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八年级英语讲学稿(审校 五中 郝晓燕)7B Unit6 Reading3-vocabulary 课时: 4 主备人: 郭连蕊一、课前预习导学一)教学目标a.To read about animals behaviour.(阅读有关动物的文章) b. To use appropriate nouns and verbs when describing the appearance and characteristics (用恰当的名词和动词描述不同类型动物的外貌和特征)c. Retell the poems about pets(朗诵课文中的诗歌) d.关于动物的词汇 such as beak、feathers、fin、 paw and so on二)根据已学过的课文翻译下列词组和谚语1.所有之中最聪明的 _ 2.在窗台的边上_ 3.大多数时间_ 4.睡在我的膝上_ 5.按门铃 6.发出很多声音 7.Love me. Love my d_ 8.Barking dogs seldom bites_9.A cat has nine lives_ 10.A cat may look at a king._二、 课堂合作交流1. 用投影仪把p93上A练习的动物投放到黑板上,把同学分成四组,分组来填写动物各部位的名称。看一看哪一组填写的又快又准,2.完成练习B找同学把答案大声读出来。然后启发同学根据课文或练习来说一说自己最喜欢的动物或宠物。提示:1.Whats your favourite animal/pet?2.What colour is it?3.What does it like to do?三、课内练习巩固A、根据所学词汇完成下面句子。1.When a parrot is hungry. He knocks on the cage door with his_.2.Goldfish swims around with its_and_.3.All the animals above have a_.4.A cat doesnt have_. So it cant swim. It does not have_. So it cant fly.3.A parrot s _look beautiful in the sun.4.Only a_has whishers.5.Wash the dogs_after taking them out for a walk.6.The dog wags its_the welcome his owner when he is backB、用所给的词语和首字母完成句子 1) He got information from the I_. 2) I want to r_ Xiao Ming for this years Youth Award . 3) Yesterday , a little boy lost _(he) way and cried in the street . 4) Mum, I dont know where the address of the _(send) is on the letter .Can you tell me ? 5) We look forward to _(hear) from you soon.C、单项选择( )1. My sister has son . He is good at _.A. an 3-year-old; dancing B. a 3 years old; danceC. a 3-years-old; dance D. a 3-year-old ;dance ( )2. I found a _boy .A . lost; on my way to school B. lost; on my way school C. lose; on my way to school D. lose; on my way school ( )3.Mary didnt _him this month , so she was unhappy .A. hear of B. hear from C. write to D .write down ( )4.He is a _driver .Look ,he is driving _.A. carefully; carefully B. careful; careful C. careful; carefully D. carefully; careful四、课后拓展延伸写一篇关于动物的短文。 五、教学效果验收1、错题警报2、错因分析3、矫正补救4、教与学反思(教师与学生分别从不同角度)
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