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.重点单词 1. n日常饮食;vi.节食 2. vt.平衡;权衡 n天平;平衡 adj.平衡的 3. _ n好奇心 adj.好奇的 4. n女主人;女主持人 n主人;东道主 5. vi.说谎;n.谎话;谎言 _(过去式;过去分词) vi.躺 (过去式) _(过去分词),diet,balance,balance,balanced,curiosity,curious,hostess,host,lie,lied,lie,lay,lain,6. n顾客 n风俗;习惯 n海关 7. n缺点;弱点;虚弱 adj.虚弱的;软弱的 v(使)衰弱;变弱 8. n强项;长处;力量 adj.有力气的;健壮的 _ v加强 9. vt.限制;限定;n.界限;限度 adj.有限的 10. _ n利益;好处;vi.&vt.有益于;有助于 adj.有益的,customer,custom,customs,weakness,weak,weaken,strength,strong,strengthen,limit,limited,benefit,beneficial,11. _ vt.&vi.(使)联合;(使)结合 _ n结合;联合 _adj.联合的 .重点短语 1.a diet 平衡膳食 2. to 应该;应当 3. weight 减肥 4. . back 赢回;重新获得 5.get _ 被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚 6. a lie 说谎 7. ones living 谋生,combine,combination,combined,balanced,ought,lose,win,away with,tell,earn,8. debt 欠债 9.spy 暗中监视;侦查 10. down 削减;删节 11. _ long 不久以后 12. _ weight 增加体重 13.be at 对感到惊讶 14._ at 怒目而视 15. _ than 而不是 16. _ .nor. 既不也不,in,on,cut,before,put on,amazed,glare,rather,neither,.重点句型 1. Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant very frustrated. 王鹏坐在空荡荡的餐馆里,感到十分沮丧。 2. Something terrible have happened. 一定发生了什么可怕的事情,feeling,must,3. He could not have Yong Hui _ people lies! 他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉。 4. I thought you were a new customer and now I know that you came _on me and my menu. 我原来认为你是一位新顾客,现在我才发现你只是来打探我和我的菜谱的。,getting away with telling,only,to spy,1.他很想知道会发生什么事。(be curious to do) He was curious to know what would happen.,2我能为你做的事有限。(there is a limit) There is a limit to what I can do for you.,3他不容许女儿晚回家。(have sb doing) He wont have his daughter arriving home late. 4那么严重的事故,他交了罚款就完事了。(get away with) For so serious an accident,he got away with only a fine.,1balance n天平;平衡 keep/lose ones balance 保持/失去平衡 keep the balance of nature 保持生态平衡 v平衡;权衡 balance A against B 权衡/比较A和B,(2009范县期中)The editors job is to keep the newspaper _ and _ to the readers. Abalanced; interested Bbalancing; interesting Cbalanced; interesting Dbalancing; interested,2benefit n利益,实惠;优越性 vt.&vi.得益;使受益 使某人受益 从获益 对某人有好处 为了帮助;为了的利益,benefit sb,benefit from sth.,be of great/much benefit to sb.,be very beneficial to sb.,for the benefit of.,即学即练6(1)The new hospital will _the entire community.这所新医院将使整个社区受益。 (2)I _ much _ my fathers advice. 我从父亲的建议中获益颇多。 (3)Moderate exercise will be _ you.适度运动对你有很多益处。 (4)She went there _ her health.她为了健康而去了那里。,benefit,benefited,from,of much benefit to,for the benefit of,3cut down 砍倒,(疾病等)夺去生命;削减,压缩;减价 (1)He used to _ trees, but he plants trees now.他过去砍树,而现在植树。 (2)I have to _.我得少抽烟。 (3)AIDS _ at an early age. 艾滋病较早地夺去了他的生命。 (4)He was asking $100 for the vase, but I _ $75. 这个花瓶要价100美元,但我砍到了75美元。,cut down,cut down on smoking,cut him down,cut him down to,cut down sth. / on doing sth.,拓展: 走捷径,穿过去 插话;让某人分享利润 中止,切断;隔绝 删除;裁剪 劈碎,切碎;使难过;(严重地)割伤 穿过;克服;避开;剪断,cut across,cut in,cut off,cut out,cut up,cut through,4discount n折扣,贴现率 v打折扣 at a discount of 90% 打九折 with some discount 打折扣,以保留态度,5in debt 欠债 out of debt 不欠债 get into debt 负债 owe a debt 欠债 pay ones debts 偿付债款,6glare at.怒目而视 glare at指热切地、凶猛地凝视,盯着。 gaze at指因惊讶或赞赏而长时间无意识地凝视(注视)某人或某事物。 stare at指固定地凝视。 glance at瞥视,匆匆一看。,EX: It is not polite for you _ strangers in public. A、to glare at B、to gaze at C、to stare at D、to glance at,(1)Did you listen to Mr. Jacksons lecture? Yes, I have never heard _ one. Aa more exciting Bthe more exciting Cthe most exciting Da most excited,(3)Ellen thinks _ the way Mo has been avoiding her grandmother since her uncles death. Aof it curious Bthat curious Ccuriously Dit curious,(2)It will not be _ he returns from abroad. Abefore long Blong before Cafter long Dlong after,(4)Dont worry!Ill have Bob _ the job at once! Yes,he has,but he had it _ instead. Ado; doing Bdoing; do Cdone; done Ddo; done,(5)Knowledge and learning are important if we want to be successful, but they may also _ our thinking. A、direct B、limit C、change D、improve,(6)The suspect _ to the police that the hammer still _ where he had _ it. Alay; lay; lain Blay; lied; laid Clied; lay; laid Dlied; laid; lain,
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