thought her nice and honest _ I met her.Afirst time Bfor the first timeCthe first time Dby the first time10I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her._!It was her fault.ANo way BNot possibleCNo chance DNot at all.完形填空The party began shortly after nine.Mr.Wood,who lived in the flat _1_ ,signed(叹气)to himself as he heard _2_ voices and the noisy music.Luckily he had _3_ some work home from the office, _4_ he kept himself busy for two hours,thus managing to pay no attention to the noise _5_ .But by nine oclock he felt tired and was ready to go to bed,though from his _6_ experience he knew it was _7_ trying to get to sleep.He undressed and lay for a while on the bed,trying to read,but he _8_ himself reading the same page _9_ .He then turned off the light and _10_ his head in the pillow.However, _11_ he could not shut _12_ the noise.It seemed to last hours.Finally,his _13_ was gone.He jumped out of bed, _14_ on some clothing,marched firmly up the _15_ and walked into his neighbours flat.The owner of the flat came _16_ the room as soon as he saw Mr.Wood. _17_ Mr.Wood could say anything,he cried,“My dear fellow,come and _18_ .I know our parties must interrupt you.I meant to send you _19_ .”Mr.Woods anger disappeared then.“Id better go and get changed”,said Mr.Wood.Minutes later,he returned,properly dressed,only _20_ that the party was nearly over.1A.belowBunderCoverDabove2A.excitingBafraidCexcitedDfrightened3A.takenBcarriedCbroughtDdone4A.with whichBfrom whichCwhereDwhen5A.outsideBoverheadCnearbyDbelow6A.lastBbetterCearlierDusually7A.uselessBhelpfulCnecessaryDpossible8A.feltBmadeCfoundDforced9A.carelesslyBcarefullyCover and overDfast10A.buriedBplacedCshookDturned11A.till thenBworse stillCstrange enoughDeven so12A.awayBoffCdownDup13A.sleepBstrengthCpatienceDanger14A.pulledBdressedCputtingDwore15A.stepBstairsCflightDbuilding16A.acrossBaroundCtoDup to17A.AsBWhenCUntilDBefore18A.sit downBscold meCjoin usDmeet us19A.a noticeBa messageCan invitationDan apology20A.foundBto findCfindingDfind疑问词do you think陈述句,常用来询问对方或第三者的想法或意见。1Where do you think he lives?你认为他住在什么地方?2Who do you think will win
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