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人文英语2-Unit3 Self-test-国开04014-参考资料请认真阅读一下说明然后下载:学校每学期有可能都要更换题库!请仔细核对是不是您需要的题目再下载!本文档的说明:下载完本文档后,请用WORD或WPS打开,然后按CTRL+F在题库中逐一搜索每一道题的答案,预祝您取得好成绩金!由金锄头账号:qq号1072066377电大奥鹏助学团队独家整理!仅在金锄头网上传!第1题 would you be interested in coming to the cinema with me tonight? _ .A. No, I dont like being with you. B. No,I have other plans. C. Thats very kind of you. Thanks. 正确答案是:Thats very kind of you. Thanks.第2题 i have a toothache. _ .A. Dont worry about it. B. Why dont you go to the dentist? C. Its not serious. 正确答案是:Why dont you go to the dentist?第3题 id like to invite you to my birthday party on saturday evening. _ .A. Thank you for your invitation. Im very happy to join the party. B. Its none of your business C. I dont want to join your party. 正确答案是:Thank you for your invitation. Im very happy to join the party.第4题 can i ask you for some questions, frank? _ .A. No, Im very busy. B. Sure, go ahead C. You can ask other people. 正确答案是:Sure, go ahead第5题 what presents should i take to my friend for his house-warming party, tom? _ .A. Thats a good thing. B. I advise a handy DIY tool box, which he can use in daily life. C. Its up to you. 正确答案是:I advise a handy DIY tool box, which he can use in daily life.第6题 you can _ some bottles of wine, or some chocolates, or a bunch of flowers.A. bring down B. bring along C. bring up 正确答案是:bring along第7题 im _ because there are so many options. i cant make a decision.A. excited B. depressed C. puzzled 正确答案是:puzzled第8题 we will invite professor johnson to _ our conference next monday. A. visit B. attend C. intend 正确答案是:attend第9题 you make the reservation, and ill _it in writing. A. convince B. confirm C. affirm 正确答案是:confirm第10题 there are a lot of _for presents for birthday party. A. remarks B. options C. statements 正确答案是:options第11题 he refused _ my suggestions.A. accepting B. to accept C. accepted 正确答案是:to accept第12题 all of these presents _ good to me. A. listen B. hear C. sound 正确答案是:sound第13题 many students at the school _ on a project which relates to the unemployment problem.A. worked B. have worked C. have been working 正确答案是:have been working第14题 at the presentation, there will be several students _ recognition awards from the headmaster.A. received B. receiving C. to receive 正确答案是:receiving第15题 we look forward to _ to his wedding ceremony. A. come B. coming C. came 正确答案是:coming第16题 二、英译汉:为句子选择正确的翻译。(共50分)操作提示:通过题目后的下拉选项框选择正确答案。1. We will invite Professor Johnson to attend our conference next Monday.正确答案是:B A. 下周一,我们要邀请约翰逊博士来参加我们的会议。 B. 我们要邀请约翰逊博士下周一来参加我们的会议。 C. 我们即将在下周一邀请约翰逊博士来参加我们的会议。2. We go straight down this road.正确答案是:B A. 我们一直在马路上向下走。 B. 我们沿着这条马路直走。 C. 我们一直走到马路尽头。3.I have no ideas what they would like to put up on their walls.正确答案是:A A. 我不知道他们想在墙上挂点什么。 B. 我不了解他们在墙上挂东西的想法。 C. 我没有什么想法,他们喜欢在墙上挂点什么呢。4.The most important thing is to give them something to use in the new home.正确答案是:A A. 最重要的是要送他们一些新家能用得上的东西。 B. 送给他们的是在新家用的最重要的东西。 C. 最重要的东西是他们在新家能用得上的东西。5.Please reply by Monday the 9th of January to confirm your attendance at the function.正确答案是:B A. 请在1月9日星期一回复我确认您能参加典礼。 B. 是否能参加本次典礼,请您于1月9日星期一之前给予答复。 C. 请您在1月9日星期一之前给予我肯定的答复您能来参加典礼。第17题 二、阅读理解:根据文章内容,完成选择题。(共50分)The first year of school in America, known as kindergarten, usually begins between the ages of five and six. Among rich countries such a late start is very strange. President Obama believes it is an economic and social problem; his education secretary goes as far as to say that it is morally wrong”. This statement has some support, as it is clear from research into vocabulary that youngsters from poor families enter kindergarten well behind those from rich familiesa disadvantage that usually lasts a lifetime. Children from households on welfare knew 525 words by the age of three, while the children of professionals had mastered 1,116.Pre-school can help close this gap. So in a speech last month, Mr. Obama called for a partnership between the federal government and the states to expand it to every American child. It later became known that every meant those who come from families with incomes of up to 200% above the poverty lineequal to an income of $47,000 for a family of four.Some critics say that sending children to school at the age of four does not work. The evidence suggests otherwise. For example, on March 20thnew results were announced from a study of 9 to 11 year olds in New Jersey. This report found that disadvantaged children who had attended pre-school had better literacy (读写能力), language, maths and science skills. And two years of pre-kindergarten were better than one.Some studies also follow the effects
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