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书面表达专项练习 1. 假设您是李军,你和同学们了解很多乡村孩子的学习生活条件仍然很艰苦。为此,你们准备与6月I日晚7:30在学校操场举办一场慈善晚会进行募捐。请你拟写一份请柬给赵叔叔,邀请他来参加。(是邀请函,要用第一人称来陈述,所用时态常用一般现在时和一般将来时)例文: Dear Uncle Zhao : I would like you to invite you to our charity party on our school playground at 7:30 pm .on June 1st . My classmates and I know that some students in the countryside still have a hard life and they need many school things .So at the party ,we will perform many kinds of programs (节目) in order to raise many for them . We hope we can help them live a better life .Hope to see you then .2. 假设你叫刘辉,是北京国际学校得学生。请你根据了解贫困地区的孩子需要钱上学收集废品为他们筹钱,描述在公园里收集废纸,塑料瓶等,然后在卖给收回中心,最后将钱捐出,行文最后应该有自己的感受。例文: My name is LinHui. Im a student in Beijing International School .We know that some children in poor areas need money for school . In order to raise money for them ,my friends and I decided to collect waste paper and plastic bottles after the food festival .After we cleaned the playground of our school ,we sold all the waste paper and plastic bottles to a recycling center ,and then gave the money to the children in poor areas . Though we were very tired on that day , we felt very happy to help others !3. 你会做什么菜或食物?你最拿手的菜或食物是什么?请你将下面的题目补充完整,并介绍一下它的制作过程吧! How to make a fruit salad ?(水果沙拉) 例文: Do you know how to make a fruit salad ? Lets make it together .1. First , wash two apples , three pears and some grapes .2. Second ,peel(削皮) some banans and oranges .3. Next ,cut them into small pieces and put them in a bowl .4. Then ,add some salad , a spoon of sugar and a spoon of salt .5. Finally , mix them up (搅拌,混合).4. 假设你是小明,一个美国人邀请您的叔叔到他家吃饭,但你叔叔不知道该注意什么。请你根据下面提示写一封70词左右的信,告诉他餐桌上的礼仪。(提示,不要打饱嗝表示你吃饱了,不要在餐桌上抹鼻涕(blow your nose),应离开餐桌或转身,不要吃的太快或太多,关掉手机,重要的电话可到另一个房间接。例文:Dear Uncle , How is everything with you ? I know you are going to have a dinner with an American host .I have some advice for you . Its impolite to burp to show you like the food in America .Dont blow your nose while eating . You should leave the table or turn away if you need to do that .Dont eat too fast or too slowly .Dont drink too much .If you have a cell phone ,turn it off . Dont answer the phone while you are at table .But if you must answer an important call ,leave the table and speak in another room . Have a good dinner ! Yours Xiaoming 5. 健康对我们很重要,但很多人不知道如何保持健康。请你根据提示,以Good Ways to Keep Healthy 为题,写一篇70左右的短文。倡议健康生活,从三个方面如何保持健康。 Good ways to keep healthy Its important for us to keep healthy. But do you know how to keep healthy ? First ,we need to have healthy eating habits .We should eat lots of vegetables and fruits ,but wed better not eat too much meat .Then playing sports every day can help keep fit .we can have a walk after meals .We can walk to school instead of taking a bus . In a word ,we should try to do more exercise every day .Happiness is another way to keep healthy .When we are lonely or unhappy ,try to make friends ,and its good way to keep happy . So be happy and be fit .6. 在你所有衣服中,你最喜歡哪一件?简单介绍一下这件衣服的样式、颜色、大小、材料等,然后谈谈这件衣服给你的感受。70词左右。(要用第一人称介绍,也要用一般现在时来表述)。例文:Of all my clothes ,the red T-shirt is my favorite .I often wear it to school .My classmates say that it looks very on me . Its size is M and it fits me very well .It feels quite soft because its made of cotton .So I feel comfortable when I wear it . The T-shirts color is very bright ,so I look lively when Im in it . I like my T-shirt very much .What about yours ? Could you tell me sometings about your favorite clothes ?7. 你对中国的餐桌礼仪及饮食习惯了解多少?请做一个介绍,要求词数70词左右。例文: When you visit a Chinese family ,its polite to bring a small gift to the host ,such as fruit .When the dinner begins ,the host usually invites you to sit down in an honored seat first .You will not eat until the host asks you to do it . The host often chooses the food and serves it to you . And he keeps on asking you to eat more . When the dinner is over ,the host will see you off and tell you to come again when you are free .8. 一位中学生在自己班级里就校服问题进行了调查。下面是他对部分同学调查的统计表,请根据表格内容,写一篇题目为“About Our School Uniform”的报告。Out of fashion 过时的 (80词左右) About Our School UniformI did a survey about our school uniform .I asked some of my classmates what they thought of our uniform .Most students like it . 58 of them say its cool and the color is nice .They think its neat and suits them .In some students opinions ,they can wear school uniform instead of sports clothes .Others dont like school uniform .Some of them think it is uncomfortable and the color is too boring .Some think its out of fashion .In the eyes of these students ,its style is too simple .9. 昨天简和玛丽亚一起去购物,看到一家超市门口围着许多人,原来那正在举办一场时装秀。许多模特展示了漂亮的衣服,其中唐装最为吸引人,那些模特穿了唐装后看起来更漂亮了。他们俩直到活动结束才回去。80词左右。 Jane and
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