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课程名称:综合英语二 授课内容:U4 Water Cycle Part II: Text 授课班级:2011级1班,Part II,Reading and Language Activities,Book 2-Unit 4,Wizards of the Water Cycle,Singapores toilet-to-tap technology has saved the country from shortages,Pre-reading Task Comprehension Work Language Work,Reading Comprehension,Book 2-Unit 4,Pre-reading Task,Book 2-Unit 4,How much do you know about Singapore? What else are you interested to know about this little city-state?,Rain,Imported water,Desalinated seawater,Newater,Water resources of Singapore,反向渗透膜reverse osmosis membrane,微过滤Microfiltration,逆渗透 reverse osmosis,Comprehension Work,Reading for coherence Questions for discussion Close,Book 2-Unit 4,Book 2-Unit 4,A. Reading for coherence,Insert the following sentences into appropriate blanks (There are more sentences than blanks.),1.Six years later, the Singapore has both gained territorial independence, and managed to bootstrap its way to wealth in spite of a lack of water and energy._(1)_,Structure analysis of the text,Para1-3 The reasons for wastewater treatment in Singapore. Para 4-8 The acceptance of drinking wastewater and the technological development of the wastewater treatment in Singapore. Para9-10 The problem remaining to be solved in wastewater treatment.,Book 2-Unit 4,Questions for discussion,1. When Singapore became independent, what problems did it face in terms of resources, and how did it address these problems?,small size; lack of natural resources; struggling with its biggest enemy of lack of natural resources.,2. What is the trade-off of the wastewater treatment process? How did Singapore solve this problem? Do you think it is successful?,treaties with Malaysia for fresh water supplies connected because of the cross straight bridges between them.,the heavy burden of power supply for wastewater treatment. The large electricity bill :dependent on the natural gas imported from other countries.,dependence substitution (imported gas from other countries VS the water from Malaysia).,3. Read the following scientific report (Task C Cloze) on the situation of water supply in the world. What lessons can we draw from the Singaporean practice?,better management of water / energy use, technologies to purify water,1.Six years later, the Singapore has both gained territorial independence, and managed to bootstrap its way to wealth in spite of a lack of water and energy.,To bootstrap ones way to wealth: (metaphorically) become wealthy independently; the phrase “by ones bootstraps”, means one does something all by ones efforts, or independently. bootstrap n V 1. a strap that is looped and sewn to the top of a boot for pulling it on 2. help oneself, often through improvised means,Paraphrase:,Difficult Sentences,Book 2-Unit 4,2. Rejuvenating the waste stream requires electricity to power an intensive cleaning process, and that investment makes the recycled water more expensive than whats used by cities blessed with nearby freshwater lakes, rivers, and aquifers.,Difficult Sentences,Book 2-Unit 4,Study the context in which these words are used, and then use them to write sentences with the given cues.,1) Address to address the problem, the government negotiated treaties with (P53,L2) (a) The problems of birds are so serious for the safety of the airport that scientists are determined to address them. (b) Two writers addressed the issues of gay culture in the US army. (c) Those problems are true, and you have to address them.,Book 2-Unit 4,Language work,to solve or deal with,To bring up an idea,Book 2-Unit 4,But address can be used in other ways. Read the usages below.,Usage 1 The teacher called for two volunteer students to help him address the envelopes at the preparation stage of the conference. Usage 2 She ignored most of the people at the table, addressing only the man sitting next to her. Usage3 You should address the queen as “Your Majesty”.,to write name,to say to,to use a particular name or title for sb.,Book 2-Unit 4,Supplementary Information,Water Resources of China,merlion,Singapores request to be less dependent on Malaysia,HTTP:/SPECTRUM.IEEE.ORG/ENERGY/ENVIRONMENT/SINGAPORES-WATER-CYCLE-WIZARDRY/0,Book 2-Unit 4,Homework What have you learned from the Supplementary Information? Present your idea about it to the whole class. Finish the exercises in Part 2 after class.,Book 2-Unit 4,Return to Menu,Thank you for your attention!,
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