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,PEP 三年级下册,Unit 4 Where is my car ? Part A Lets talk,Review:,Whats this?,bag,pencil,ruler,book,eraser,pen,desk,chair,Zhang Peng canT find his_? ( 张鹏找不到他的什么东西了?) A.bag B. book C. pencil-box and pencil,Zhang Peng canT find his_? ( 张鹏找不到他的什么东西了?) A.bag B. book C. pencil-box and pencil,C,Listen and answer:,: Where is my pencil-box ? Its( ) your desk. A、on B、 in C、 under,Listen and answer:,: Where is my pencil-box ? Its( ) your desk. A、on B、 in C、 under,B,in,18,Listen again and answer:,: Where is my pencil? Its( ) your book. A、on B、 in C、 under,Listen again and answer:,: Where is my pencil? Its( ) your book. A、on B、 in C、 under,Listen again and answer:,: Where is my pencil? Its( ) your book. A、on B、 in C、 under,C,under,22,on,23,Silly me ! (我好傻!),You are good boys and girls. You should put your things in the right place.,Lets go home!,Lets chant,Where is my pencil box? Its in your desk.Desk! Desk! Where is my pencil? Its under your book. Book! Book! Book!,Desk!,听录音,跟读,模仿语音语调。,分角色表演对话。,Read and number,( ) Where is my pencil box? ( ) Lets go home. ( ) Silly me . Thanks. ( ) Look! Its in your desk. ( ) And your pencil! Its under your book. ( ) OK.,3,1,6,4,5,2,Listen and choose. (读句子,选择正确的图片),(1),(2),(3),(4),Lets play,同桌之间用自己的文具,放到桌子和椅子的不同位置,互相询问: Where is my _? Its _the_.,提示词:ruler, eraser, pen, pencil, book, pencil box, desk, chair, bag ,on, under, in ,Summary: What did you learn today? 你今天都学会了什么?,Home work (1) Listen and repeat. (2) Do the lets play with your friends.,湖头小学 王传文,
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