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Unit 16StoriesPeriod OneWarmup & Lesson 1Stories from History.用适当的介、副词填空1The eruption had occurred on August 24th,79 AD.2Pliny described a cloud coming down the mountain,blocking out the sun and burying everything in its path,including whole villages and towns.3Yet,over the centuries,there was a greater loss.4By 1748,they had found an awesome historical site.5In a way,Pompeii is like a “time capsule” preserving a frozen moment in history.6One person,sitting alone,looks like he is praying.7Another man,lying on his side,looks as if he is trying to get up.8In this way,the city,which the world had once forgotten,lives on nearly 2,000 years after its loss.佳句翻译与仿写1Another man,lying on his side,looks as if he is trying to get up.翻译躺在他旁边的另一个人看上去好像是在试图站立起来。仿写(1)今天你看上去好像是病了。It_looks_as_if/though_you_are_ill_today.(2)他看起来好像已经知道答案了。He_looks_as_if_he_had_known_the_answer.2However,much more than buildings and objects,it is the forms of the people who were caught in the disaster that have made the city a monument to human history.翻译但是与城里的建筑及物品相比,那些在那场灾难中遇难的人的轮廓像则更使这个城市成为人类历史上的一座纪念碑。仿写她是去年夏天从北京大学毕业的。It_was_last_summer_that_she_graduated_from_Beijing_University.3In a way,Pompeii is like a “time capsule” preserving a frozen moment in history.翻译从某种程度上说,庞培古城如同一个时间舱,保存了历史上一段被封存了的瞬间。仿写在某种程度上,我认为她是对的。In_a_way,I_think_shes_right.4Pliny described a cloud coming down the mountain,blocking out the sun and burying everything in its path,including whole villages and towns.翻译普利尼描述道,一团云自山巅而降,遮天蔽日,将所经之处的一切,包括一座座村庄和城镇统统吞没。仿写树上的落叶就像飞舞的蝴蝶,吸引了不少孩子。The_leaves_falling_from_the_trees_look_like_flying_butterflies,attracting_a_lot_of_children.5The students were leaving the class when the teacher came in.翻译学生们正要离开教室,这时老师进来了。仿写昨天晚上,我正要去睡觉,这时电话铃响了。Last_night,I_was_going_to_bed_when_the_phone_rang.单项填空1Have you read _ books in English?Asome Bsomething Cany Danything答案C解析由句意知此处需一定语成分修饰books,而B、D两项一般不作定语,排除。some“一些”,多用于肯定句,any“一些”,多用于否定句和疑问句中,故应选C。2Around the end of the first century AD,_ Roman writer called Pliny wrote about _ terrible volcanic eruption.Aa;the Ba;a Cthe;a Dthe,the答案B解析考查冠词。句意为:公元1世纪末左右,一位叫普林尼的罗马作家描述了一次火山爆发的可怕情景。由句意知,两处都属于泛指,故应选B。3A Roman writer called Pliny _ a terrible volcanic eruption when he was a young man.Areported Bimpressed Cappreciated Dwitnessed答案D解析句意为:一位叫普林尼的罗马作家,在他年轻时亲眼目睹了一次火山爆发的可怕情景。report“报告,报导”;impress“给印象”;appreciate“欣赏,感激”;witness“目击”符合句意,故应选D。4The eruption had _ on August 24th,79AD. Which one is WRONG?Aoccurred Bhappened Cbroke out Dbroke into答案D解析句意为:火山爆发发生在公元79年8月24日。occur“发生”,happen“发生”,break out“发生,爆发”;break into“闯入”。由句意知break into不符合题意,其他三项都符合题意,故选D。5_,Pompeii is like a “time capsule” preserving a frozen moment in history.AIn the way BIn a way COn the way DBy the way答案B解析in the way“挡道”;in a way“从某种程度上,从某种意义上”;on the way“在的路上”;by the way“顺便说”。由句意知,只有B项符合题意。6This particularly sad event left a deep _ on Pliny who had lost an uncle in the eruption.Aattraction Bimpression Copinion Dreputation答案B解析考查固定词组。leave a/an.impression on sb.“给某人留下印象”。7Now _ you walk along the streets of the city,time _.Aas;remembers Bwhen;remindsCas;rewinds Dwhen;recovers答案C解析句意为:如今,当你沿着城中的街道漫步时,时间回到了过去。由第一空知as或when都可以,表示“当时候”。关键第二空:remember记着;remind使想起,rewind“倒回”;recover“恢复”;只有rewind符合句意,故应选C。8However,much more than buildings and objects,it is the forms of the people _ were caught in the disaster _ have made the city a monument to human history.Awhich;that Bwho;thatCthat;who Dwhich;who答案B解析考查定语从句和强调句。第一空为定语从句修饰people,关系代词在从句中作主语可选who或that;第二空是强调句,由前半句it is确定此空填that。所以只有B项两空均合适。9One person,_ alone,looks like he is praying.Asit Bsits Csat Dsitting答案D解析句意为:一个独自坐着的人看上去好像在祈祷。“sitting alone”分词短语作定语,修饰one person。10My car _ on the way to the beach.Abroke out Bbroke down Cbroke up Dbroke in答案B解析break out爆发;break down(机器)坏了,(车)抛锚了;break up破裂(碎),结束;break in插话,闯进。只有B项符合句意。.阅读理解This is a true story that happened in New York. On a cold day in December,a little boy about 10 years old was standing before a shoe store on the roadway,barefooted,peering through the window,and shivering with cold. A lady approached the boy and said,“My little fellow,why are you looking so earnestly in that window?”“I was asking God to give me a pair of shoes,”was the boys reply.The lady took him by the hand and went into the store and asked the clerk to get half a dozen pairs of socks for the boy. She then asked i
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