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PEP Book5Unit4Its warm today. Part(C) Story time 教学目标与要求1.能灵活运用掌握句型:Whats the matter with you ?Its sunny and warm .You look terrible2. 掌握询问价格的句型并运用到日常生活交际中去。3. 能以得体的方式与人交际。重点灵活掌握该单元主句型进行交流。难点帮助学生准确的理解图和对话,及句型You look terrible.认读。教具单词卡片,录音机,PPT,etc.教学环节师生活动Preparation准备活动1.Revison :单词:归类认读天气类:cold hot warm cool sunny cloudy rainy snowy windy 服装类:skirt dress sweater pants shorts jeans socks shoes句子:Whats the weather like today ? Lets play football. Whats the matter? Its sunny and windy today . Where are my shoes?采用方式:教师提示生回忆的方法,集体总结,小组一起消化吸收,变为自己的知识。2. Free talk : PPT: T:Whats the weather like today ? Ss:Its T:Can I wear my ? Ss:Yes,you can .Its No,you cant.Its 要求:生两人自编对话,运用本单元所学句子,教师给予指导,三分钟后进行情景表演。教学环节师生活动Pre-reading阅读前活动1.PPT Lets chant Whats the matter with you ? Whats the matter with you ? You look terrible. You look terrible. Oh,Wow I have a cold . Oh, Wow I have a cold.First :Listen .Second:知识点学习: 领读单词:matter with terrible have bless 并让生理解其汉语意思。 Third:Lisen and repeat .(打着节拍)2. I can say : 操练句子:Whats the matter with you ? You look terrible . I have a cold. 学习形式:教师创设情景做好师范,让生根据示范进行小组内表演运用。 情景一:PPTT:Whats the matter with you ? Ss:I have a cold . T:Wow you look so terribe,God bless you . Ss:Thank you . T:You are welcome. 要求:生四人一小组,自创帮助情景运用所学英语进行交流,Whats the matter with you ?, Wow you look so terribe,God bless you .要做到有感情的朗读运用。 情景二: Gentelmen :How are you ? Lady:Not good. Gentelmen:Whats the matter with you ? Lady :I have a cold . Gentelmen :Ah,You look terrible ,God bless you . 要求: 生三人一小组,教师重点指导该新句子中声单词的读音。在合作学习中,给学生充分的自由,让他们能用生活中的语言来情感来表达自己想要表达的思想。巩固:a. 教师再次领读该句子。生跟读。 b.生小组内读该句子,一帮一解决难点。 教学环节师生活动In-reading阅读中活动1.回归课本: a.T:Its sunny today.Whats the weather like in BeiJing ?Lets watch and choose .(视频看两遍) Q1:Whats the weather like in BeiJing ?_ A:Its sunny and hot B:Its sunny and windy . b. Lets read again and choose the right question . Q2:Whats the matter with Zip?_ A: He has a cold . B :He is good . c. Please read your partner and jedge the answer. T or F . Zoom and zip have a cold .( ) d.This time please read by yourself and underline your difficulty . Ss: I have a cold . You look terrible . T:教师解疑.声记笔记. e.Listen and repeat. f:分角色朗读课文。 d.熟读课文表演图片3,4,5内容。2.生活英语: 要求:生根据课本图片一,二,三,两人一组进行文本基础上的延伸拓展表演。 PPT;Modle TangSeng :BaJie ,Whats the matter with you ? BaJie :I have a cold today . Chang er: Wow you look so terrible,God bless you . BaJie :Thank you . Chang er :You are welcome BaJie:Whats the weather like tomorrow?TangSeng and Cheng er :Its sunny and warm. . 3.经典考例: _-? I have a cold . A:Whats the weather like today? B:Whats the matter with you ?选项为B,I have a cold ,是表示感冒的用语,Whats the weather like today?是询问天气怎么样,应该用Its cold 回答。教学环节师生活动Post-reding阅读后活动将全班分成若干小组,要求生利用课外活动时间脱离课本表演该故事,所用道具小组自备,并评出最佳表演小组,给予一定的奖励。评价标准:口语地道,运用自如。 表情自然,能表演出每句话要表达的意思。 道具利用到位,准备充分。评委:教师,组长,组员。板书设计Unit 4 Its warm today C Story time 单词:terrible matter bless句子:Whats the matter with you ? I have a cold .教学反思Unit four C story time 2分钟课前预习一、回忆动词短语。 dress pretty colour二、观察A部分的图意与相应的短语,并尝试着读短语和句子。Look at that dress .Its colouful.8分钟当堂达标一.Listen and judge ( 仔细听,判断下列每句是否与录音内容一致,如一致写T,不一致写F)( )1. The canteen is on the first floor.( )2. Go to the computer room.( )3. Is it cool?( )4. Its time to go to school.( )5. Do you have lunch at school二. .Read and circle.(读一读,圈出不属于同一类的一项)(1) A. art roomB. music room C. Chinese(2) A. English B. P.E. C. dinner(3) A. short B. shirt C. skirt(4) A. socks B. shoes C. kite(5) A. cat B. hot C. warm(6) A. rainy B. wind C. snowy(7)A.cheap B. jacketC. dress(8)A. potato B. jacket C.fish三.Read and choose(选择填空,将答案字母编号写在括号里)( )1. - time is it ? - Its nine oclock. A. How B. Where C. What( )2. - is the canteen? - Its the second floor. A. How; in B. Where; on C. What; at( )3.Whats the wealike BeiJing?A.in B. at C
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