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Unit One一、根据图片写出下列字母的大小写。(8分)1. 2.3.4.二、选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(15分)()1. A. thisB. thatC. today()2. A. boyB. IC. girl()3. A. teacherB. seeC. meet()4. A. myB. yourC. friend()5. A. Li MingB. UKC. China三、将下列图片与其相符的单词连线。(10分)boyteacherChinaCanadagirl四、情景选择。(12分)()1. 刚认识的朋友对你说:“Nice to see you.”,你会说:_A. Im from China.B.Goodbye.C.Nice to see you, too.()2. 你想知道别人来自哪里,你问:_A. Whats about you?B.Where are you from?C.How are you from?()3. 当欢迎朋友来你家时,你可以说:_A. Welcome.B.Thanks very much.C.Here you are.()4. 见了好朋友打招呼,你应该说:_A. Hi!B.Thats OK.C.Thank you.五、连词成句。(8分)1. a Hes student (.)_2. Shes new my friend (.)_3. Amy is This (.)_4. Shes a new teacher (.)_六、根据图片提示,选择国家名写成句子。(12分)A. the USAB.ChinaC.the UKD.Canada 1. Im from _.2.Hes from _. 3.Shes from _.4.Im from _.七、重新排列下列句子,使其成为一段连贯的对话。(15分)()We have a new friend today.()Welcome!()Hi! ImAmy.()Where are you from?()Im from the USA.八、阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。(20分)Li Ping:Good morning!Wang Hai:Good morning! Are you a new boy?Li Ping:Yes, I am.Wang Hai:Whats your name?Li Ping:My name is Li Ping.Wang Hai:How old are you?Li Ping:Im ten.Wang Hai:Where are you from?Li Ping:Im from Beijing.()1. Wang Hai is a new boy.()2. Li Ping is nine years old.()3. Wang Hai is eight years old.()4. Li Ping is from Beijing.()5. Li Ping is a new boy.Unit Two一、把下列字母重新组合成符合图片的单词。(9分)r o t h e r b1.o r m h e t2.t h e r f a3.二、请选出下列每组单词中不同类的一个,把序号填在括号内。(9分)()1. A. grandfatherB. fatherC. red()2. A. manB. womanC. family()3. A. grandmaB. boyC. grandpa三、为下列句子选择与其相符的图片。(12分)()1. This is my grandfather.A.()2. This is my father.B.()3. This is my sister.C.()4. This is my grandmother.D.四、判断图片与句意是()否()相符。(12分)()1. Look, this is a man. ()2. A: Whos that man? B: Hes my grandfather. ()3. A: Whos that man, your brother? B: No, he is my grandpa.五、选择正确的汉语意思。(14分)()1. Whos that man?A. 真的吗?()2. Beautiful!B. 等一下。()3. Wait a minute.C. 那位男士是谁?()4. Look at me.D. 不,他不是。()5. Really?E. 真漂亮!()6. My mum is an actress.F. 看我。()7. No, he isnt.G. 我的妈妈是女演员。A Hes my brother.B No, he isnt. Hes my teacher!C Shes my mother.六、根据问句选择答句。(12分)1. Whos that boy?_2. Whos that man?_3. Is he your father?_七、连词成句。(12分)1. that Who girl is (?)_2. He my grandfather is (.)_3. is This sister my (.)_4. Is she your grandfather (?)_八、看图,判断句子正(T)误(F)。(20分)This is my family photo. I like my family very much.()1. My mother is behind(在后面)me.()2. My grandpa is very young(年轻的).()3. I have a sister.()4. There are six people(人)in my family.()5. I like my family.Unit Threea f tn g l ol l a ta s m l lr t s h o一、把下列字母重新排列,组成单词。(10分)1. 2.3. 4.5.二、将下列图片与其相符的单词连线。(8分)giraffetailmilkpiggiraffesmallsisterbrotherbigmonkeycatmother tallthin三、把下列单词归类。(10分)人称:动物:形容词:四、选择恰当的图片,补全下列句子。(12分)()1. Im big and I have a long nose. I am a(n) _.A.B.C.()2. I have big eyes and long tails. I like peaches. I am a _.A.B.C.()3. I have two long ears and a short tail. I am a _.A.B.C.()4. Im black and white. I live in China. I am a _.A.B.C.五、用“”给句子选择正确的图片。(12分)1.The dog has a short tail.( ) ( )2.The panda is fat.( ) ( )3.Look at the giraffe. Its tall.( ) ( )4.Look at the fish. It has big eyes.( ) ( )六、连词成句。(12分)1. atthe Look giraffe (.)_2. bighas It ears (.)_3. Its fat and big (.)_4. long a has It tail (.)_七、把下列句子翻译成汉语。(16分)1. It has small eyes and big ears._2. Make your arms long._3. Is it fat?_
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