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吉 林 农 业 大 学学 士 学 位 论 文题目名称:功能对等理论视角下的电影字幕汉译研究 学生姓名: - 专业年级: 英语专业08级 指导教师: - 职 称: 讲师 2012 年 05 月 25 日ContentsTitleIAbstract and KeywordsII Introduction1I Literature Review12.1 Definitions of Functional Equivalence12.2 Features of Functional Equivalence22.3 Development of Functional Equivalence Theory22.4 Contributions of Functional Equivalence Theory4III Film Subtitling53.1 Definitions of Film Subtitling53.2 Classification of Film Subtitling53.3 Features of Film Subtitling6IV E-C Film Subtitling Translation from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory64.1 Functional Equivalence at the Morphological Level74.1.1 Coversion74.1.2 Amplification84.1.3 Omission84.1.4 Negation84.2 Functional Equivalence at the Syntactical Level94.2.1 Sentence Pattern94.2.2 Sentence Order94.3 Functional Equivalence at the Pragmatical Level104.4 Functional Equivalence at the Cultural Level104.5 Functional Equivalence at the Stylistic Level11V Conclusion12References13Acknowledgements15 On E-C Film Subtitling Translation from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence TheoryName: Major: EnglishTutor: Abstract: With the process of globalization and the development of the internet, there are booming markets for the film and film translation. Recently, translation researchers and translators begin to focus on the subtitling translation. However, as a new branch of translation, film subtitling translation is still in its stage of exploration, and its practice has not obtained a systematic and theoretical guidance. There are a lot of wrong translations turning up in the internet. Eugene A. Nidas Functional Equivalence Theory, one of the most important translation theories, has been widely adopted by many translators since it was born. It is aimed that the translator should produce the same effect on his target readers as the source language author produced on the original readers. The theory can improve subtitling translation scientifically. This thesis attempts to do some research on E-C film subtitling translation from the perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory. With two films of Inception and Kung Fu Panda as examples, equivalence should be realized at the morphological, the syntactical, the pragmatical, the cultural and the stylistic level.Keywords: Functional Equivalence;subtitling;E-C translation 功能对等理论视角下的电影字幕汉译研究学生姓名:-专 业:英 语指导教师:-摘要:随着全球化的进程和计算机网络的发展,国外影视作品越来越多地出现在人们的生活中,而影视翻译的需求也不断加大,字幕翻译近年来逐渐受到学者和译者的关注。但作为一个新兴的翻译方向,目前电影翻译的发展还较缓慢,其翻译实践仍缺乏有效的指导和监督。而影视翻译的繁荣和错误百出的网络译文,迫切需要系统而成熟的理论指导。作为翻译理论中最重要的理论之一,尤金奈达的等值理论自产生之日起就受到译者的广泛采用,并取得了成功,它的目的是使译文在译语读者中产生的反应应该等效于原文在原语读者中引起的反应。这种理论可以科学的指导字幕翻译,从而改变字幕翻译良莠不齐的现状。本文旨在以此理论研究电影的字幕翻译,以功夫熊猫和盗梦空间为语料,提出字幕翻译应该在词法、句法、语用、文化和文体等方面进行对等。关键词:功能对等;字幕;汉译III IntroductionIn recent years, with globalization going on, the international communication and cooperation are developing rapidly. More and more people have come to realize the importance of cultural integration.Foreign films, one of the most influential media, are accepted by more and more Chinese audience. For most people, imported films are the most common way to have access to foreign culture and life styles. Therefore, the translation of imported films has been developed so rapidly and the importance of film subtitling translation becomes increasingly clear. However, the study on screen translation has seldom been carried out with appropriate theoretical frames. In view of this, this paper aims to carry out some research on film subtitling translation, from the perspective of Nidas Functional Equivalence Theory, with two films Inception and Kung Fu Panda, hoping to help to promote our film subtitling translations theoretical and pragmatic study. The thesis consists of five chapters: Chapter I serves as the introduction, briefly analyzing the background, purpose and layout of this thesis. Chapter II is the literature review of Functional Equivalence Theory, which discusses definitions, features, development and contributions of Functional Equivalence Theory. Chapter III is a general survey of film subtitling, including definitions, classification and features of film subtitling. Chapter IV takes two films of Inception and Kung Fu Panda as examples to study film subtitling translation at five levels: the morphological level, the syntactical level, the pragmatical level, the cultural level and the stylistic level within the framework of the theories discussed in the previous chapter. Chapter V is the conclusion of the thesis. Literature Review 2.1 Definitions of Functional Equivalence Functional Equivalence, also called Dynamic Equivalence, is a general principle that professional translators are supposed to follow. There are quite a few of translators and scholars who
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