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参考文献的基本格式标准 一、论文正文中的参考文献标注方式 1、论文中注明参考文献作者时,只列出相关作者的姓氏,中文姓名也用拼音列出其姓氏。当引用的作者是一位时,按下列方式列出:Long (1991) argues that .Zhang (2001) argues that 当引用的作者为二至三位时,按下列方式列出:Perkins and Gass (1996) argue that.Zhang, Li and Wang (1996) argue that 当引用的作者超过三位时,只列出第一位作者,其他的作者用缩写et al.表示:Sanders et al. (1992) studied coherence relations . 2、需要注明参考文献的具体页码时使用冒号,冒号和页码之间空一格:Messick (1989: 20) presents Hu (1994: 5-6) points out that 3、 直接引用文献时,如所引用的内容超过50单词,应另起一段,左右缩进两个字符:Lorenz (1999: 55) voiced a very similar view that because in written communication, coherence cannot be explicitly negotiated face-to-face between text producer and text receiver, writers therefore have every reason for trying to be unequivocal and to make their ideas, intentions and arguments unmistakably clear. One way of doing this is to carefully signal logical relations and thereby signpost the path to coherence for the reader. Consequently, when looking at the fabrication of coherence in written discourse, we need to pay special attention to those explicit signposts of coherence, i.e. the texts cohesive ties.4、在句尾注明参考文献作者时,句号应在括号之外。直接引用部分用斜体字表示(一般不在论文中用引号)。作者人数多于三人时采用et al.缩写表示。例如:The first criticism is that the text-based researchers choose to study the text itself for methodological convenience (Givn 1995: 59).During the 1970s there were considerable moves within language teaching to embrace the communicative approach (Brumfit et al. 1979: 21). 5、引用间接材料If construct validity is seen as in the short run (Shepard 1993: 444, cited in Chapelle 1998).6、引用中文文献在英文论文中引用中文文献,要按英文论文的引文格式注明作者和出处。比如:For example, text studies in the 1960s and early 1970s were more or less concerned with text grammar and textual grammaticality (Hu 1994: 5-6).These scholars chose to study coherence as a social phenomenon, rather than a mental phenomenon (Zhu & Yan 2001).7、引用多篇参考文献时,作者按姓氏字母顺序排列The situation with accuracy is not so clear. Some studies (e.g., Foster & Skehan 1996; Mehnert 1998; Skehan & Foster 1997) do suggest that accuracy is raised when there is planning, but other studies (e.g., Crookes 1989; Ortega 1999; Wigglesworth 1997, 2001) do not support this claim. 8、一位作者有多篇著作被引用时,著作按出版年代顺序排列According to Halliday (1973, 1978, 1985, 1994), language has three main metafunctions, namely, ideational metafunction, interpersonal metafunction and textual metafunction.However, McNamara (1995; McNamara & Lumley 1997) has challenged the Bachman model.However, researchers have challenged the Bachman model (McNamara 1995; McNamara & Lumley 1997).9、同一作者同一年内有两篇以上文献被引用时,用a, b, c顺序表示:He draws up a possible research agenda that would flow from the inclusion of a social perspective and in-deed such a research agenda has already borne fruit in several studies of the nature of the interaction in oral tests (Porter 1991a, 1991b).10、 作者姓氏相同时,要注明名字的缩写,并按名字的字母顺序排列:M. Dawkins (1980) and R. Dawkins (1986) have contributed to an understanding of consciousness in animals.11、 参考文献是某个刊物而无作者时,注明刊物的名称和时间。例如:According to a national study (Education Week, January 13, 2000), 49 of the 50 states have adopted standards 12、 参考文献引用某个单位的刊物而无具体作者时,列出时间即可。例如:According to the Council of Chief State School Officers (1998), 47 states publicly report test scores.二、论文结尾的参考文献为避免作者姓名缩写后出现同名现象,目前主流语言学杂志的倾向是在参考文献中不再使用缩写来表示作者的名字,而是使用全称1。西文作者的中间名不用标注出来。书名要用斜体标注。要列出出版地和出版社,中间用冒号分隔。书名和专有名词均只大写单词的首字母,三个字母以下的介词和连词的首字母不大写。折行时缩进2个字母。 1、参考文献为一位作者Connor, Ulla. 1996. Contrastive Rhetoric: Cross-cultural Aspects of Second Language Writing. New York: Cambridge University Press.2、参考文献多于一位作者时,不要使用 et al(与文中引用的格式不同),用&替代and。Brown, Gillian & Yule, George. 1983. Discourse Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Butt, David & Fahey, Rhondda & Spinks, Sue & Yallop, Colin. 1995. Using Functional Grammar: An Explorers Guide. Macquarie University: National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research. 3、参考文献是学术刊物中的论文 需标注论文所在刊物的名称、卷号(volume number)和论文相关页码。刊物的名称用斜体标注。如果所引用期刊的整卷统一编排页码(即一卷中的若干期连续编排页码),那么在参考文献中不需要提供期号(issue number),只需提供卷号和页码。只大写论文题目第一个单词的首字母。冒号或分号后面单词的首字母要大写。刊物名称按书名处理。Ouhalla, Jamal. 1993. Subject-extraction, negation and the anti-agreement effect,Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 11, 477518.如果每一期单独编排页码(即每期从第1页开始),那么则需要提供期号。例如:Bateman, John. & Rondhuis, Klaas. 1997. Coherence relations: Towards a general specification. Discourse Processes, 24 (1), 3-49.4、 参考文献是论文集主编是一个人时用(Ed.),两人以上用(Eds.)例如:Couture, Babara. (Ed.). 1986. Functional Approaches to Writing: Research perspectives. Norwood, NJ.: ABLEX Publishing.Bublitz, Wolfram.& Lenk, Uta & Ventola, Eija. (Eds.). 1999. Coherence in Spoken and Written Discourse. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publication Company.5、 参考文献是论文集中的论文此时作者姓名均为全称,论文集编者姓为全称,名为缩写。例如:Kihm, Alain. 2001. Noun class, gender, and the lexicon-syntax-morphology interfaces, in R. Kayne & G. Cinque (eds.), Handbook of Comparative Syntax. O
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