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Project 1 Around our city (Period 1)Teaching contents教学内容:Project 1 Part ABTeaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:1 Review the words and drills we have learned before. 会用where? 句型询问并回答2 Review the grammar point Where guides the special questions and Try to use it smoothly. 3 Be able to communicate with each other easily. X|k | B| 1 . c|O |mFocus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点:1 Review the words and drills we have learned before. 2 Be able to communicate with each other and feel happy for communicating. 3 Be able to master the grammar point Where guide the special questions.Preparation教学准备:1. 单词图片2. 多媒体课件Teaching procedures教学过程:Step 1 Warm-up1、让学生根据自己的实际情况回答问题。(1) Where do you live?(2) How do you come to school? w W w .x K b 1.c o M(3) Is there a zoo near your home?(4) Anywhere else?Step 2 Revision复习已学词汇:根据老师的提示,让学生先读一读,再猜一猜,说出场所的名称。然后向学生出示各种场所标志的地图。加深巩固单词的学习,同时让学生看图说一说可以在这些地方做什么。 (1)It is a place. It is big. It is clean. We can see many doctors and nurses there. It is a _. .(2)It is a place. It is big and clean. People can see and learn about many interesting things there. It is a _. (3)It is a place. It is big and beautiful. We can see many animals there. They are cute and clever.It is a _.(4)It is a place. It is small. We can send letters and cards there. The postmen work there.It is a _. 3、根据各种标志的地图,请学生们尽可能多地用英语说出各种场所的名称。 (bookshop, museum, restaurant, post office, cinema, hospital, supermarket, bank)Todays topic: Around Our city新课 标 第 一 网Step 3 Presentation 1. Know the city: PPT (Picture: Nanjing)T: This is a city. Do you know its name? Great! Its just our city, Nanjing. Do you like it?Ss: Sure.T: Me, too. Hello, S1.Where do you live?S1: I live inTown/onstreet.T: Wheres our school?S1: Its on Street.T: How do you come to school?S1: I come to school by bus from Monday to Friday. Sometimes I come to school on foot.T: Who is your good friend?S1:.T: Where does your good friend/he/she live?Ss: He/She lives in/on/nearT: Do you come to school with him/her?S1: Yes/No.T: What do you like talking about?Step 4 Tasks 问答会话练习,让学生以小组的形式操练。四人小组谈论上述话题:先示范:看图,猜一猜小女孩想做什么,引出故事,让学生独立思考,各自回答。 T:What can we ask? Isthereapostofficenearyourhome/school? Isitnearorfaraway? Whereisit? Where do you live?S1:I live in .Town/on .Street. T:Howdoyougetthere? S1: I take a bus to go there. Oh, you can take a metro to go to the postoffice, too.小组上台对话表演Step 5 ConsolidationMake a card: (Enjoy a song: Polly, put the kettle on) 1. Work in groups. Draw a map of your city on page 99. Mark your homes and school on the map.S1:Where do you live? (Where does he live?)S2:I live in .Town/on .Street. (He lives in)S1:Wheres our school?S3:Itson.Street. 2. Mark these places on the map.(bookshop, museum, restaurant, post office, cinema, hospital, supermarket, bank)S1:Wheresthe museum?S2:Its on . Street.S1:Wheresthe hospital? X k B 1 . c o mS3:Its on . Street.3.The students ask and answer each other and make the information maps. Theteacher go around and instruct them.Step6 Homework1 Read the drills of Part A three times, try to memorize them. 2 Finish the map of our city on Page 99. 3 Think about how to introduce the cities to the whole class.Blackboard design板书设计:Project 1 Around our city (Period 1) Where do you live? (Where does he live?)I live in .Town/on .Street. (He lives in)Wheres our school?Itson.Street. (New words or the words which have difficult pronunciations) (Important drills)教学反思:Project 1 Around Our School (Period 2)Teaching contents教学内容:Project 1 Part CDTeaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:1、 Review the words and drills from Unit4 to Unit8 we have learned before. 会用Where/How? 句型询问并回答2 、Review the grammar point Where/How guide the special questions and Try to use it smoothly. 3 、Be able to communicate with each other easily. 4、.Be able to introduce the cities to the class.Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点:1、 Be able to introduce the cities to the class.2 、Be able to communicate with each other and enjoy the communication.3 、Be able to master the grammar point Where/How guide the special questions.Preparation教学准备:PPT, Information mapsTeaching procedures教学过程:http:/w w w.xk b1. comStep 1 Warm-up1、 Say a chant进入主题。学生先分组朗读,然后教师示范,学生跟读后ouhou改编儿歌,提高学习的乐趣,培养学生的创造性思维能力。(1)How do you go to the zoo?By bus? No!By car? No!By underground? Yes!I go to the zoo by underground.(2)How do you go to the park?By bus? No!By underground? No!By bicycle? Yes!I go to the park by bicycle. Step 2 Revision 1、Show the students maps
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