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商务英语1-Unit7 Self-test-国开04009-参考资料请认真阅读一下说明然后下载:学校每学期有可能都要更换题库!请仔细核对是不是您需要的题目再下载!本文档的说明:下载完本文档后,请用WORD或WPS打开,然后按CTRL+F在题库中逐一搜索每一道题的答案,预祝您取得好成绩金!由金锄头账号:qq号1072066377电大奥鹏助学团队独家整理!仅在金锄头网上传!第1题 todays rate is listed on the board here.A. What kind of currency do you want to exchange for? B. Whats the exchange rate today? C. Whats the amount youd like to exchange? 正确答案是:Whats the exchange rate today?第2题 how long does the remittance take from new york? A. I dont know for sure. It is quite busy now in our bank. B. Im not sure about that. It is a big city. C. Im not sure. It depends on the mode your partner chose. 正确答案是:Im not sure. It depends on the mode your partner chose.第3题 it arrives by mail, i suppose.A. How does your remittance come? B. From which country does your remittance come? C. When will your remittance arrive? 正确答案是:How does your remittance come?第4题 can i exchange foreign currency in bank of china? A. No, you cant. Bank of China is not responsible for exchanging foreign currency. B. No, you cant. Bank of China is not open on Sundays. C. Yes, you can. Bank of China is an authorized foreign exchange bank. 正确答案是:Yes, you can. Bank of China is an authorized foreign exchange bank.第5题 besides bank of china, you can get the money exchanged in industrial and commercial bank of china, china construction bank etc.A. Could you tell me whether you can accept travelers checks? B. Could you tell me whether I need to fill in the exchange memo? C. Could you tell me whether I can change foreign currency in other banks? 正确答案是:Could you tell me whether I can change foreign currency in other banks?第6题 we are an authorized foreign exchange bank and can 17 kinds of currencies into rmb.A. invert B. convert C. extrovert 正确答案是:convert第7题 if you want to pay something in another currency, you have to change your money into the other money.a. for b. back c. in 正确答案是:for第8题 ill the remittance for you in our records.A. check up B. check in C. check out 正确答案是:check up第9题 ill get your rmb for you while youre these forms.A. filling out B. taking out C. working out 正确答案是:filling out第10题 wherever you go, exchanging money you in touch with international finance. A. takes B. puts C. asks 正确答案是:puts第11题 18 of the eu members have replaced their national currencies by euro notes and coins _ 2002.A. at B. since C. for 正确答案是:since第12题 were sorry to tell you that your remittance yet.A. doesnt arrive B. wont arrive C. hasnt arrived 正确答案是:hasnt arrived第13题 this story is about some american students learnt business skills by operating their own banks.A. whom B. which C. who 正确答案是:who第14题 this is a real bank is operated by students between 10 and 12 years old.A. which B. whom C. who 正确答案是:which第15题 the question we should use this brand name will be decided by our marketing team.A. what B. whether C. which 正确答案是:whether第16题 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确为“T”,错误为“F”。 Beads, stones, seashells, paper, precious metals such as gold and silver, base metals such as iron have all been used as money. Today, money is printed on paper. A lot of countries use their own currency, with names such as dollar, pound, franc, ruble, yuan and so on. Since 2002, 18 of the EU members have replaced their national currencies by Euro notes and coins.If you want to pay for something in another currency, you have to change your money into the other money. If you want to travel outside your native country, you need to change your own countrys money for the money of the country you are visiting. Most large banks sell foreign currencies. You can exchange money at a bank or at an office of a tourist agency.Wherever you go, exchanging money puts you in touch with international finance, which is concerned with exchange rates between different currencies. Deciding the rate for the international exchange of money is one of the most complex aspects of international banking. 1. This best title for this passage is “The history of money”.正确答案是:F2. Euro is available in all EU member countries.正确答案是:F3. Foreign exchange rates have significant impact on the economy of a country. 正确答案是:T4. Currency means money in the form of paper.正确答案是:F5. Banks are a good option to get your money exchanged. 正确答案是:T第17题 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 American students learn business skills in school. Here is a story about some American students who learnt business skills by operating their own banks. In December 1987, the Twiglet Bank was opened at an Elementary School in Miami, Florida. It is a real bank that accepts money for savings and makes loans, and it
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