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,Cloning,Module 5 Cloning and DNA,Work in pairs. Look at the title of the passage and the words in the box. Decide which ones youre likely to see.,acid bacteria embryos enzyme experience gene human tissue organism plant psychological stem cell structure upbringing,Revision,technical terms,基因 gene 酸性的 acid 细菌 bacteria 胚胎 embryo 酶 enzyme 组织 tissue 有机体 organism 干细胞 stem cell 基因的,遗传学的 genetic 生物多样性的 biodiversity,多莉,伊恩维尔莫特与多利,重组细胞,早期胚胎,另一头母绵羊(C)子宫,克隆绵羊“多莉”,母羊(B) 乳腺细胞核,母羊(A) 去核卵细胞,动物细胞核移植和克隆动物,Thinking:,The relationship between Cloning and DNA,P1 (DNA and gene),P3 (cloning),P8 (DNA in helping solve crime),P4-7 (advantages and disadvantages),Structure of the passage,P2 (procedure),Read the passage and find the paragraphs which describe:,1. when the structure of DNA was discovered 2. how to clone something 3. four possible reasons for cloning 4. the disadvantages of cloning 5. the research into DNA has helped solve crime 6. Cohen and Boyer discovered a procedure,P1,P3,P4-7,P4-7,P8,Fast reading,P2,Detailed reading,I. Para. 1 -Para. 3,Mendel,Watson and Crick,Cohen and Boyer,both parent plants have influenced the genetic make-up of the new plant,The structure of acid DNA,A procedure to use enzymes to unzip the DNA, to cut out a sequence of genes and finally insert them into the host cell and combine with its DNA,a transparent twisting ladder,made of the fundamental components of life,DNA,Intensive reading,1.Please describe the structure of DNA. 2.What is the relationship between DNA and gene?,P1,Gene is part of DNA that controls how it develops,relationship,Intensive reading,P2,Please describe the procedure which Cohen and Boyer discovered.,use enzymes to cut out and to insert and combine,to Unzip the DNA,a sequence of genes,them into the host cell,with its DNA,What is a Clone?,A clone is an organism which is genetically identical to another one.,But remember We= Our genes + Our environment,Intensive reading,P3,optional,contradictory,flexible,unacceptable,handy,P4-7,restrict,pressure,talents,Work in pairs and answer the questions. What is_?,1. DNA,the fundamental component of life,2. a clone,an organism which is genetically identical to another,4. the genetic make-up of a person or a plant,the particular genes that give a person their physical characteristics,3. an enzyme,chemicals formed in the body,6. bacteria,very small organisms that cause diseases,5. a stem cell,a cell that can develop into every other type of cell,Read the text again and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). The science of genetics was discovered by two scientists, Watson and Crick at Cambridge University. ( ) 2. Stem cells in embryos can help someone recover from a disease, repair human tissue and so on. ( ),F,T,3. The child who was a clone of one of his parents would have psychological pressure throughout his childhood. ( ),T,2. A pattern of chemicals within the cell of a living thing that controls what it is like,According to the definition, find the proper words.,Words revision:,thin enough to be seen through,gene,transparent,3. The same or exactly alike 4. Be likely to cause argument or disagreement 5. Can be chosen freely 6. Bad habit or personal quality 7. Can change or be changed to adapt to new needs,identical,controversial,optional,vice,flexible,8. Put into force by orders or by the law 9. Useful or simple to use 10. The natural watery liquid produced in the mouth,compulsory,handy,saliva,科学家把人工遗传操作动物繁殖的过程叫“克隆”,这门生物技术叫“克隆技术”,其本身的含义是无性繁殖(中国大陆的翻译),即由同一个祖先细胞分裂繁殖而形成的纯细胞系,该细胞系中每个细胞的基因彼此相同。 克隆也可以理解为复制、拷贝和翻倍(港澳台的意译),就是从原型中产生出同样的复制品,它的外表及遗传基因与原型完全相同,但大多行为 思想不同。,许多植物都有先天克隆的本领。例如,从一棵大柳树上剪下几根枝条插进土里,枝条就会长成一株株活泼可爱的小柳树;把马铃薯切成许多小块种进地里,就能收获许多新鲜的马铃薯;把仙人掌切成几块,每块落地不久就会生根,长成新的仙人掌此外,一些植物可以通过压条或嫁接培育后代。凡此种种,都是植物的克隆。,奇妙的克隆 一个细菌经过20分钟左右就可一分为二;一根葡萄枝切成十段就可能变成十株葡萄;仙人掌切成几块,每块落地就生根;一株草莓依靠它沿地“爬走”的匍匐茎,一年内就能长出数百株草莓苗凡此种种,都是生物靠自身的一分为二或自身的一小部分的扩大来繁衍后代,这就是无性繁殖。无性繁殖的英文名称叫“Clone”,音译为“克隆”。实际上,英文的“Clone”起源于希腊文“Klone”,原意是用“嫩枝”或“插条”繁殖。时至今日,“克隆”的含义已不仅仅是“无性繁殖”,凡来自一个祖先,无性繁殖出的一群个体,也叫“克隆”。这种来自一个祖先的无性繁殖的后代群体也叫“无性繁殖系”,简称无性系。,自然界的许多动物,在正常情况下都是依靠父方产生的雄性细胞(精子)与母方产生的雌性细胞(卵子)融合(受精)成受精卵(合子),再由受精卵经过一系列细胞分裂长成胚胎,最终形成新的个体。这种依靠父母双方提供性细胞、并经两性细胞融合产生后代的繁殖方法就叫有性繁殖。但是,如果我们用外科手术将一个胚胎分割成两块、四块、八块最后通过 特殊的方法使一个胚胎长成两个、四个、八个生物体,这些生物体就是克隆个体。而这两个、四个、八个个体就叫做无性繁殖系(也叫克隆)。 可以这样说,关于克隆的设想,我国明代的大作家吴承恩已有精彩的描述孙悟空经常在紧要关头拔一把猴毛变出一大群猴子,猴毛变猴就是克隆猴。,利益 1克隆技术与遗传育种 在农业方面,人们利用“克隆”技术培育出大量具有抗旱、抗倒伏、抗病虫害的优质高产品种,大大提高了粮食产量。在这方面中国已迈入世界最先进的前列。 2克隆技术与濒危生物保护 克隆技术对保护物种特别是珍稀、濒危物种来讲是一个福音,具有很大的应用前景。从生物学的角度看,这也是克隆技术最有价值的地方之一。 3克隆技术与医学 在当代,医生几乎能在所有人类器官和组织上施行移植手术。但就科学技术而言,器官移植中的排斥反应仍是最为头痛的事。排斥反应的原因是组织不配型导致相容性差。如果把“克隆人”的器官提供给“原版人”,作器官移植之用,则绝对没有排斥反应之虑,因为二者基因相配,组织也相配。 克隆技术还可用来大量繁殖有价值的基因,例如,在医学方面,人们正是通过“克隆”技术生产出治疗糖尿病的胰岛素、使侏儒症患者重新长高的生长激素和能抗多种病毒感染的干扰素,等等。,5 克隆技术可解除那些不能成为母亲的女性的痛苦。 6克隆实验的实施促进了遗传学的发展,为“制造”能移植于人体的动物器官开辟了前景。 7克隆技术也
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