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上市公司高管更换对审计独立性影响的研究(三) 2012年03月13日 11:06 来源:山西财经大学学报 2011年第9期 作者:王进朝 字号打印 纠错 分享 推荐 浏览量 内容摘要:关键词:作者简介:参考文献 1Palmrose Z V.Trials of Legal Disputes Involving Independent Auditors:Some Empirical EvidenceJ. Journal of Accounting Research,1991,29(Supplement):149185. 2Petty R, Cuganesan S. Auditor Rotation:Framing the DebateJ.Australian Accountant,1996,66(4):4041. 3Aaron D Crabtree, Duane M Brandon, John J Maher.The Impact of Auditor Tenure on Initial Bond RatingsJ. Advances in Accounting,2006,22(6):97121. 4Emiliano RuizBarbadillo, Nieves GomezAguilar, Estibaliz BiedmaLopez.Longterm Audit Engagements and 0pinion Shopping:Spanish EvidenceJ. Accounting Forum,2006,30(1):6179. 5Carcello J V, Nagy A L. Audit Firm Tenure and Fraudulent Financial ReportingJ.Auditing,2004,23(2):5569. 6Chi W, Huang H. Discretionary Accruals, Auditfirm Tenure and Auditpartner Tenure:Empirical Evidence from TaiwanJ.Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics,2005,1(1):6592. 7Carey P, Simnett R. Audit Partner Tenure and Audit QualityJ. The Accounting Review,2006,81(3):653676. 8陈信元,夏立军.审计任期与审计质量:来自中国证券市场的经验证据J.会计研究,2006(1):4453. 9周冬华,周红,赵玉洁.审计任期、审计质量与投资者反应来自中国证券市场的经验证据J.审计研究,2007(6):6773. 10Lim cheeyeow,Tan huntong. Does Auditor Tenure Improve Audit Quality?Moderating Effects of Industry Specialization and Fee DependenceJ.Contemporary Accounting Research,2010,27(3):923957. 11Bates H L, Ingram R W, Reekers M J. Auditor Client Affiliation:The Impact on MaterialityJ. Journal of Accountancy,1982,153(April):6063. 12朱松,夏冬林,陈长春.审计任期与会计稳健性J.审计研究,2010(3):8995. 13R Rajan, L Zingales.What Do We Know about Optimal Capital Structure?Some Evidence from International DataJ. Journal of Finance,1995,50(5):14211460. 14A Shleifer,R W Vishny.A Survey of Corporate GovernanceJ. Journal of Finance,1997,52(2):737783. 15刘国常,赵兴楣,杨小锋.上市公司压力对审计独立性影响的分类研究J.当代财经,2007(11):101106. 16M Faccio.Politically Connected FirmsJ. American Economic Review,2004,96(1):369386./17Fan J P H,T J Wong,T Y Zhang. The Emergence of Corporate Pyramids in ChinaZ.Working Paper,2005. 18Ball R, Kothari S P, RobinA.The Effect of International Institutional Factors on Properties of Accounting EarningsJ. Journal of Accounting and Economies,2000,29(1):151. 19Fama E F. Agency Problems and the Theory of the FirmJ.Journal of Political Economy,1980,88(2):288307. 20K J Martin,J J McConne1l.Corporate Performance, Corporate Takeovers, and Management TurnoverJ. Journal of Finance,1991,46(2):671687. 21Stuart C Gilson.Management Turnover and Financial DistressJ. Journal of Financial Economics,1989,25(2):241262. 22Peter Cheng, Jack L Li, Wilson H S. What Triggers Top Turnovers in Management ChinaJ. Journal of Contemporary Accounting&Economics,2008, l4(1):5087. 23朱红军.大股东更换与高级管理人员更换:经营业绩的作用J.会计研究,2002(9):3140. 24郭葆春.公司业绩、董事会特征与财务总监变更J.财经科学,2008(3):117124. 25Bonnier, KarlAdam, Robert F Bruner.An Analysis of Stock Price Reaction to Management Change in Distressed FirmsJ.Journal of Accounting and Economics,1989,11(1):95106. 26杨勇,方世建,缪柏其.绩效考核机制与CEO更换基于上市公司终极产权的视角J.经济管理,2009(2):4956. 27欧阳瑞.多元化、公司业绩与总经理更换J.管理科学,2010,23(1):4451. 28张俊生,曾亚敏。董事会特征与总经理变更J.南开管理评论,2005(1):1620. 29王跃堂,陈世敏.脱钩改制对审计独立性影响的实证研究J.审计研究,2001(3):29. 30杜英.事务所的任期、会计师轮换与审计独立性来自中国A股市场的证据J.财经论丛,2007(11):7884. 31沈玉清,戚务君,曾勇.审计师任期、事务所任期与审计质量J.管理学报,2008,5(2):288300. 32王震,彭敬芳。中国上市公司治理结构与审计意见的相关性研究J.审计与经济研究,2007,22(6):1619. 33宋常,恽碧琰.上市公司首次披露的非标准审计意见信息含量研究J.审计研究,2005(1):3240. 34王进朝.中国上市公司CFO变更的影响因素实证研究J.华东经济管理,2009,23(12):7277. 35刘星,蒋荣.中国上市公司CEO继任特征与公司业绩变化关系的实证研究J.管理科学,2006,19(12):211. 36刘国常,赵兴楣,杨小锋.审计的契约安排与独立性的互动机制J.会计研究,2007(9):9094. 37王艳艳,廖义刚。所有权安排、利益输送与会计师事务所变更来自我国上市公司由大所向小所变更的经验证据J.审计研究,2009(1):4349. 38C J P Chen,X Su,R Zhao.An Emerging Markers Reaction to Initial Modified Audit Opinions:Evidence from the Shanghai Stock ExchangeJ.Contemporary Accounting Research,2000,17(fall):429455.作者简介 王进朝(1969),男,河南郑州人,郑州航空工业管理学院会计学院高级会计师,管理学博士,研究方向是公司理财与金融工程。
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