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Period FourLesson 3Life Stories.语境填词1She expanded (扩大) her store by adding a second room.2The actor gave a superb(出色的,卓越的) performance.3The severe(严格的) teacher has gone abroad;you can breathe freely again.4The restrictions(限制) on the use of the playground are:no fighting,no damaging property.5The date of the ships arrival is uncertain(不确定的)6Of the two possibilities,the former seems more likely than the latter.7I cant give you a precise date.8There has been a gradual increase in the number of people owning cars.选词填空1Now_that you are well again,you can begin your work tomorrow.2How much does your business bring_in each month?3My father was_severe_with me.4The_first_time I went to Beijing,I got lost.5Many adults cant relate_to children.6When is her new novel coming_out?.同义词辨析1用eager,curious或anxious填空(1)The sales woman in the shop is always eager to please everybody.(2)Parents are always anxious about their childrens safety when they are away.(3)Children are always curious about the world around them.(4)The little girl is eager for her teachers approval.解析eager渴望的,热衷的,强调一种积极向上的心态。curious好奇的,求知的,强调一种想要知道的心态。anxious焦急的,忧虑的,侧重“忧虑”,强调一种焦急不安的心态。2用expand,enlarge或extend的适当形式填空(1)The business has been expanded from one office to twelve.(2)Were planning to enlarge our wedding pictures.(3)The forest extended in all directions as far as the eye could see.(4)Water expands as it freezes.解析expand侧重上下、左右、前后的伸展或横向的扩展。enlarge指扩大照片、气球等。extend指纵向的延伸。.完成句子1The population of the town expanded_in_the_sixties_of_the_20th_century(在20世纪60年代迅速增加)2It_is_apparent_that(很明显) she didnt hear what I said.3They_are_eager_to_master_the_latest_technology(他们迫切想掌握新的技术) so that they can be qualified for the jobs in various fields to which they are strange.4At last,those physicians and specialists made_a_great_breakthrough_in_heart_disease(在同心脏病的斗争中取得了突破)5Now_that_I_have_the_first_interview(既然我已经有了第一次的访问),I hope I can come many more times.单项填空1The teacher is _ with the students.Astrict Bsevere Cstern Dgood答案A解析句意为:老师对学生要求很严格。be strict with sb.对某人严格。2I have got a headache.No wonder.You _ in front of that computer too long.Awork Bare working Chave been working Dworked答案C解析本题考查动词的时态。由I have got a headache现在完成时形式可知用现在完成进行时表示动作“从过去开始持续至今且还会进行下去”,体现过去开始的动作对现在的影响及结果。3_ you wont help us.I have to turn to others.AAlthough BBecause CFor DNow答案D解析now that是连词短语,引导一个句子,that可以省略。4I _ there little more than a week when I set to work with the scientist.Awould be Bhave been Chad been Dwill be答案C解析本题考查动词时态,根据语境可知为过去的某一时态。when引导时间状语从句,从句用了一般过去时态,而主句be there动作应发生在set之前,即过去的过去,故应用过去完成时态。5There were a large crowd waiting outside the studio _ for a glimpse of the pop singer.Aanxious Beager Ceagerly Danxiously答案B解析be eager for sth渴望某事物,而anxious常构成be anxious about sth或be anxious to do sth。6John,a friend of mine,who got married only last week,spent $3,000 more than he _ for the wedding.Awill plan Bhas planned Cwould plan Dhad planned答案D解析过去完成时表示一个动作或状态在过去某一时间或动作之前已经完成或结束,也可能是早已完成或结束,即表示过去的过去。过去完成时还可表示过去某一时刻之前发生的动作或状态持续到过去某个时间或继续持续下去。根据句意可判断出计划花多少钱发生在实际花多少钱之前,所以要用过去完成时。7Though _ to see us,the professor gave us a warm welcome.Asurprising Bwas surprised Csurprised Dbeing surprised答案C解析though surprised是though he was surprised的省略形式;surprised(惊奇的)表示人自身的感受。8I was giving a talk to a large group of people,the same talk I _ to half a dozen other groups.Awas giving Bam giving Chad given Dhave given答案C解析本题考查时态的用法。因前一句的时态就是过去时,而我给其他六个组做报告是发生在给许多人做报告之前,因此应该为过去的过去,即过去完成时态。9The matter _ your fate cannot be taken for granted.Arelated for Brelated to Crelate to Dto relate to答案B解析related to your fate是形容词短语,作后置定语。10Hurry up! Alice and Sue are waiting for you at the school gate.Oh! I thought they _ without me.Awent Bare going Chave gone Dhad gone答案D解析当主句使用的是过去时态,宾语从句要用相应的过去时态。同时,它还强调了过去某一时间之前发生的事情对当时的影响,所以用过去完成时态。.阅读理解First aid means the aid or help that can be given to an injured person first, that is, before any other help arrives. Nowadays there is usually a telephone not far away and the first thing we should do, if a serious accident happens, is to telephone for an ambulance. Sometimes quick action by us may save someones life.ShockPeople often suffer from shock after receiving an injury,sometimes even when the injury is a small one.The face turns grey, and the skin becomes damp and cold. They breathe quickly. They should be kept warm.Cover them with a blanket and give them a warm drink.Broken
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