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Period ThreeIntegrating Skills.语境填词1After the _ (偷窃) I had all the locks changed.2The criminal case was delayed by the absence of information about the _(犯罪)3His illness did not respond to _ (治疗) by drugs.4His resignation must have some _ (联系) with the recent accident.5Dont cut in while _ (成年人) are talking.6He _ (不同意) with his parents on most things in the past.7Smoking is _ (禁止) in most public places.8His speech really _ (影响) us a lot.同义词辨析1用effect或affect的适当形式填空(1)The news didnt _ him at all.(2)Smoking has a bad _ on our health.(3)Cancer has _ his lungs.2用ban或forbid的适当形式填空(1)The government is thinking about _ smoking on public transport.(2)I _ you smoking here.(3)The treaty _ underground nuclear tests.完成句子1吸毒者更容易陷入困境。Drug users are _ get into trouble.2我希望你不介意回答这个问题。I hope you dont _ this question.3我非常同意。I couldnt _.4我认为在家中也应禁止吸烟。I think smoking should be _ in peoples homes _.5你不会是认真的吧!You cant _!6他的话对我影响很大。His words _ me.单项填空1It is obvious to the students _ they should get well prepared for their future.Aas BwhichCwhether Dthat2He and his wife are of the same_;they both want their son to go to college.Asoul BspiritCheart Dmind3The father as well as his three children _ skating on the frozen river every Sunday afternoon in winter.Ais going BgoCgoes Dare going4What you have done will not have _ your fame.Aa good effect on Bto affectCa good affect on Deffected5The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without _ his notes.Abringing up Breferring toClooking for Dtrying on6Red flags stand out brightly _ the blue sky.Aagainst BbyCunder Dabove7We are _ to go off for Shenzhen next week.Amaybe BpossibleCprobable Dlikely8Do you know our school has _ boy students from wearing long hair?Aagreed BpermittedCbeen stopped Dbanned9_,many poor people in Shandong Province had to move to the northeast of China to make a living.AAt the 1960sBOn the 1960sCAt the 1960sDDuring the 1960s10We estimate that a hundred thousand people steal in order to pay for their drug addiction.A hundred thousand?_!AThats incredibleBThats good pointCI totally agreeDI couldnt agree more.完形填空I sat in my car waiting in line at the gas station,but my mind was somewhere else completely.It was just a week _1_ Valentines Day.Only twentysix months had _2_ since my husband Robert Kirks death,and I couldnt _3_ thinking about him.Valentines Day had been twice as _4_ for me and my husband of fiftytwo yearsRoberts birthday was the _5_ after,February 15th.Every year,on the 14th of February hed _6_ me a card,signed at the bottom with “Xs (kisses)” and “Os (hugs)”_7_ the next day wed gather with the kids around a birthday cake and blow _8_ the candles.After all those years,it wasnt _9_ now to be alone.Suddenly,out of the corner of my _10_,I could see a truck backing up towards me fast.I _11_ the horn (喇叭),but it was too late.Crunch!It had backed up _12_ into the drivers side of my car.Looking at the _13_ side view mirror and the platesized dent (凹痕) in the door,I almost felt like crying.I made a claim on my insurance policy (按保单索赔) and _14_,the claim was pushed through.A week later,I brought my car in for _15_ and rented one.I drove it home through rainy streets that seemed to _16_ my feelings.The morning of the 14th,I woke up and still had a feeling of _17_.I had to get out of the house.So I headed to the garage.When I got close to it,my eyes were _18_ on a card on the window of the car.It was signed with “RK”,the first letters of Robert Kirks name;“215”,his birthday;and _19_ for “kisses” and “hugs” that Id never forget.Who did this?The next day I received a note from my elder daughter,_20_ “It was a surprise!I just want you to be happy.”1A.afterBtillCbeforeDduring2A.passed byBdied awayCmoved backwardsDgathered together3A.keepBmindCtryDstop4A.specialBstrangeCfunnyDinteresting5A.momentBtimeCdayDweek6A.tellBlendCpassDmake7A.ThenBSoCEvenDThough8A.upBoutCawayDinto9A.clearBdifferentCsimilarDeasy10A.eyeBheadCshoulderDcar11A.calledBhitCtouchedDpulled12A.forwardBstillCrightDbackwards13A.damagedBusedCpressedDwasted14A.usuallyBsurprisinglyCsuddenlyDfortunately15A.saleBrepairsCgasDchange16A.influenceBsp
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