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2015新版六年级下册英语unit3测试一 按要求写单词1. eat (过去式)_ go (过去式)_2. ride (过去式)_ buy (过去式)_3. can (过去式)_ like (过去式)_4. good (反义词)_ photo (同义词)_5. took (原形)_ swim (现在分词)_6. gift (复数)_ run (现在分词)_二 汉英互译1. Labour Day _ lots of _2. eat fresh food _ summer holiday _3. every weekend _ slept _4. last month _ years ago _5. 去野营 _ 去钓鱼 _6. 照相 _ 骑马 _7. 伤了脚 _ 呆在家里(原形)_三 根据句意选择单词并以适当形式填空X|k | B| 1 . c|O |manimal buy are look fish delicious 1. My father _ a toy panda for me last Childrens Day.2. Amy went _ with her friends together yesterday.3. Last weekend, I saw many _ at the zoo.4. There _ lots of dinosaurs many years ago.5. _ at the elephant.6. We ate some _ food in Xinjiang last year.四 单选1. _ did you go over the summer holiday? I went to Hangzhou.A, What B. Where C. Who2. Amy _ lots of pictures _ John yesterday.A, takes; with B. took; with C. took; and 3. _ you _ lots of fresh food in Xinjiang? No, I didnt.A, Did; eat B. Did; ate C. Do; eat4. We _ to Dalian by plane last year.A, went B. go C. are going5. _? I fell off my bike yesterday.A, What do you do B. Whats happening C. What happened6. You _ buy _.A, cant; him B. cant; he C. not; him7. I _ my bike last Saturday.A, fall off B. fell off C. feel off8. It _ a mule. 新|课 | 标|第 |一| 网A, looks like B. look like C. looks likes9. _ the afternoon, Mum _ feel well.A, In; dont B. On; wasnt C. In; didnt10. I _ come to school yesterday.A, dont B. didnt C. doesnt11. My parents took pictures _ the beautiful countryside.A, of B. off C. /12. How did you _? On foot.A, go to there B. get to there C. go there13. Sarah _ every weekend on her summer holiday.A, going swimming B. goes swimming C. went swimming14. _ did you go to Kunming with? My uncle and aunt.A, Who B. How C. Where15. _ you _ to Turpan? Yes, we did.A, Do; go B. Did; go C. Did; went16. Can I _ your pictures?A, saw B. look C. see五 连词组句1. did you go who with (?)_2. grapes lots we there saw of (.)_3. holiday your you did where over go (?)_4. be till they August wont ready (.)_5. see can I pictures sometime your (?)http:/w w w.xk b1. com_6. did go where John the over holiday winter (?)_7. go you did camping there (?)_8. make we to want happy her (.)_9. did go how to Taiwan you (?)_六 按要求完成句子1. I went to a forest park last Saturday. (对画线部分提问)_2. They run in the park. (改为过去式)X k B 1 . c o m_3. Mr. Guo rode a horse the day before yesterday. (对画线部分提问)_4. Zoom saw Change and the rabbit on the moon. (改为否定句)_5. Mike bought many gifts for his friends (改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答)_七 选择正确答语1. How did you go to Hong Kong? A. Yes, she can.2. Can your sister ride a horse? B. I went there by plane.3. What did Liu Wei do last Sunday? C. No, he didnt.4. Did Tom go camping yesterday? D. He went fishing.5. Where did Sarah go on her holiday? E. She went to Beijing.八 阅读理解Dear Mom, w W w .x K b 1.c o MHow are you? I had fun with cousins last week. On Monday we went to a restaurant. We ate some delicious food. On Tuesday we went to a zoo. We saw many animals. On Wednesday we played ping pong. On Thursday we stayed at home and watched TV. On Friday we went shopping. I b
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