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(外研版)五年级英语下册课堂实录Module 6 Unit 1 I went there last year教学目标(一)知识目标1 学习语句:Did you go whith?Yes, I did/No,I didnt. When did you go ?和I went there。2 能口头运用I went to Shanghai.句型。3 能识别单词photo stay week west south ,并能书写photo grandmother west east north south。 (二)学习任务I went there last year. Its in the west of China.功能:描述照片或图片中的活动情景。(三)情感体验培养学生利用他们亲历的图片来描述活动中的场景,让学生在感知的基础上去感悟实践总结再去应用,英语生活化的教学设计,让学生学在其中,乐在其中。教学重点、难点重点:能运用简单的英语句型相互间交流和询问同伴间去过的旅游景点。难点:根据教师所出示的经典图片进行介绍。课堂实录及反思Step1.Warming up全班齐说关于方位的chantNorth ,north,north points up.South ,south,south points down.East ,east ,east points right.West ,west ,west points left.(营造一个较好的学习氛围,使学生快速进入学习状态)Step2 presentation1. 师生谈论旅游的话题,并询问学生:师:Do you like go traveling?Can you tell me where you went traveling?2、引出新单词photo师:What do you do when you traveling? Did you(用手势做出照相的动作)take some photos?师:Ok. Lets learn the new word “photo”.师生:Photo, photo,take photos.师:(出示课件:海南的风景图片)This is a photo. Whats the city,please?生:Its Hainan.师:Very good,yes it is Hainan.(出示课件中国地图)师:This is a map of China.Can you tell me where is Hainan?生:Its in the south of China.师:Very good.I went there last year.Where did you go for your holiday?生1:I went师:Did you go with your friend?生1:Yes ,I did.3、继续展示中国地图,简要说明地图上各个方向的代表城市,师生问答:师:Where is Beijing?生:Its in the north of China.师:Where is Xinjiang?生:Its in the west of China.师: Where is Shanghai?生:Its in the east of China. Step3.New lesson1、学生试着自读课文。2、教师播放两遍录音,请学生听音判断,正确的写“T”错误的写”F”(第一遍泛听,第二遍填写答案)(出示课件)1.Lingling has got some book.( )2.They are photos of England.( )3.Lingling went to Xinjiang last year.( )4.Lingling went there with her mother and father.( )5.She went there in June.( )6.Linglings uncle has two children.( )3、教师播放第三遍录音,请学生跟读课文。4、请学生认真读课文,并思考下列问题:(出示课件)a.Who has got some photos?b.Where is Xinjiang?c.When did Lingling go there?d.Who did she go with?e.Where does Linglings uncle live?5、小组合作,分角色进行对话。Step4.Practice and summary师:同学之间把自己旅游过的地方写下来,然后相互运用句型“When did you go to?和”Did you go with?进行交流,询问对方,交流时用到的句子“When did you go to Shanghai/?” Did you go with your mother/?”板书“When did you go to Shanghai/?” Did you go with your mother/?”到黑板上。师:同学在交流是做好相应的记录,稍后教师抽查学生到讲台做简单的介绍和总结。课堂随练:(出示课件)填空Linglings TravelLingling has got some .She went to Xinjiang in .Xinjiang is in the of China.She with her grandmother for a in July.Hainan is in the Her lives there.Step5.Homework同学们回家后询问家里人或朋友曾经去过的旅游景点,并做好笔记。教学反思:在教学中应重视学生的课堂表现,善于调动学生的学习积极性,让学生积极参与活动,乐于学习,乐于探索,同时教师应该对学生加以引导,以提高学生的兴趣。 同时作业不只是一个重要的环节,英语课外作业是对课堂教学的有效延伸,是英语学习的巩固、发展、深化,是学生课外学习英语的重要手段。布置课堂与家庭作业,是英语教学的一个重要组成部分,是获取教学反馈信息的重要手段。
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