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,Unit 6 Shopping A Lets talk,设计者:东莞万江实验小学 郑海燕,Its a,Theyre,Lets do shopping.,Childrens day is coming!,Its too big.,Its too small.,Its too long.,Its not right.,Theyre too big.,Theyre too long.,Theyre not right.,Theyre just right.,Ill take them.,This is my baby boy.,2.Who are they?,3.What are they doing?,assistant,These shoes are_.,nice,4.Are they OK for John?,1.Where are they?,shoe shop,John,Johns mom and an_.,Buy the _.,4.Are they OK for John?,5.What size(尺寸) does John wear?,A. Yes , they are. B. No, they arent.Theyre size 6.,A. Size 8 B. Size 7. C.Size 6,What size do you wear?,Size 32,Size 37,Size 35,USA,UK,Eur,Can I help you?,Yes. These shoes are nice. Can I try them on? Size 6,please.,Of course. Here you are.,John,are they OK?,No,theyre too small.,Hmm.Ok. Lets try size 7.,Theyre just right!,Good!,Can I try _ on?,Of course.,this,it,these,them,Can I help you?,Yes. These shoes are nice. Can I try them on? Size 6,please.,Of course. Here you are.,John,are they OK?,No,theyre too small.,Hmm.Ok. Lets try size 7.,Theyre just right!,Good!,Can I help you?,Yes. These shoes are nice. Can I try them on? Size 6,please.,Of course. Here you are.,John,are they OK?,No,theyre too small.,Hmm.Ok. Lets try size 7.,Theyre just right!,Good!,_ I help you?,Yes. _ shoes_ nice. Can I try_on? Size 6,please.,Of course. Here you are.,No. _too small.,John,_ they Ok?,Theyre _ right!,Read and choose . (选择正确的单词补充对话完整),just,size,are,them,Can,Are,Theyre,Hmm. OK. Lets try _6.,Good!,These,Its,sunny,shopping,Therere,shoes,size 6,theyre,right,Make a new dialogue.,Assistant: Can I help you? Customer:Yes._. Can I _? Assistant: Sure, of course. Here you are. Customer: Theyre_. Its too_. Assistant: Try_. Customer: Theyre just_. Its just_.,南方新课堂P37-38,Homework,1.Make a new dialogue. 2.Copy the dialogue. 3.P38 Lets talk,
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