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College students village officer two learning experiences and 11 seriously practice education to become the primary qualified village there would be no new China without the Communist Party. yesterdays shouts still reverberate in the ears of the revolution. When I was little I was young pioneers when every time I hear a similar sound, Im excited, deeply impressed by those Communist revolutionary martyr spirit. In the process of growing up, experienced war ancestor master is also often told me about his story as a soldier shed their blood, let me feel the maternal grandparents the noble character of Alex as a senior party member. Little blood was determined to grow in my heart I want to be like his grandparents Alex, soldiers on TV-like, grows up to become a soldier, party members engaged in the great cause of the motherland in the future. College, after tireless efforts I glory to become a Communist Party Member, became a member of 87 million members. However, under the washing of the passage of time and in real life, although he was a Communist Party Member, but too far up from the older party members, they have spirit, thinking, consciousness and character, and now me, or we are a young party that seems to be missing something. Now as a basic means of college students village officer, Assistant to the Secretary of the General party branch and grass-roots party members, is my party recently, when the two, perhaps on my own, or are a lot like me, thinking there are some slack, at some indifferent on the ideal and faith of young party members, is a very good chance. Because of this study, is no longer the cadres to learn a few key, but something we all 87 million Communist Party members to join, and the learning is not a short-term focus on learning, but long-term regular learning. Take this opportunity to speak I will carefully study the party Constitution and party rules, series, striving to be the qualified party members, competent college students village officer. School-the cornerstone. Ideological building is the key to do well in everything. No ideals and beliefs, ideals and beliefs is not determined, mentally calcium, cartilage, there will be more regulation out of bounds, paomaodilou problems. 18 of the party since the Party Central Committee continued to promote the partys ideological and political construction, whether the educational practice of the mass line of the party, or the three-three special education practices, are from the mental effort. As a grass-roots party members, ideologically determined is particularly important, so after work I will conscientiously abide by the party Constitution, strengthen party spirit, belief and faith, be sure to always maintain a high degree of consensus with the Party on the thoughts and actions. Party, party, party party, party party, subjected to armed socialist theory system with Chinese characteristics, guiding practice to supplement calcium, and strengthen the spirit of self-discipline of the base, pave the way for politically. Par enhancing awareness, learn to stand on the issues, on the overall situation of the装饰装修工程施工合同中华人民共和国建设部国家工商行政管理局制定发包方(以下简称“甲方”): 住所(单位)地址: 联系电话: 甲方工程监理人及电话: 承包方(以下简称“乙方”): 平凉市艺安百家装饰有限责任公司 单位地址: 甘肃省平凉市疾控中心向西50米 本工程设计人: 联系电话: 本工程项目经理: 联系电话: 按照中华人民共和国合同法和建筑装饰装修工程承包合同条例的规定,结合本工程具体情况,双方达成如下协议:第一条 工程概况:1、 工程名称: 2、 工程地点: 3、工程承包方式,双方商定采取下列第 种承包方式:1、乙方包工、包全部材料(见附件:乙方提供装饰装修材料明细表);2、乙方包工、包部分材料,甲方提供部分材料(见附件:甲方提供装饰装修材料明细表,附件:乙方提供装饰装修材料明细表);3、 乙方包工,甲方包全部材料(见附件:甲方提供装饰装修材料明细表)。4、工程施工有效期限为 天;开工日期 年 月 日,竣工日期 年 月 日。5、合同价款¥ (人民币大写): 6、若本工程实施工程监理,甲方与监理公司另行签定工程监理合同,并将监理工程师的姓名、单位、联系方式及监理工程师的职责等通知乙方。7、双方商定设计、施工图纸采取甲方委托乙方设计施工图纸,图纸一式三份,甲方、乙方、施工队各执一份(见附件:装饰装修工程设计图纸)设计费由甲方支付(此设计费用不在工程价款内);设计、施工图纸双方签字后生效。8、图纸及预算书双方签字后生效。第二条 甲乙双方的权利及义务:1、 开工前 天,甲方为乙方入场施工创造条件,清除影响施工的障碍物;负责协调施工队与邻里(单位、部门)之间的关系,按期支付工程款。2、 开工前,甲方为乙方提供施工期间的水源、电源,并说明使用注意事项。3、 甲方参与工程施工进度质量的监督,对材料进场进行验收确认,竣工验收。4、 甲方对工程施工工艺不清楚之处、乙方应向甲方解释说明,乙方设计师负责对甲方提供咨询、设计、报价等相关服务,合同签订后,乙方执行工程施工的代表为乙方派出的项目经理,甲方关于工程的相关事宜均与乙方项目经理联系,以确保工程的统一指挥和管理;如甲方自行设计并提供施工图纸,则甲方设计师负责对乙方提供工程施工工艺咨询、设计、报价等相关服务,因甲方向乙方提供工程施工工艺不详而造成的全部责任由甲方承担。5、 工程所在的物业管理部门所收施工押金及各项管理费用,由甲方交纳(出入证除外),乙方协助提供物管所需相关资料。6、 甲方协调有关部门做好现场保卫、消防、垃圾处理等工作,并承担相应费用.7、 禁止拆动室内承重结构,违章搭建阳光房,如甲方需拆、改建筑的承重、非承重结构或拆改厨、卫位置及设备管线及搭建阳光房,应负责到有关部门办理相关的审批手续;根据有关部门规定,甲方无权要求乙方移动或改造暖气及燃气管线等;对原有建
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