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6B U8 Our dreams & Project 2英译中1. How are you getting on?2. ask the students about their dreams3. What do you want to be in the future?4. want to be a dentist5. care about their teeth6. want to help them7. want to be an astronaut8. fly a spaceship to the Moon9. want to be a football player10. play in the World Cup some day11. Dancing makes people healthy and beautifulhttp:/www. xkb1.co m12. write stories for children13. be a pianist14. Music makes people happy.15. Whats your dream?16. see your dreams come true17. write about her students dreams18. take care of childrens teeth19. like sport20. have a big dream21. remember these words22. in our group23. I told him what I thought.24. walk on Mars25. look at all the stars26. I teach in my school every day.27. When Im in the classroom28. hear me say新| 课 | 标 |第 |一| 网29. please be good30. have their dreams31. want to be a scientist32. study hard33. read many books34. want to be a policeman35. help people36. be brave and strong37. do more sport38. want to be an artist39. like painting40. paint pictures in the park41. have painting lessons42. go to cooking school43. We all have a dream.44. to make my dream come true45. talk about my dreams46. Which is your favourite city?47. choose a city48. Hows the weather in London? = Whats the weather like in London?49. What interesting places will we see in the city?50. What food will we eat in the city?中译英X k B 1 . c o m1. 你们学得(进展,进行得)怎么样?2. 问学生们关于他们的梦想3. 你将来想要当什么?4. 想当一名牙医5. 关心他们的牙齿6. 想要帮助他们7. 想要成为宇航员8. 驾驶宇宙飞船到月球上9. 想要成为足球运动员10. 某一天在世界杯上踢(足球)11. 跳舞使人又健康又漂亮12. 为孩子们写故事13. 成为一名钢琴家14. 音乐使人高兴。15. 你的梦想是什么?16. 看到你们的梦想成真17. 写关于她的学生们的梦想18. 关心孩子们的牙齿19. 喜欢运动X| k | B| 1 . c| O |m20. 有一个大的梦想21. 记住这些单词22. 在我们组23. 我告诉了他我所想的。24. 在火星上走路25. 看着所有的星星26. 我每天在我的学校里教书。27. 当我在教室里的时候。28. 听到我说29. 请听话(乖点)30. 有他们的梦想31. 想要当科学家32. 努力学习33. 读许多的书34. 想成为一名警察35. 帮助人们36. 又勇敢又强壮37. 做更多的运动38. 想要成为一名艺术家39. 喜欢画画40. 在公园里画画41. 上绘画课http:/www. xkb1.co m42. 去烹饪学校43. 我们都有一个梦想。44. 为了使我的梦想成真45. 谈论我的梦想 46. 你最喜欢哪个城市?47. 选择一个城市48. 伦敦的天气怎么样?49. 在这个城市我们将会看到什么有趣的地方?50. 在这个城市我们将会吃到什么食物?语法( Grammar)1. want to be; 想要成为,want to 后面接动词原形,be为am, is, are, was, were的原形2. fly a spaceship to .驾驶宇宙飞船去. drive a car to , take a bus to X k B 1 . c o m3. get on: 进展,进行,上车4. V如果在开头,并且后面还有V,则开头的V要用ing形式,变成动名词,当主语,且后面用三单形式。如:Dancing makes people healthy. 但是如果是两个动作的话则不用三单:Singing and dancing make me happy.5. see your dreams come true, hear me say: see sb. do sth. (看见某人做某事) hear sb do sth (听到某人做某事) 6. care about: 关心 take care of: 关心,照顾 7. paint: V. 涂,画,粉刷。 Paint sth + colour: 把某物涂成/ 刷成颜色 paint the wall white:把墙刷成白色8.
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